Sunday, November 21, 2010

TSA Steals **A Child**

Unbelievable and Karl's right check the date,it's over a year ago.
The piss off part is that only now, is MSM and Congress talking about it, and they still wouldn't be if not for the blogger brigade.
Do you realize what could have happened to this child?
Or for that matter, how do you know it didn't?
His Mother doesn't! And neither do we, because we know who the TSA employs,
Child molesters and rapists.
They don't screen their own but they will screen you.
It's time for an all out boycott of flying
If "WE" don't make a stand now, there will be no freedom left to make a stand for!

No, I'm not kidding.

My worst nightmare took place yesterday. Worse than events that have taken place and that I have survived in my short 28 years of living. Worse than my wildest of dreams could conjure.

My son was taken from me.


My son was taken from me by the TSA agents at Atlanta Hartsfield-Jackson airport yesterday.

He was taken away from me and OUT OF MY SIGHT because his pacifier clip went off when I carried him through the metal detector.

According to the Transportation Security Administration website, “We will not ask you to do anything that will separate you from your child or children.”

Bull**** TSA.

You took my son. MY SON.

Go ahead folks.

Read the whole thing.

Defend that.