Saturday, May 31, 2008

Another one of those little coincedences
About three minutes in tells you it wasn't

The consequences and why!

The First Responders to 9/11 need help
This could be you
I know it would be me
Why didn't Bloomberg give this man his honor
Because it would be admitting we need to take care of him
Demand the truth!
Were did all that money go to help the victims
I understand Larry Silverstein is suing for his share
You wanna make a bet he gets it to?
And yet this man is entitled to nothing WHY?

Who was that woman and how could she be alive to be standing there?
This one makes high school science very clear
Are you still believing the bogus story they insist on?

Flu shot anyone?
Not me Maggie!
I don't give a damn who recommends it!
I feel sorry for the troops
They get no choice, they just get it!

Did you ever feel like a nut
Oh wait that's an Almond joy
Peter robbing Paul
We're more like Mounds
Robbing Peter to pay Paul
And we were Peter built by Paul
To be robbed by the rich until the day you die
No Almond Joy for you
Almonds are to nutritious
The sustain life
And they want to make sure you don't

This dude is one scary son of a bitch
He's taken over the media industry
I hated to hear WSJ sold out to him
Read the first 4 paragraphs and it tells you what he's about
Dumb it down as far as you can get it
The traders can't possibly start their day without knowing about Amy's bald spot
Or Andy's hairy back. I mean my god if they don't know these earth shattering pieces of information how could they say they were well informed?
And this kind of drivil is everywhere, because Rup owns just about everything.
He's got so much money the FCC changed the rules just for him
He's gonna make sure you can only think his way by making sure you have no other way to think.
And he's doing a damned good job of it to.

You have to thank God for people who retain common sense and tradition
They are out there and need to make there voice heard a little louder
But in this case I'm not sure pure seed will be able to carry on
The bees are still dying and that's not a good thing
You have to ask yourself if Gentically altered seed is the reason
It's the only thing at this point that makes sense
The colonies are dying everywhere
This is not an isolated happening
If they can track AIDS back to the first carrier they could do the same thing for the bees
What Monsanto monstrosity got introduced and where and then check for bee die off in correlation
God damn how much common sense does it take
Check out what bee internals look like something fucked them up to look like that
Because it's not normal
Monsanto seed is made to withstand a higher level of pesticide you can now spray Roundup
five times a year and you have to because Monsanto's seed has been stripped of it's natural ability to resist pests so they attract more.
Which then seeps into the ground and the water supply. You can't get away from their chemicals. I don't care how hard you try. Your eating them drinking them and breathing them.
Well so are the birds and the bees and they're dying from it and so are you you just don't realise it yet.
Getting back to why I question if the ability to retain pure seed is possible comes from all plants and what they must do to reproduce. It's called pollen.
Pollen is spread by bees but it's also spread by wind,
So there is no stopping Monsanto's madness unless it eradicated entirely, because the wind has the ability to spread it to the pure seed crops to, thus changing their reproductive make up
Remember Monsanto has genetically altered their seed, it's lacking the ability to bear fruit twice.
That's why the little farmers can't make any money they have to re buy seed every year and extra pesticide to compete.

Friday, May 30, 2008

Oh my God we're being attacked
Marshal Law anyone?

This is scary and today it plagues me
In 1983 I saw a little filler in the newspaper
It was the start of AIDS as we know it today
I don't know why I know things but more often than not I do
It's the big picture thing and when somethings not right
My mind works out the scenario
Today they found isolated people
Think about what a decease would do to them
And then what it could do to us
Because the implication is there
The hair is standing up on the back of my neck
Damn it where's Grissom when you need him
Or Quincy for that matter ( old school)
Coz I know he's know

