Monday, November 22, 2010

Why Congress Isn't So Concerned With TSA Nude Scans & Gropes: They Get To Skip Them

Hat tip to Tecdirt for this little ditty.
It would seem that Congress is exempt from the bullshit that the TSA puts the rest of us through.
What the hell is up with that?
Another little perk of the job?
Insider trading info and a bodacious retirement and insurance package, trips around the world with family and friends paid for by you the taxpayer seems to be only the beginning of what these Lords of Louse are allowed.
And Hillary avoids them if she can?
Or is it more like because she can?

Earlier this week, in holding a hearing with the head of the TSA, our congressional representatives didn't seem too concerned about the public complaints about TSA security procedures: the naked scans and the gropings. Want to know why? Perhaps it's because, on the rare occasions that they fly commercial, they get to skip security. The NY Times notes that Speaker of the House John Boehner (who does regularly fly commercial) got to walk right by security and go directly to the gate. In defending this, Michael Steel, head of the Republican party pointed out that this is true of all Congressional leaders -- which doesn't make it any better.