Monday, June 30, 2008

It wasn't ordinary
It was a closeness that was beautifully crochet
Hooked together star patterns
And the beautiful pictures that it made
It was the first time I realized a galaxy
And how big and bright they are
And the difference that it means
From being an only star
In your own little inner space
That there really was love and compassion
That could be found in the human race
It was one of those master piece moments
That I fought like holey hell
Because I still wasn't ready to commit
To coming out of my shell
My soul needed a pick me up
But it was still sore as hell
And needed to stay mad for a spell

Stinky that was weird today
Don't worry be happy kind of thing
Target last year had also something to say
With a school yard kind of fling

It's seems separate but the same
It's a male and a female fly
They go to school to get their wings
But first a maggot then must die

It's a Grissom kind of thing
He's know the school of flies
He's know the colors by the wing
That's why he heads up CSI

No I don't think you should be so lucky
Where did you get that song
Coz who ever told you that
Told you very wrong

I wouldn't lie to you about what I know
There would actually be no point
There is nothing sexy about a skinny man
Unless your running for super model of the joint

Better quit critiquing yourself baby
Before you have no rear
You had your cheekbones so razor sharp
A kiss would draw blood I fear

Right now I see a lovey
Quite sexy do you hear
Why do you have this case of fugly
You don't do yourself justice my dear
The lone star is feeling lowly
His touch has a hurt to hear
So send him a little soul touch
So he knows his friends are near

It's a hard job walking point
So give a shout out so he can hear
To not worry about those who laugh
His integrity makes the message clear

And yes it is conviction baby
It's knowing that yes you do know
And your strong enough to stand by yourself
Even when people say your full of blow

Hippies never didn't believe
That Love couldn't make the world grow
That the idea would not be conceived
So the war machine had to go

They stuck it in their face
That we're all the human race
And the killing of mankind's brothers
Is a place we shouldn't go

They said hey Mister Man
You running poison in that plan
And we're tired of the rotten run off
Your a chemical war of whores
So we're shutting down your show
To the voice of wisdom
Let go of that chin of woe
There's a power in the people
They won't give up you know

Stand tall you've been doing it for years
Youth heeds your call
There's no backing down in fear
The world has on it's ears

Yuppies are puppies
Trained to piss in the house
They've been trained on fear
And raised like a mouse

An exercises wheel to run the brain
Spinning not winning it all looks the same
Replace your exasperation
You are winning the game

Your a hot foot on the right feet
A righteous guy who drives the beat
Lift your chin yeah life ain't sweet
But you've got to lead the people on
After the pie is cooked
And it it comes out steaming hot
What's the ice cream scoop
That melts right on the spot
Making for the mushy mess
You can only fork up with a spoon
Because the pie was way to hot
And the ice cream came to soon

Chrysler cuts in St. Louis
But Canada gets to roll
The drive more minivans out int the oil sands
Coz people got more dough

Corporate greed with an intentional seed
Of watching their money grow
They don't give a damned about America
There's money in foreign you know

If you'd have been ordinary
I'd have never watched the show
My ear is tuned for that pure clear note
Where ordinary just don't go

In your recipe of original
That I toured again today
I found had the most seductive flavor
Slow stir has a special sound I'd say

Think twice be nice
So I won't shoot that shot
But Hagendaz is a dipshit
And flower smelled good alot

And shiny coins are golden
And I saw a pretty one today to
I blinked my eye at such boldness
And the wisdom that holds it's view

You know I know
But it's the color of the view
Everything looks worse in black and white
It's the starkness of it to

Oh I saw that
So your picking on my hard to believe
Well it just goes to show you
How easy people are to deceive

His tighty whities were a hoot
His buns were quite divine
But it's no way worth attentive care
There was no gun to find

All I saw was a Saturday night special
Not for a street filled view
It look to me more residential
Save a horse you can ride a cowboy to

I was flipped by the tip
Where was the 6 foot rule
It's ok for a woman to touch
But a man's just supposed to drool
I don't think I'd want your job this week baby
Or for that matter even the bad boyz
The world has a nervous jitter
From this chart that's making noise

You believe what you say
And I do to
Your the man who leads the way
Because integrity is you

And that's not something you can buy at ToysRus
Or borrow for a decided view
It's an ingrained that always remains
No matter how much pressure it causes you

You got soul baby
It's that special kind of light
It guides the way for the rest of the world
Just to make sure it's headed right

You can guide a horse to water
But what you can do is make them drink
And it takes a special person to take care of them that way
Because your care is for the thought of them in think

I worry about you and the brat boys right now
There is a pressure knowing what you do
It's become very obvious in the last two weeks
That some of your peers really don't have a clue

Baby why are you putting your knee off
Why don't you just make it a done deal
That bouncing you do can't be making it better
And it does take a while to properly heal