Did I ever tell you about the crazy lady down the road
That's what the neighborhood calls her anyway
She was a libra on anti depressants and a multitude of other drugs
That shit fucked her up
She used to be a high school teacher
She was intelligent as hell until her mom died and she got depressed
They gave her the pills and she went from intelligent to psychotic
It was them most fucked up thing I ever saw in my life
She knew she was dying from it and she hated it
She'd do the most bazaar thing after that to
Like constantly shoot a gun up in the air
At squirrels she didn't like them running on her roof
The cops were always there
It was wild
She set the lazy boy on fire inside the house
The cops had to break into get her out
And she was naked when they did
Her husband was scared of her so he left that time
That was wild
She stabbed her husband in the shoulder with a knife
That's why he was scared of her
He loved her and took care of her but when she got bad he'd leave
And then come back in a few days
She was having toxic rage
There is only so much of it your body can stand
Then you flip out
This went on for about 5 years
She was in and out of the psych ward every couple of months
She'd walk the neighborhood naked and that was not a good thing
Especially if she decided to sit your yard
I was always cool with her but the others weren't
They'd call the cops instead of her husband
They were pretty hard on him like he could actually help what she did
She had two vicious dogs one was half wolf
She liked to let them out if the kids came down the road to close to her house
They were damn scary and the kids stayed away because I said so
There's an ass cutting in it for ya if you make me worry any more than I have to
And I didn't just mean my own kid and my neighbors knew it and knew I would do it
I'm the cross walk mom in the neighborhood you know the one that tells you stop and go
Stop throwing the rocks and go find something else to do
Border patrol I always know what the kids are doing and where they are
And if they're border line getting into trouble
There is seven of them somebody is bound to get a bright idea
Depending on who thinks it up as to how bright it is lol
Superman who is three thought it was cool for all of them to jump off the roof of his dad's truck
His dad did not, I never should have trusted him to watch those kids lol
He knows better now
Any way back to the crazy lady they just kept upping her dose and sending her home
She was taking alot of different meds and she had the color and look of a wax dummy
I hadn't seen her since last summer and I just found out why
She died
I guess her liver finally gave out, that scares me to because one of the kids at the ball park looks just like she did. He doesn't have much life force left. I think that's why he always comes to sit by me. Coz I got extra and give him a little bit more. It hurts me alot to see him like that and he's only one of many. Meds aren't a fashion for these kids it's a way of life they don't deserve.

My neighbor grows a garden every year
He has a very green thumb
He loves to do it
He was a farmer back in his last life
He got his tomatoes plants out of his compost pile from last years throw away
They grow and flower but won't bear fruit
They're hybrid seed Monsanto style
They're sterile
I tried to explain to him what they were before he planted them
But he's the gardener and knew better
But now he knows different
I don't like to be outside now
It's the electro magnetic waves
Sounds strange right
But I know my own frequency and what feels right
My friends and family will tell you that's true
They have felt my buzz before
That's what I call it anyway
I can hold my hand 3-4 inches above your body and you can feel the buzz
I can feel hot spots on other people that's what I call them anyway
It an energy blockage in your body that's blocked enough to make you hurt
It's kind of weird but I do know I can do it and my friends do to
I proved it to myself on them lol my family could have been just humoring me
So I didn't trust them at their word
Different test subjects same results
Something outside is throwing my frequency off because I can feel it
And it makes me very pissy
I live about a half a mile from a tower so I know what it is
My neighbor's garden is not growing well this year
It's withering
Which makes the whole neighborhood unhappy campers
Because my neighbor always shares his abundance

My brother was in crypto in the army
That's a decoder
He had to be checked out
Our family background was to
It only makes sense for the clearance level he held
Why aren't presidents held to the same scrutiny
I mean duh
It doesn't take a genius to see the george is following Hitlers game plan
I'm glad Putin is in the picture I feel safer some how
I just feel like if a decision had to be made he'd make it
That make me sound kinda bad
But our government is out of control
They want to run the world and they're trying real hard to do it
It's very scary if you put it all together
They are using HAARP
In many different ways
Weather control is only one of them
I've seen enough to know they also set up 9/11 and the media was in on it
Oklahoma bombing to
Concrete doesn't pulverize into a powder because it falls
Trust me I know
I pretty much know everything and anything it does
You can't work it and not know it
Alot of people inhaled something that should never be inhaled
Then add in the asbestos.
Where did all the carpet go?
It wasn't there
Nothing was there
Not even the core
I checked the specs
What they are asking me to believe is impossible
The core wasn't designed to fall
Ask yourself why they're not suing the builder
Because where I come from that's what happens
What did OSHA say about it
Because it would seem to me every high rise in New York city or anywhere
Could be subject to the same thing
For that core to be gone there had to be a massive violation of the building code
A ten second fall says there was no resistance at all
That's not feasible possible ask the Iron Workers
They attached the floors to the core
Even if the floors pancaked the core would have remained
It takes a very intense heat to make concrete burn and jet fuel doesn't do it
You know that if you've seen a crash on a runway before
A runway is made out of concrete
Whats a crematorium made out of
How long does it take to burn a body and at what temperature
Gross questions but something to think about

