Friday, November 12, 2010

AP source: WH makes offers to break treaty impasse

Nuclear stock piled pension I suppose that going to blow at any minute unless the Republicans agreed to add a little more water in the holding tank.
It really looks like they're going to stop spending doesn't it.
Apparently they don't teach you in Political Pose 101 how to keep your word.
I find it ultimately fascinating how they always slip it to "US" secretly through the back door.
Of course on the other hand maybe it a pension fund they have going on with the Russians. Lets face it they've been working on this problem with nuclear stockpiles for decades. So feasibly there could be a retirement pension involved.

(This version CORRECTS that the $1 billion that would cover a pension fund deficit is part of the extra $4.1 billion in funding, not an additional amount, and that officials who traveled to Arizona were not White House aides.)

The Obama administration is offering to add billions of dollars in funding for the U.S. nuclear stockpile in a deal that it hopes will win enough Republican support for approval of a nuclear arms control treaty with Russia