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Herbicides that cause crop failure
From being sprayed on grass
That was winter storage for cows
The manure contains the herbicide
Crop failure is the problem now
All brought to you by Dow

War games gone wrong
In a hostage taking to
15 civilians mowed down
For a demonstrated view
Children shot without a plot
Excuse the mistake or two
Shit like that happens alot
Ask the Canadian woman about it to
When their army left her a healthy hand grenade
In her backyard for her to view
And things just like this
Are going on here to
When they over take your city
What will they leave for you

Do you really wanna know why
Coz you got soul
And it shows
And there is a difference
When people actually listen
Your baby bear dude
And your porridge is just right
It's natural in a heathy kind of way
Without all the artificial sweetners
Just face it
Your the Quaker oats guy baby
Everbody trusts him
Warm oatmeal is comfort food
For a cold started morning
It sticks with ya and does you good

Hey ho the evils gotta go
I just can't afford their ass no more
Usury has done had it's time
And it just ain't gonna work no more

We need a world wide jubilee
Freedom of the interest be
It to taxing on the world of free
And always clogs the drain

Lets roto rooter our way to free
So we can flow again as society
The talking heads ain't doing diddly
But making a bigger mess

We need to mow them like the grass
And weed them out of the way
If we're gonna stay in this game for good
We got to git rid of the middle play

It's killing the world and society today
It's sucking off of us like a leach
And our levee's gone coz it's been breached
And interest is washing our lives away

Do you really know
The comfort that you bring to me
When I stop and think your name
The little kiss of joyful sunshine
Just because your in the game
And I don't know what the directions be
But I guess that just gives life a little tang
I'm just glad your there for my eyes to see
Even if your really far away

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Tiny little shining light
Look here and you'll see
I see you dancing always
Your as pretty as you can be
Your a little breath of song
With sunshine in your hair
A little touch of magic
And your not even thought aware
Lift your eyes to the skies
And sing your lullabies
Your beautiful soft sung cares
Because tiny little shining light
Your innocence of soul is there

If your eyes are wide open
You can see the end of times
But a brand new horizon is on the rise
So look at this as the good times instead

Lets help each other live through it
Let the peace doves fill the sky
Lets make a plan so we can do it
So the government stays out of our lives

Keep talking about the hard time
Because they're here and still to come
Then people will come to realize
What now must really be done

Don't take a wooden nickle
That's what they used to say
And now you can see where that's not such a bad idea
In the world of money that fiat plays

Bling has a little jingle
It's silver you can bank
It's always worth a single
And sounds like music in your pants

It ain't heavy it's my money
And I don't mind carrying the weight of it where I go
It buys a lot more than the paper dollar
If I convert it over to the fiat dough

Lets talk about gas
I live on an Island
Which up until about two years ago only had three stops lights
You could drive through some of the most beautiful and scenic country there is
They called it God's country when I first moved, but that was then 27 years ago.
When it was still farm land and woods. The rivers and the beaches weren't lined up with houses yet either. It was beautiful, it had tree canopies that stretched over the roads.
It was like I could imagine what living in the 1920's was like, because it was like living in it.
Little weather houses, there was no sophistication to it at all. Everybody knew everybody
because they grew up together for generations. It was like stepping into a time warp after leaving Tucson. I loved it on sight or should I say first feel, because it was so much more laid back than anything I had ever experienced. I will admit it did take me a while to slow down to it's pace though. Things in general are always thought through here, no matter how long it takes.
And there is no rushing it. I personally think it's a humidity system. It slows the brain from heat over load.
There are 7 gas stations now on the Island, there was only 4 when I first came. There has always been a healthy completion for customers.
Yesterday one of the stations shut it's gas off at 2:00pm, thus resulting in a very long line at the station across the street from it. The perception was a gas shortage.
Well today I had a conversation with a friend that works at that station and I asked what was up with running out of gas, being the reason for the closure? I was looking for a different answer than the one she gave me. I thought maybe it had been a transport delay, she told me no
they had gas, they were just told to shut it down and put sold out signs up.
Now what does that sound like to you? These are both big name stations. They are not independents. They are corporate owned.
The psychology of it is obvious, if they think there is none, we can justify the higher prices.
The line was at least a half a mile long and then the line of word of mouth after that is even longer.
Mission accomplished now people expect to pay even higher.
That's how Rat Bastards work,
They sneak in and set up a situation and force you to deal with it.
Just like our government.
Just like the FED
And they set up the situation in the first place
And if their thought crime bill had gone through
I could have been detained without council forever for what I just said.
I would have been labeled an enemy combatant because I spoke my mind
Think about that this 4th of July when your celebrating the birthday of our free nation
The question is are we still free?
I don't think our founding fathers would think so.
I think they'd think they wasted their time and hardship for nothing
Because we no longer represent the legacy that they left us.
It was just a damned piece of paper anyway
At least that's what George says