Things are just running through my mind a thousand miles a minute
I keep putting all these different parts of the puzzle together
And I see a mass genocide perfect for a NWO start
The pieces are coming together
I got to walk this through
It's driving me nuts
It started with the damn cheese thing the little kid brought home from school
That was from her SAIL class mind you
Conditioning the smart kids in the wrong manner
It was written in exactly the order is was presented
Special relationships came first
Coz that's what should be taught in school and be the top priority
Now you know why your kids can't read and write
It's like they are rewiring the kids brains on purpose
Through drugs or psychology or both
And it's starting younger now
Have you seen the Mother's act that the house just passed
Man that shit is scary
Think about it
The birth defects alone let alone addiction through mothers milk
In these ever increasing hard time more women will breast feed
Babies will become addicted from birth
SSRI drugs are killing our kids and us
The water filtration systems aren't equipped to take it out
So we're all getting it anyway
People are getting sick from meds
Every woman that delivers is going to get prescribed trust me
It's not fun being pregnant and you do worry about every little thing
It's hormonal you can't help it and it doesn't stop just because you delivered
It took you nine months to get there and it takes a while to level back out
The women that did what they did were extreme cases
Look how fast they had their kids
They hadn't even leveled out before they got pregnant again
They were tired and mentally and hormonally worn out
So now all woman will be sentenced because of these woman
And children will be exposed earlier
The death rate of this stuff is unbelievable
And the parents are forced to give it to their kids
I know I watched two friends have their kids pushed on it
And I mean pushed
They were just normal little boys with ants in their pants
Now they're skinny little zombies who get very surly and violent
They're not the same little kids
You can see they're dying
It's horrifying and you can't do a fucking thing about it
They're not learning in school either
That's why they get surly
They're brain is running way to slow to process anything
People say well they can learn video games but it's not the same thing
That a repetious pattern run over and over eventually you know it by heart
It's the nascar loop the skill is in the speed the track never changes
I just want you to come home now
My mind needs a direction change
The more I look the more I see

I saw that o king of siam
You should be looking to
And if you go fishing this weekend
I wouldn't eat it if I was you

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Mind control and HAARP

Got emotion problems?
That's exactly what they wanted!

Monsanto owns the FDA!

New York your kids are a goner if you don't stand this down!
How many of your rights can you give up?

Hey look I wasn't the only one tuned in.
Somebody else was awake to

Project Blue Beam

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This is the man the news does not want you to see!
He wasn't dumbed down!

War crimes!
These are your leaders!
Knowingly committing crimes
And your brain has been dumbed down to accept it!
Are you still accepting it?
The rest of the world isn't!
Why are you?

Rumsfield wanted you dumb!
Do you care yet?
Monsanto in India!

Monsanto who haven't they touched?
Thank God for other countries intelligence!
How dead are we?

What's this tell you about Fox News?

If it causes problems for the cow
What the hell is it doing to you?

Monsanto is also responsible for the suicide rate among the farmers in India!
This company is a fucking monster that needs to be stopped!

What 2001 Genetically Altered Food entered the food chain?
And who pushed it through?
Can you see how long you've been eating Monsanto's poison?
Europe won't have it!
Why are we eating it?

Instant Karma!
Sharon should have blamed H.A.A.R.P.
Hey Sleepless
Go to bed
I'll tuck you in if you do
And kiss you on your pretty lips
And say sweet dreams to you
This was a Bio tech experiment
I think to see how far it would spread
It got to Toronto.
The funny part about it
It only effected Asian people even in Toronto

7 minutes in is all the proof you need

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Terrorists where have you heard that word before?

Hey reruns or maybe test run!

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DU is not just staying in Iraq
And we knew it before we used over there
What the fuck are they doing
What ever it is it's on purpose
Time to get off that estrogen water and grow some Balls
The United States of America is FUCKING UP THE WORLD
We are sentencing innocent people to a certain death
For What?
I vote the ninjas take them all out
They're out of control!

This dude is for real
Check for yourself!

If it came down to kill or be killed
Would you kill
I would
People think being a Spiritualist is the same as being a pacifist
Well they got that idea wrong
It's more suited for the Religous realm
The Jews got waxed that way

Learning to be still is for your own centering
To hear the message of Spirit
It doesn't mean bend over and smile!
It is NOT time to be still!

