Wednesday, November 10, 2010

What We Need For True Change

You either go about protesting "OLD SCHOOL" or you just might as well as shut the fuck up and take what the governments giving you right up the ass.
Bodies need to be on the street day and night right up in their face or your protest is nothing but a cocktail party piece of conversational amusement.
Is that what you want to be seen as America, nothing more than a joke?
Because that how all of your protests look not only to the government but to the rest of the world as well.
Either get serious and put your back into it on a 24/7 basis or just forget the whole thing and suffer in silence.

You've seen the 9/12 Rallies.

The Glenn Beck Rally.

The Strewart Rally.

And none of them have done a thing to influence Washington DC policy, have they?


Nor will they.


Because you go home the same day.

President Obama, The Senate, Congress, Ben Bernanke - they look out their window and they see you. Or do they? Well, no. You time the rally to be convenient for you. It's on a weekend. They're not at work.

You're preaching to an empty church!

Oh yeah, they know you're there. So what?

The next morning they go to work and you're gone. You've gone home. You made your "Statement", such as you claim it, and that's all.

You're ignored because there's nothing uncomfortable for them in what you did.

Now contrast that with MLK. He literally got in the administration's face. He rallied, he protested, and he did it daily. He didn't speak and then go home, he spoke and then came back the next day and waved more signs!

You want results?