Does this sound at all familiar?
Two minutes and thirty seconds into this next clip
You will hear the same noise
9/11 was an inside job

You know as an American there are certain things that give you a sense of stability
They're little comforts that you probably never think about but they are there
One of those for me has always been the fact that the nation had NORAD
I liked the fact that they were protecting our skies just in case, as a matter of fact I was proud of that fact and it gave me a massive sense of security to know they were there.
It's not like I thought about it alot or even had to, because I knew they were doing their job so I didn't have to think about it.
I started on this train of thought after watching one of the Fire Battalion Chiefs talk about the
Pentagon fire on 9/11.
They asked him if at anytime that day that he thought his life might be in danger
His answer was yes but only once. It was when they said that a second plane was coming in.
He did like any good fire chief would do and evacuated his men till he got an all clear to resume.
You can only imagine the chaos of that day with information flying every which way.
I'm sure it was not an easy situation to assess and no one knew who was really in charge.
They waited under a near by bridge for what probably seemed like forever for a fire fighter starring at what can only be described as a massive situation that was growing by the second
from lack of attention. Fires have a tendency to do that left unchecked they don't wait for anybodies permission they just grow.
The Battalion Chief got his all clear to resume from an F-16.
It flew over head gave them a wing wiggle as if to say I got your back, hit his after burners and he was gone. But in his wake he left a sense of security that was undeniable and very appreciated. The Chief knew he was good to go and took his men back to work.
I have never been able to recapture that sense of security that I had before 9/11 and it's not because I worry about terrorist.
It's because I worry about our government.
Had NORAD been under it's original authoritative procedure 9/11 would have never occurred.
As far as I know Dick Cheney still has control and as long as he does I will never feel that sense of security that I once knew as an American.
Because there is a traitor at the helm!

So how come Mark knows it's a joke
And when you say the government is going to bail them out you really mean the people
And if Ben really did study the depression he is purposely doing this to not only our country but world wide because of the club.
So basically people are starving to death around the world because of the good ole boys club
All I can say is at least he had the guts to say it
And he didn't whitewash it one bit
He must be old school!

Oh my God we are in so much trouble
The pentagon budget is 541 Billion dollars for 2009
And it doesn't include the price of the war
But it does payout to a lot of Corporations
Remember to breath after you get done reading it
And our MEDIA doesn't say a fucking thing about this shit
This is beyond insane
I can't imagine why our country's infrastructure is falling apart
Hell according to this budget
We're rich

U.S. Congress Approves Israel Aid Increase
Published on 27-06-2008
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Source: Raw Story
The US Congress has approved a 170 million dollar increase in security assistance to Israel as part of its new 10-year, 30 billion dollar defense aid commitment to the Jewish state.
The money for Israel was part of a larger supplemental spending bill that included 162 billion dollars for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. The legislation gained final approval in a 92-6 Senate vote late Thursday.
America's pro-Israel lobby, the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, welcomed the congressional action, saying it would increase US aid to Israel to 2.55 billion dollars in fiscal year 2009, up from 2.38 billion dollars this year.
"The US commitment to maintaining Israel's qualitative military edge is the cornerstone of American policy in the region," AIPAC said in a statement Friday.
"This year's package holds heightened significance for US security interests, as the US and Israel face new challenges from Iran's drive to acquire nuclear weapons as well as the growing influence of radical anti-western forces to Israel's south in Gaza and to the north in Lebanon."
The package was unveiled by Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice on July 30 as part of a new military pact with US allies in the Middle East in a bid to "counter the negative influences" of militant groups Al-Qaeda and Hezbollah as well as arch enemies Iran and Syria.
The aid includes a 20 billion dollar weapons package for Saudi Arabia, a 13 billion dollar package for Egypt, and reportedly arms deals worth at least 20 billion dollars for other Gulf states.
The military aid to Israel reflected an increase in value of more than 25 percent, Israel Prime Minister Ehud Olmert has said, describing the package as a considerable improvement and very important element for national security.

This is insane!
We don't take care of our Vets
But we can afford to give Israel 30 billion dollars for more war toys
And then give them an increase like it's their allowance!
And then just to show our fucking government is on Prozac and have tuned out the people totally
They give another 20 billion dollars of taxpayers hard earned money or actually debt and sweat
because we will be working off the rest of our lives to pay for it to Saudi Arabia
Like they really can't afford to pay for their own!
Thanks for the heads up on this one
We THE PEOPLE are glad you consulted us on your frivolous waste of our money
How many hold duel Israel/American citizenship work in our government?
By the looks of this I'd say all of them!
America we are nuts to stand for this shit!
These people are traitors to our country
Unless we changed our name to the United States of Israel and someone forgot to tell me

Idaho what has your Governor done to you
I'd check before you let him dump
What happened to Halliburton cleaning this up on their no bid contract
Or is this their idea of a clean up and you got it
You can bet it's not just DU the levels aren't high enough to warrant a clean up
It's Bio
You want to bet we paid Dick for it?