What part of the United States is no longer corrupt
They took the towers down to conceal their corruption
Maybe it's the estrogen in the water making people to feminine to stand up and question what the fuck they're doing and why the hell they're doing it.
Is anybody besides me not on some head trip Med to get them through their life?
Did you ever read "Cell" by Stephen King
That flocking shits not funny
Did you know there are places on the net on how to instruct you in being a proper Emo kids
Little flockers
Why is that weird so called fucked up Art getting people used to seeing people paralyzed?
People are allowing themselves to be conditioned into ignoring it.
I have a problem with that, I don't want to be conditioned to think so I can think like everybody else.
I don't want to be a print, I rather be an original
Print people are losers
You have to tell them what to think
That's why it's OK to have so much government because losers only think what they're told to think.
The FDA says it's OK to put all these poisons in your body and losers believe it
Hell Monsanto cornered the market on that one.
Estrogen in your milk and Roundup in all your food
Whats Arnold say oh yeah girlymen
You know how you tell a Real Man now, he shoots his mouth off!
That's a fact to,
Losers don't!
And they do it while there is still time to do something about it
They just don't whine and complain after it already happened
Like a Loser does
It doesn't take any balls at all to hide in a corner
Losers do that
It's time to stand up and be counted people
I'm talking the whole world
We're being raped by corporate owned government
Who's got the Balls to stand up and say
We The People Of The World do!
It's time to go on Strike!
Shut down the money!
Drain their blood!
They're not doing what's good for us.
So it's time we did
If we don't we're dead
If we're not already from the Contrails
We got fuel for that
How much does that bogus crap cost?
And what is there blood plasma in it along with nano tech fibers
Can you say Morgellans
Different colored trails is interesting to ponder
A little Bio tech rainbow
What color does you in
Cheer up sleepy Jean
Oh what can it mean

Hey look a plane no one saw!
Who did this?
Got war?

Right at 2:30 shows you why there were no roof top rescues
Still dumb?

Want to make a bet they know where they are?
Want to make a bet they use it and blame it on Iran?

This is what DU does
You really think our government doesn't know
Good reason to want to dumb down America!
Think Pink!

How fucked up can it get
I remember the first time they wanted to check my cholesterol
I told them No Thanks!
Here's a little kiss for you!

Well if ole George decides to bomb Iran
We're on our own!
It seems Europe actually cares about it's people
To bad America doesn't
It's all that god damn dumbing down you know!

Here's some rotten cheese
Warrens number one baby
He wouldn't touch this shit
And now your buddy won't talk about it
What a hypocrite!

Who makes up this fucking shit
They now feed to our children's minds
Cheese is now used as a metaphor
For what you want in life
A loving relationship money spiritual peace of mind
A possession or a good job this is how cheese is defined
The maze is where you look for what you want
And they move the cheese alot
What a bunch of rot
Check your cheese To make sure it has no smell
Fuck you mother fuckers
Take your maze and go to HELL!
Blue cheese is aged
And GOD knows Limburger has a bad smell
But the taste is just pure heaven
That your theory just shot to HELL!
Because if it stinks you throw it out as well
Fuck you and your psycho babble bullshit
Your a traitor of your kind
Get your Bush box out of our public schools
And our kids minds
Along with your fucking drugs
To ease the breking of their mind
Your cheese is why no one asks hard questions
And why life now has no plot
Those fucking partitions in your maze
Sure get moved alot
You want nuclear you got it
With no water to cool the core
Radiation is gonna burn your ass
And no one deserves it more
You mother fuckers are going down
Our kids deserve a better score!

My mind is stuck on this backward play
My friends are scaring me more everyday
How easy they just take their life
Or maybe it wasn't easy at all
They took the big swan dive
With no water to break the fall
I guess the bigger you are
The easier it is to end it all
Thank you baby for being there today
It was probably a foul
But it was appreciated OK

Psych I thought today was tomorrow
Maybe coz I just want yesterday to go away
To lose this thought of sorrow
I wish you were home today

I miss you kinda bad
I always do when your away
So I pushed a futures borrow
Wishing tomorrow would be today

Another friend killed himself yesterday
For the troubles that he owned
For a job that he signed back a ways
Now cost won't cover material on it's own
Let alone labor to do it left him in despair
He stuck a gun in his mouth
And left his troubled cares

