Monday, November 15, 2010

A Look From The Florida "Rocket-Docket" Frontlines: "One Foreclosure Every Two Minutes"

Perhaps it's time for the Florida Attorney General to point out, where all that fraud is, that those "Retired Judges" can't see.
And perhaps it's time to check into the pockets or portfolios if you prefer of those "Retired Judges"

These special foreclosure courts though, have become highly controversial, with critics dubbing them “rocket dockets,” and claiming judges are rushing through cases, unfairly favoring banks over homeowners. For once, we get the judges' side, which is rather hilarious: "there is no evidence, nothing has been presented to us in the 4th circuit, that there is any fraud being perpetrated upon the court. What is classified as fraud, can also be classified as sloppiness, can be classified as neglect, but the legal aspect of the word fraud, we do not experience that." Could it also be classified as bribery by the TBTF lobby we wonder?