I can't believe the Queen of England has nuts to be asked to be paid for her luxuries
Her roof is leaking over her Rembrandts
How fucking smart is that
Because she's only patched the roof for years
Queenie perhaps if you flew coach you could afford to fix your roof
You own the most real estate in the world and your still tapping your people
Sell something if your short liquid capital and quit sucking off the people of England
Doesn't Rio Tinto belong to you
A 79 million dollar budget and all the tour money you can handle and you can't make it
Get a fucking real job
Because your breaking my God Damned heart
Heritage don't mean shit when it costs you that kind of money
How the hell do the rest of the royals get their money the people pay for them to
Or do you give them an allowance
People of England I mean no disrespect but come on
Wake up and smell the coffee
How long are you going to keep paying for pomp and circumstance
She parties while you go without
Time for a change

Friday, June 27, 2008

You gotta love Keith lol
I wanta grow up to be just like him lol
I love the way he always rips bush a new asshole

Damned creepy!
Shit no!

Take a moment to check online spielautomaten oder
see the homepage of spielautomaten .

What did Bertha Champagne know that got her killed
Why didn't anybody mention Marvin Or Wirt?
How did the press over look that fact that Marvin had security connections
For Dulles, American Airlines and the World Trades
Does this stink like treason yet to you?
The whole damned Bush family was in on it
Rat Bastards nesting together

Oh wow
This ones a trip
There is no denying what it shows
Some is covering up real hard
Those aren't sparklers

The street caved in on 9/11?
What's up with that
Bombs in the basements
That's what
But they didn't want you to know
I wonder why

It sounds like JFK knew and was trying to warn the American public
About organizations like the Carlyle group
To make sure the American people understood the Rat Bastards for what they are
Death to the freedom of the American people!
And now the FED is not only dealing with them
They are asking for their advice

This is the Carlyle group
These are some of the people who not want to invest in the banks
They are shrewd and there is a reason
Sarkozy wants a new military for France
His half brother is another one of those investors
They need to help prop up the banks to continue to carry out their mission
Power dominance of the world

There's a pattern happening now
The line up on Friday afternoon
For the people who've been praying
From driving around on fumes

It's a small moment of ease
From the worry of fumes to come
You can't afford a two time week
Or you face the fact of not enough to eat
You know
I hate when I think about you
Your such a piss off on my mind
Every time I look
It has a different way of working out
And then I change my mind

And wrong Mr full of Shitness
Take another glare
At least I couldn't stick my fingers under your jaw
And look at you and stare

That's that four way window pain
It's not a pretty picture there
It's a tad bit anorexic
And I'm not just talking under the hair

I just see the big picture as this huge damn
That's cracking apart at the seams
It's like the strain placed on the levees
There's way to many places it could blow
And the pressure of the water is building daily
Real people feel it
The financial soul
Now that's interesting
That must be the part that allows the cremation of care
That's a little play they do at Bilderberg
It's like this weird reenactment of a sacrifice
The woman screaming as they brought her in sounded real to me
It was very creepy shit
Done in front of a big stone owl
With a lot of very important people watching
It definitely had satanic over tones to it

Paid contributions means
They sold your freedom for a song
All a bought off buy
A government that did you wrong
Now partyline prominence
Is heard from shore to shore
And the brand new FISA
Makes sure they hear more everyday
And don't forget to include
They get off scott free for the intrude

Reality and what some people are talking on TV about

When you look at a map of all flooded miswest
You realize that it's taken a very hrd toll on the roads and bridges
Bush has a little problem in Texas now
But I believe he's found a way out of it

And this would be that way

Olivier Sarkozy, his half-brother, was chosen by the Carlyle Group, in March 2008, as co-head and managing director of its recently launched global financial services division.[11]

This is a little ditty from Wikipedia about Nicolas Sarkozy
The President of France
It seems that now he and the Caryle group now want to invest in the banks
It stinks to high heaven to me and they are asking about percentages for regulation purposes.
Bush's Daddy is in the Carlyle group
J.C. Flowers is in on the deal to
These people drive the war machine
And now they want to drive the banks under cover
And Ben and Hank are going to let them
This shit needs to be stopped now!
These control freaks only deal in war
They don't care what happens to you
Or what the effects of what they do
Do to you
Stop the Rat Bastards now
Before they spread this plague any further!