I'm watching another friend now
The scenario sets the same
His wife could help him now
He kept her credit good
She told him fuck you just the same
She was keeping her credit good

That's some kind of love for you
Peaked maybe perhaps
His problems are not her game
So she took her love right back
Because now he's not the same
For money is what he lacks

Triple credit on a heart ache
For the wisdom that he lacked
The love that she shows him now
Is the same as in the past
Now wisdom tells him now
She never had his back

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

If all people are not the same
How can love be the same
I speak not of Universal Love
That which unites all souls
For that is all the same
And should be taught as such

Peaked in reference to love is rather odd
What exactly does that mean
That love has a pot life or shelf life perhaps
Do care or honor have a freshness date
With no viable worth past a certain point
Perhaps like that of the 9/11 first responders

How loved they were in the beginning
How honored they were for their show of care
They gave every ounce of love they owned
To the courage of their passion
To help others that were in need of great care
Peaked past the point of love that I mentioned
Expired from the thoughts of our care
Hey you
Yeah that man I think about
I'm waving to you baby
Coz I'm missing you right now

It seems like it's been forever
Since I met you in our way
Just droppin a little line baby
To tell you I was missin you today
Your thought is my pillow
In comfort I lay my head
To take your scent as my own
To keep me warm within my bed

My night time wish to kiss
To hold me in the night
Trading places with my pillow
The thoughts of you to hold me tight

And yes you are my thoughts of Love
Your warmth my thoughts desire
To keep me through my lonely night
And to set my dreams on fire

Hey a man with a plan!

Lol are you that hard up
Then bait me with something new
Although this day you have me laugh
By arguing with the many facets of you

What has Love taught you
But to twist the thoughts of few
Who have any value for Love
Tell me what Love's value is to you

What new thoughts will you take to heaven
For your religion has very few
Your thought tastes of the brethren
Who has no follow through

Your thought is on the bridgehead
To defile Love's point of few
Perhaps if you positioned as a bridgehead
Then Love would rise with you

Hurry home baby
See these things today
Yeah I do
And know you would to
And have a lot to say
Do you really think
Your not missed when your away?

Hey Larry the kids still want to know
How's it feel to sell your soul
The treason time you won't admit
With Bush's help you hypocrite
And by the power of the children
And the God's they be
Your soul will only see misery

Monday, May 26, 2008

I write to you and erase it
Does it matter anyway
I tell myself I won't think
But I do anyway

I'm trying to break this habit
It's not healthy I would say
Maybe I will tomorrow
But I said that yesterday

Why are we at war?

Hey Bill O
Shut the fuck up man!

Kiss my Tin Foil Hat!
Where the hell is your outrage?

Who would you believe
Your government?
Or someone who was really there
And then ask yourself if this is why the Air Force wants total internet control!

What damage did she do
Does she touch your young
How many are just like her
Teaching judgement to the young?
What did you get sold and why
Why did your dollar have to die
The men and women to
What did our government do
And who sold you every one of their lies
Who didn't ask the questions
Who didn't even try
The media is not your friend
They sell the pretend
Now ask yourself fucking why?

What do your eyes say to you
This is no lie I say
Why don't you ask the question
Who started the war this way

In memory of those who gave all!
The question is WHY?

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Who is hard wiring your brain
Bill O it looks like to me
Just shut the fuck up
The patriotic way to be

Do you think they stopped
What does your pastor say
They know what's best
Let them lead the way

Who's programing your children
Or you yourself I say
What in the Hell is going on
Do you know it still goes on today

Sunday, May 25, 2008

What will you do
Will you follow like one who's blind
Will you rise above the mass intent
To deny what you will find

If your God says to kill
Then he is no God of mine
Will you liberate your soul
Or does your soul not know it's mind

Is your God Bill O'Reilly
Or an ego trip of kind
Do you let him think for you
Or the demons of his kind

Can you say I love you
On one level same as all
Or do you need a master
To tell you who should fall
The Big Rabbit!
I dare you to watch!

Blood plasma in chemtrails
Nokia isn't just all about the phone
Another reason to ask the question
What the Hell is going on

Rap around this!
The ask yourself
What's going on?