Here's the FED
Selling off the rest of America's soul!
It's called Treason in my book
I'll be very interested in seeing what history labels it

Hey DICK your sister made a mess
KBR is not part of the government
Why is the government doing the testing
A little butt buddy action going on here I'd say

Because they're brats like brothers
Mostly picky little shits
Sometimes I like to bounce their ball back
To see just where it hits

It's just a game of amusement
In a different kind of way
I always smack it honest
When they pitch it on the play

I don't care if I hurt their feelings
And they pick like hell on mine
But there is no double door dealing
And they make me laugh every time

You on the other hand are a mooner
Did I ever tell you what soul did just for fun
She clawed a child in summer camp
Because she thought it might be fun

She left the kid scared for life
She tore his skin off deep
She did it because it made her feel good
And to this day she doesn't weep

She doesn't even know why she did it
Other than the reaction she wanted there
My soul is in my mind in the deepest kind of way
And I don't mind the shift on the intelligent points it plays
You can see it in my writing in the shifts of what I have to say

You didn't enter my house like they did
They were honest in every way
You came on like my brother did
Instead of saying I just like how you write OK
On any given day
In the land we once thought as fair
If you look behind the way
You'll see the land of Sesame street there

Big bird on your TV sets
With the heritage of the Dodo's play
If you ask him for directions
He'll show you Wallstreet's way

And Oscars gettin bitchy
There's to many people in the hood
They keep rifling through his garbage can
Looking for something good

Coz Cookie monster done ate it all
Because it tasted way to good to eat
And Miss Piggy to ate her fair share
Now it's bacon frying time for treats

Jesus walked on the water
And I know you can do it to
We're gonna ride this wave of emotion
And pure devotion will get us through

Because we're a land of a great kind of people
Just like we've always been before
And we're gonna join hands and work together
And be like we were before

One nation with a heart that was great
Not filled with greed or spouting hate
And we don't need to invade any more foreign nations
And do more things that we've never done before

Remember the Love and take a stand
To reclaim the ideals of our beautiful land
And let freedom ring from the bell of liberty
For America our nation and the home she will always be
I remember the way it was back when
The worry held no eyes
It was the point when you knew just then
And now it's happining before our very eyes

Now times turnin mean and we're comin up way to lean
And we need to do like we didn't do before
To forget this roller coaster spending ride
And to remember that love and family are our pride

And we all together are a big family
We're not what we own and other people see
Help each other and live in harmony
Back to the roots of why America is our home

Thursday, June 26, 2008

What say yee good people
By the fracture of this land
That an evil has taken perch
And must be driven out by hand

The bounty of our sovereign nation
Has been squandered like never before
At the detriment of our own true people
For wars on foreign shores

Our birthday is almost upon us
And yet freedom we are no more
For the man with the plan in an oil strained hand
Has sold us out for more

We must arise to resurrect our constitution
For she is being treated like a whore
And we must arise as the only solution
That she be respected as she once was before

More BlackWater this time at Katrina
Listen to how they got that job
Sound mighty fishy to me
And scary to

Excuse me Mr.Yoo
They followed the memo
They are sueing us for following the memo
Or did they forget to tell you that part
The government kept copies of everything
So lets use the secret wire tap service on them
Hey we already paid for it didn't we
We might as well as get some good use out of it
We can play their game to
These people committed war crimes
And now they're trying to weasel out of it
The Rat Bastards
Who's got the De-con

Congress woman Barbara Lee gets to keep her job
I vote we give her the speaker of the house position!
It's definitely time for an up grade and this woman has common sense
Fuck Nancy Pelosi and her let me ask Israel attitude
Nancy in case we forgot to mention it
Your fired!,0,6486937.story

Umm excuse me congress
The judge says we need to talk to you about this
How much did you just agree to fork over to make more of these people?
How much went to BLACKWATER for doing illegal things and our own go without
What do you fuck ups do up there all day besides look for ways to take away our rights
And cover up the fuck ups that keep popping up with more meetings that never get the issues anywhere
These are our soldiers that you people sent there and you just ignore them
How much more bullshit can you spend our money on without helping our own
How much money have we spent training Iraqi police?
For how many years?

The FED has met with the Carlyle group
That Bush's Daddy's baby's momma
Ben felt the need to take up council with the war machine
It's for the good of the American people you know
Gotta keep the war toys coming
So what's best for you
What do I do now
I think they're catching on
I'm tired of paying for this kind of shit
It sho ain't helping me none
Ben Your Fired!
And take Hank with you!