Barium is not your best friend
Who's testing you right now
How much poison can you take
How full are you right now
If Germany knows
Then why don't you
The weather shows
Corruption to
Who knows what
Dick was in the know
He reaps the profit from Iraq
Sold what he shouldn't to Iran
Bend over America
Here comes the Dick again

The things you learn
That they keep from the know
How safe are you
And under whose control

Friday, May 23, 2008

I had a dream of you
Two nights ago
Same situation
As the last one you know
With the exception
Of placement but eased
You were asleep
Hugging your pillow in zzzzzz's
Natural is as natural be
Both we are for your sight see
I lay across the king
A thought but also so size of said
I stretch to reach you palm laid flat
Right hand to spine the middle of your back
I felt the connection as hand touches real
But the mind see's the capital letter
That the hand made me feel

Hey Mister your a music man
Your song is fine and dance you can
My heart hears your melody upon it's beat
In that fine weathered voice of the word you speak

Your a pretty song on the guitar string
Such a pleasure to my ear
Your the magic melody of the midnight wind
My smile says I like you near

So keep playing the pretty music song
And if you don't mind I'll just sing along
It's such a beautiful song
And one I always love to hear

Whose medication are you drinking
Or bathing in each day
Whose meds are you eating
Is this why the salmon
Don't run today
I dare you to ask the question
How long before you over dose this way

Poor you
And your pathetic little screen
Taking up your mommy time
By your childish temper tantrum scream

Whiny little wimp
Who holds the problem now
Suck that shit up
You just milked a dry cow

Think Love
Hold that thought
Lock and load your mind
Forget the garage that hate has taught
The world family has to be more kind
We are the children of the world
The government are not out parents
My own taught to lend a helping hand
Not turn your back in ignorance
My God teaches me to vote for no one
For church and state are each a separate vow
My God says be cruel to no one
But some how state says this is allowed
The state says we must have borders
But the Love of God says we must not

What talk of thee shall I hear of this heart
My mind with heart holds conversations say
Heart hold thought in a much pleasing kiss
Mind says put thought away

Mind says indeed you are a pretty though
Perhaps in the mind you should stay
Kept in the mind as a treasure of art
But heart says your not thought of that way

An eternity I now have to think it
Time well spent for thought I would say
For I shall cast no vote for the heart
Until mind has made up which way

Where are you now my thought asks of you
My eye's thought shine wish to know
Tempt taught by my mind for you now
Leaves me much distressed by it's unease

Laughter says now where is my tickle
Sigh is very much displeased
Heart feels like a drum that is hollow
And smile wants release from this malaise

One down time runs to slow
Love thought my sorry to ease
Kiss time and my thoughts you will find
Kiss caught with your thought upon a beautiful breeze
What sweet scent do I smell upon the breeze
Your taste is a sweet touch to my heart
Your delicate dance says love is to please
Which bodes well with the thoughts of my heart

Your a sweet touch of life's fine savor
A melody to be listened to at ease
Your thought an added welcome to my parlor
As is your song made pretty to please

What strangeness has my mind now found
There's something wrong with this wrap around
The voice of the father says listen again
There is a concerted effort to annihilate men

The lore of old is somehow rearranged
My own eyes have seen this sight for me
Where once woman only wanted to be equal
Now their wish is to own society

How strange to remember this conversation
For the Father in now long ago dead
But the truth of his words ring sound
Provoking thought this time rather than a blow off instead

My Father said the next civil war would be between men and woman
I believe now his thought was a strong one to hold
Peruse now the shelves of the library
Where very few males now the shelves do hold

Women have no rights if there is no male
And sperm banks have rights they shouldn't hold
The making of a child should only be natural
And not made by any other than God

Bio-science has helped create a massive fuck up
And balance is never achieved by their hand
So man has now over run the planet
So greed could take the ultimate stand
I don't but I do
And you really know why
Anywhere it always works to
A laugh share there
I sent on the sly
The secret is yours if you do

If love must be a planet
Then I'll take mine as the sun
To warm me in my need
And nurture my soul
So that it will grow
And never like the moon recede

If love must be a water
Then I choose a hot spring
To relax within it's need
To lie in it's soothing water
To escape daily miseries
To refresh the soul of me

If love must be a plant
Then I choose an orchid
For more tender is it's need
To grow in the warmth of climate control
And not left for nature to appease
For an orchid won't survive a freeze

If love must be a climate
Then I choose the to live on the equator
Where the climate never takes to hard of a roll
With lush love grown as a forest
Full fruited to nurture my soul
Where the sun has the starring roll

Where will it all end
This alteration of our lives
How did we become to live
In this dream that's become a lie

Who taught us not to remember
That love was not for free
That caring came with a price
And more often than not a casualty

Why have we allowed ourselves to be labeled
To have our voices gagged and our hands tied
Who made us into the disabled
What made us buy the lie

Who changed the format of parent
When did it become a conduit of buy
Where everything our children are exposed to
Is sold to catch their eye

Why have we allowed our children to become sales targets
To be taught that love is a disposable lie
To pre-plan your divorce before your wedding
And that your a looser if you can't buy

Who decided human value was based on the dollar
Who was the perpetrator of this lie
Your life now the cost of an advertising executive estimator
To continue to sell the cost of your lives

It's a must have must do world
That's sold on the values of greed
Your taught that you must now want more
And not what you really need

Thursday, May 22, 2008

What are they doing to that child
Why cannot they themselves see
That he's a brilliant child
And yet they stifle him with drugs for A.D.D.

He's a child whose mind drives at warp speed
Rather than drug him why don't they direct him
He's the very child that would make them proud as a parent
If they would only choose to let him

How long will this keep going on
How many will there really be
Children that are stripped of their higher knowledge
Because parents don't understand their degree

Their being drugged into submission
And taught not to think
Their not problem children just extremely bored
And need the challenge to allow them to think

I was one of those kinds of kids
The usual was actually a bore
So I would always talk to the other kids
Just to help them a long a little more

The faster they got it the faster we left it
Which made my teacher mad at me
And offer that I teach the class
In which I did agree

That was the only time I caused the parents trouble
And they knew very well the trouble I could be
I needed a more challenging education
Because I was to bored with what was to easy for me

I dare you to care
Put your hypocrisy aside
According to the Filmer
Before you get to heaven
Jesus Christ must be your life
No matter where or how the devastation
Christian rules you must abide

I dare you to put aside your dogma
And care about another human life

Surprise is what I find
At the lack of depth
From a brilliant mind

The ying and yang
Of thought wrong play
Both together make up one say

An apple doesn't grow
Or make the sauce that it needs
When it's picked off a lemon tree

Your ying and yang my old friend
Should be only about hate
With no Love entered in

It's a definite difference in subject I see
Which is confusing enough
With out an added energy

I don't know just cause I like you kid
Your such a little shit
Take care of yourself and try to be good
Even if it's just a little bit

Float on the sunshine
But magic dust beware
Make sure you eat
There's your fare of care

You should try the bus baby
It's really a different life
It's not your rainbow world
But the pothole pit of life

See now this to good not to tell
Let's talk about the truth as well
What would be behind the fact of this deed
Ask Scotland how fast to cull is the need
Home Land Security fucking up once more
No meat to be bought they bring to your door
And the streams are polluted so there is no salmon roe
I'd think twice before allowing this seed to grow

Love is a battle field only if there is something to fight for
Other wise it's just a place to maim
Shall I place the tip upon my foil
So I draw no blood from you in same
If all is fair in Love and War
State your positions claim
To provoke does not mean to ensure
That you understand the rules of the game
I know the sod on which I trod
The felt is always the same
And God rules the house
And the Wild Card is play

You now live in my child's mind
Of soap bubble worlds that go pop
Or perhaps sit on my wand for a time
So I can watch the colors that you drop

And if I flick my wrist
It's because you've become to big of a drip
No inflation there to find
Just depression of the mind

And children don't get depressed
But rather spoiled by rich parent time
Leaving their little minds repressed
I'd rather be poor and make better use of my time

You see I clean my own house
I have no need for a maid of the mind
So wipe your damned feet
Before you enter this door of mind

Lest I spray you with lie-Saul
And you smell most natural of pine
From the box in which they take you away
From the dead thought you are in my mind

Because a child's world can take you anywhere
And create great monsters in it's mind
All colored in the grandest of flair
With the thoughts there they can find

I have no need to walk the maze of your mind
Have I not been there before
Indeed your flower has changed lacks scent
But a lily brings death thoughts to mind

And scent does attack a bee like me
To taste what there I might find
Will I vomit up your nectar to
Or take you back to make honey of mine

It's a concrete jungle out there little flower
Fair's chance is what you will find
Defined not by the thought of your brother
But by the hand that knows Fair's mind