Orrin I got news for you
It was an inside job!
And FISA is just a right to spy
Ask the Gitmo lawyers
They're tapped
Your fired dude
Your just wasting taxpayers money on hot air

Hey Australia
This kid just got arrested for a T-shirt
Time for a bill of rights kids
Coz this was not cool
At the most his shirt is distasteful
It's sure nothing to be arrested for
Time to get with the program
And protect your people's basic rights
The Rat Bastards are everywhere
And you've left yourself wide open to their interpretation
On how to control you
And that ain't good

How many times can you hear the phrase
We don't have to tell you
Before "WE THE PEOPLE" say yes you do!
Now the NSA doesn't have to say if they spied on the lawyers of the Guantanamo prisoners
Now the lawyers won't take over seas phone calls or E-Mail
Because the spy court says so
Isn't that a Bush thing that he made up
You know for like secret shit
The stuff he does behind America's back to sell us out
I say fucking fire them to!
I'm sick of paying for I don't have to if I don't want to
Show me were that's at in the job description for being a government employee and tacking taxpayer dollars to do it damn it
I'm sick of wasting all this fucking money on nothing
If you can't tell me you ain't doing your fucking job!
Cough it up!

Ok somebody fess up
Who found the fucking money tree our government is picking from
We have four bases on the Iraq/Iran border and they don't even house people
Only remote controlled launch pads and radar
Just in case mind you that Iran invades Israel
I bet Dick is billing them for full service
KBR to
The same bastards that got paid to build all those FEMA camps
I bet Dick got a cut on that score to
Our tax dollars hard at work by a pre-laid plan!
The assassination of our country
Because Israel said so

Hey Why can't we fire Bush and Cheney!
Screw congress They're as useless as two tits on a bull
We pay them Let's fire them
Hell lets fire almost all of them
Dennis Kucinich, Karen Johnson and Ron Paul can run things for awhile
Until we figure out what to do
Because we really need to figure out what to do fast
Our dollar problem is causing people all over the world to starve to death
That's fucked up man
And that's not who we are as a people
And that's not what we stand for
Fuck the FED their killing people
And we're dying to
Because their paper is not worth shit
Got Silver?
At least it's worth something

Way to go FBI
Efrem Zimbalist Jr. would be proud
BlackWater got busted
I think Camden Co Sheriffs dept has some splainin to do to it's citizens to
On misuse of public funds
Now how many other towns and cities has BlackWater pulled this very same trick in
Hi five FBI
Fuck the ATF and their deals!
An AK 47 assault rifle has no business on the streets of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA
And neither do fucking machine guns!
My tinfoil hat is tingling
How about yours?

Well now this is interesting
This is the same process used to keep the kids out of the mall
The kids can't take the pitch
I have have one of these very close to my house
We've had at least 3 teenage suicides and a pastors wife kill herself
The last one hung herself
I doubt it
Got Cell?

LA now has over 78,000 homeless people
And that figure is growing daily and it's just LA
A lot of these people only have their cars to live in.
Notice the change in law LA just decided to change
No over night parking
They will now fine 25 for the first offence 100 bucks after that
When people cannot pay this FEMA camps come into full operation
And it will come in the guise as good for the good of the people
For both the destitute as well as the good citizens that are endangered by free floaters in their community
You to one day soon could be a free floater
That's someone that has had the foundation of their life ripped right out from under neath them
The laws you agree to enact now may not serve you later
Think about it

Did you ever watch that show called " The weakest link"
I love that show but I hated the little Hitler woman so I wouldn't watch it.
She had this really condescending voice and she wore this like weird uniform
She was just to creepy to enjoy the show
She really liked to make people feel small about themselves
I think she got off on it personally
Which is also what would make her so cool right now to have her own talk show with the same name
The Weakest Link
It would definitely have to be a mixture program though
Economics and societal situations and their effects on global humanity and the environment at large
And instead of having screen stars for guests she could have big wig politicians
The little Nazi woman would make mincemeat out of them
If I remember right she carries a little whip on occasion
It would definitely be a show to remember

Inquiring minds want to know
Personally I'd like to ask Condi why she only gave Israel a little scolding
100 Isreal F15 and F16's sounds like they were out to make a little trouble
It would also seem that Iran used a very cool head in dealing with the situation
If this happened in America by anyone other than Israel you can bet we would have shot them down.
They even brought helicopters just in case they did get shot down
Which would have then give ole george the reason to nuke Iran
Thank GOD Russia is watching
Because Israel is baiting the situation
Just exactly does Israel like except george
And GOD is proud of these people how?

You can't take toenail clippers on a plane but you can take an electronic device
Does any part of that make sense to you
Does c-4 smell
Ok movie madness may have taken over my uneducated little mind
But I'm pretty sure you could make a bomb out of one of those
But they choose to check your shoes and throw away your lighters
But matches are OK
Who makes these rules and how much do they get paid
Coz I want to apply for the job
Common sense says that I have the qualifications
Hell the hilarious part is they are inspecting them after you land not before
And what information are they taking out of them?
And who gave them permission to do it?

Reminds me of Wallstreet!

This doesn't bode well for those that want to just forget about the illegal immagrant problem we have
But I find it to be scarier on a different level
The word Tactical came into play
That's a BlackWater word
Dime to a dollar says this is fear implementation psychology being used
Phoenix wants to use AK-47 assault rifles to and BlackWater wants them on hand to use legally
It's a good trick isn't it
And it works
Ask North Carolina
What Bush Babies want Bush babies get!

I think Rat Bastard is my new word for the week
Did you know on the very first survivor they caught rats on the beach and ate them to survive
Perhaps we need to bring back the Rat Patrol
The Rat Bastard vermin is everywhere
And they've started a world wide plague
I believe it's now time to kill and cook the rats if we're going to survive

Rat Bastards that spread the plague
And we pay through the nose for their retirement to
Just look how hard they work for your rights
I just love the fact that the traitors get off scott free
Wanna bet Nancy wasn't part of this filibuster
How many more war crimes against your own people can you cover up?
Apparently if you pay off the right people
All of them
Treason carries a death penalty
Anyone in congress that didn't side to bust this bill should be tried for treason
They just gave permission for anyone to betray this country and get rewarded for doing it

Voluntary testing will now be routine
Which now adds on to the base price of your medical care
This just looks like more rat bastard economics to me
Hey look at 9/11
Terrorism is big money now
Ask Michael Chertoff
Ask the BIG DICK Cheney
Ask Bush and his daddy
Ask BlackWater
Just to name a few

The nation ID that Homeland Security czar Michael Chertoff wants to implement
relies on the same RFID.
Now ask yourself after you read this
What the fuck is wrong with this picture
How many pace makers are running around out there?
You don't have to think hospital situation to see the damage the chip can cause
But he still pushes it through and giving up massive amounts of taxpayer dollars to do it
Everything this dude has touched or spent taxpayer money on is nothing but a fuck up
The question is who is he fucking it up for?

If you killed 15 people they would call it mass murder
And you can rest assured that jail time if not mandatory execution would be your punishment
When BP does it they only get a 50 million dollar fine
That's corporate justice for you
If your rich it doesn't count!

Insanity at it's finest
Obama will run the country just this way to
Welcome to the soup line Hillary
By the way no cuts
Get in the back of the line like everyone else
Nobody deserves it more

There are always going to be people that try to take advantage of the system
But the first responders of 9/11 are also locked into this very same system
And they need help NOW
They are dying because they cared enough to do their job
Someone had to do it so they did
Why are they being punished now
Who is paying for the lawyers of New York city to make sure they don't receive the help they need?
These are the things I think about and want to know
How did they go from being Heroes preforming what I consider feats above and beyond the call of duty to the level of gutter trash just looking for a handout from the system?
Is there a reason that someone wants them to die?
And could that reason be that their testimony of what actually occurred on 9/11 is so much different than the bullshit lies that the government fed everyone
Dead men tell no tales

Hey kid
Yeah you little farmer dude
Wipe the milk off your chin
Then reread the bill again to
Then look around to see why they passed it
Just what was hooked on that to
The same reason why he didn't want it passed
And then congress pushed it through
That's a speed readers major sin
You miss the gist of what the small will do
So here's a big green acres
Shame on you

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

This is interesting
They actually admit they are training for civil unrest
What did soccer finally become popular here

It all sounds so hollow
The taste to tempt is just not there
It's all just so flat
It's like last years reruns on the air
Which are the same as the year before
And I bet before that to

I think tomorrow is going to be an interesting day
We saw how the child rape verdict went today
Big storm sounds like it's coming
And BlackWater is here to hold down the fort
Now that's a scary thought

Justice just exactly what does that word mean anymore
It's cruel and unusual punishment for the pervert that rapes a child under 12
You have to ask
Who bought this decision
And it is my sincere hope that if another child has to be inflicted with this horror
That the visit comes to one of the 5 that voted this action down
What goes around should definitely come around
And they deserve to bear the consequences of every bit of the evil that this energy action of theirs let loose.
They to should experience the cruelty and unusualness of their own convictions
And may God have no mercy upon their souls
Because they don't deserve it

Funny stinky
Yes I call you that to
And ditch the black
The color just ain't you
What are you guys trading the shirt to
Or do you just share everything
Including elephant poo

The courts decide Exxon had been punished enough or to much
Take your pick
Their profit was over 40 billion dollars last year
They can afford to clean up all of their mess
I wonder how much money they spent pushing this through court
Just because they could
Just one more thing on the long list of taking corporate perks
Who has control?

Well the " Good Guy" award of the week goes to Richard Fisher for wanting to raise the FED interest rate. It seems he's the only one hearing the starvation screams from the rest of the world.
Richard wanted to be here to accept his award but the other members out voted
Out voted him by 9-1.
They don't care if the dollar is worth shit or how much it costs you to live
Ben did study the depression, but what if he was a child that wasn't left behind and he should have been?
What if he only looked at the pictures and never read the text?
Because that's the way he's running this
The frame work of the picture is in place and the picture is being filled in daily
The question is does the whole picture have to be colored in before Ben will see it?

This was just to good to pass up
It seems BP wishes to pay retribution for consumers of their product that was sold at certain stations. It seems they delivered a half and half mixture of diesel and gas. Not a good idea, and I'm still trying to figure out how that could happen. But that's a thought for another day
This is today's
I pondered the thought that they were victims of their own increase in price. Someone got the bright idea of the cost efficiency of combining two separate products into one trip to the same place. Think brown noser
A picture of congress comes to mind
To dumb to do any good
And cost more than they're worth
And in the end cost you even more
Oh geez you picked a winner
What bug would that be a dung beetle
A drippy dip cone at that
Happy licking

Mr Feeney in answer to your question one only needs to use logic
The radio active waste will be used to supply ammunition for WWIII
Selective Service has already been budget for test runs of reenactment of the draft
The psychological mind set is already being pushed into place that women should be drafted to serve and to die for their country
Israel's women do it don't they
So yours will be pushed to do it to

Systematically they are pricing us out of the right to live
This will be the death of my neighbors and my in-laws
The hardship that they endured last year on the 16% rise was phenomenal
This is all due to nothing but Wallstreet speculation
The world didn't just all of the sudden run out of everything this year
It's now time to just say no!
This country drove 11 billion miles less than the year before
And it did nothing but to raise the price of gas
We pump 283 million gallons of crude a month into salt pits
Crude is not the problem refining it is
We have a war lord for a president
Speculation on Wallstreet has brought this country to it's knees
And they don't fucking care
Their only objective is the jingle in their pocket
They don't care if you live or die
Or if your children and the rest of the world's starve to death
The questions to ask yourself now
Is it greed or was it planned
This fall due to weather manipulations there won't be much of a harvest anywhere
And what there is will not be afforded by you
Food will now take another jump in price due to Dows increase of 20% in plastics
Your food is encased in plastic so due to the rise in packaging costs you will now pay more
Which straw will be the straw that breaks the camels back

Check this out
Legos with your lives
Lets just make the crap that will kill you
Then we'll store it at the CDC that uses duct tape to air seal their doors
I wouldn't live in the city for all the tea in China
They go first
Why did they bio-hazard that woman with bird mites and then take her away?

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

BlackWater is Bush's private army
They are mercenaries
It's their job to kill
And they don't mind doing it
They are on your streets
They have applied for a licence to operate in every state of this nation
The question is Why?
When this country goes down through economic default
These are the people that will be patrolling your streets
They shoot to kill
They are also teaching our civil servants to kill
They are also supplying them with AK 47 assault rifles and teaching them how to use them
These people are not SWAT
They are paid killers and your tax dollars pay for them while our vets and soldiers go without
This is what America has come down to mean
A Turkey Shoot
We are paying people to assassinate people at random
And now they patrol our streets

Sarkozy your rat bastardness is showing
Survival of only you
I can't believe you lead the people of France
I think you just won number 1 position over GW
Or this could be a whole new category
Every rat bastard for himself!

He was a border policeman
What if he was really a hero dying for a cause
To show everyone running under the EU who else was sucking up Isreal's ass
To also show the United States
Rat bastards stick together stick together
Don't forget Tony Blair hyping for the President of the EU position
Things to ponder
Would you die for the cause of humanity

Now kiss goodbye what was your way of life
As your new life draws down near
Now rational no longer has a thought
Logic now over comes the fear
In the whitey world uppercrust of you
The smell of your fear is showing through
The gifts that you've given with your emotion
Your give and take of the tide
Tainted with all your petty fears
Is going to take you on a hell of a ride
A hurricane knows no sorrow
And emotions not it's stand
It only knows one devotion
The destruction it brings to man

There's a storm upon the horizon captain
We better baton down
There's a mighty wind on the horizon
And the high sails will take us down
What was once the gentle wind
That just sailed upon it's merry way
Has now returned with an ugly tide
To wipe our lives away

Who knew everything I had to say
And then used it in a psychological way
Is my brother really a sell out aye
Or did somebody just tap the route
And the government pays 60%
Of Hollywood's shoots
Is that like a psy-op coop
To recycle all that comes around
You got busted on the big take
By a mind you couldn't fake
Or the spirit to be put down
I knew it had to be a tap
The voice to it rang to true
There was to much detail to be a fake
Right down to the fucking Tattoo
And I hope my brother cover up the cunt
I think you've seen enough don't you
And you got the pictures from google earth
I bet you worked real hard to find someone that looked like me
Then you came back for more
So what's up with that score
Your just a mind fuck where ever you go?
Or you just couldn't find anything to top the show