A Little stank back on you there Ike
Wrong your not stuck in the middle
You understood when the mess was created that it was being created
It was out of bounds and no referee to call it a dead ball
Would you play nice if I fuck with your head
Some how I seriously doubt that
To bad you only provoke rather than teach
Coz it seems to me that's all they do to
The truth needs to be told
And someone needs to have BALLS big enough to do it
Tag your it kid

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

It wasn't the Petty baby
It's the Heart breaker tour
Who needs a broken heart
Not me that's for sure

And merging with some one is not mating
It's just blending of energy
When I talk to you like I do and you answer
Is the blend I talk of done

Sex is just an animal instinct
It can be done by any one
It doesn't take the mind to think
That's why kids do it so young

When you teach finance you don't say charge it
And sex is shorting of the young
Now why would you want me to advance that
The whole idea is just illogically dumb

The rabbit thing is retarded
What is that a pregnancy test for fun
Screw all the little workers during the week
And on the weekend worry about the big one

Where does the Easter Bunny go when it's not Easter
What's the secret of his mystery
Is he a lie or just a reflex
Continued on from someone else's memory

Sometimes you make no sense to me
And your very hard to understand
This for me is a hot bed point
And the example you want is bad

Woman shouldn't fuck every man in the joint
It's quite tacky if you wanna know
Like a woman should touch every man
For the line that he does throw

I had to laugh at the kid on sex in the city
Damned if that wasn't honesty
How can you be a goddess if you sleep with every man
Or talk love talk with anyone you see

I find the thought very repulsive
For both woman as well as for men
Everybody is just so damned used up
Like anybody would really want you then

You can't care about anybody
If you don't give them emotion
There just like any other every day
Who wants to hear love with out devotion
You know mother nature way
A little roll in the grass
With the Biggest Bad Ass
And then they call it a fucking day
Coz that's what you just did to
The was no love in there to play
And can you love some today
And tomorrow you don't
I never learned that way
So I have no idea how to play
And wouldn't want to
That's what I say

Dear John
Said the door upon the stable
Put your money were your mouth
Just damn well spent
Your time rendering you unable
To become it's occupant
And Wild's wife is Sammy
And she's one lucky girl
Coz Wild always respects her
And doesn't try to cop a public feel
Your wide scope just says your selling dope
So I'd try another deal
Where am I
Trying to erase the worry about you
I looked through the eyes that see
Rather than the third eye
Which is the only eye that's right for me

Mac Daddy is not my name on
I don't touch what doesn't belong to me
That's my old school game on
And it still works fine for me

I see no love written on the song
Only sought lust for the night
Forgive me my dears but you are so wrong
Lust is not love am I right

I see no heart no soul only limb
Perhaps on your part just an over sight
Love holds no kiss to flesh
But only to the God of Light

Your words are for that of mortal flesh
A mere desire of common eye sight
No eyes have I for in which to long
Nor for the taste of flesh in the night

A Light of Soul is my common role
For this Love desires no flesh
Nor the rain of blood upon the trees
I have no desire for your test

Look to God for that is my Love shine
The is no substance here to see
Just the beam of God's truth of Love
That is the real job of me

You should not have showed me how you showed me
What did you do that for
You never had my permission
And now you want to pull me back in that game for more

You don't love me you love the song
Or it's fun to pull my hair
You don't give a damn if it's right or wrong
As long as fun's found there

So now you be the bug on the windshield
See how you like being there
Getting splattered is not much fun
I know I've already been there

You know why I give my heart to no man
Nor woman that's not my kind of fun
Because all they do is trash it
So why even start the run

Big league has a contract
They don't play for fun
Nor ignore the rules of etiquette
That's not how the game is run

I'm not a cow Focker
And I wasn't born on a farm
Nor was I born for slaughter
Or to cause another person harm

I don't do the bible
And I'm not the whore of Babble on
Ask my brother on the fate of his survival
His line is no longer run

Love is nothing and nobody
Just a free fuck for us all
A clone of what was yesterday
Just a fast pitch on the ball

There is no point to catch it
The runner always scores
The other team never gets to bat
Coz the rules are just ignored

If the salmon don't fight the current
Then they're just in an ocean full of fish
Whats the point in knowing how to cook it
If it never in the dish

Shall I give the standard answer
For all that's questioned now
What ever fit's the bill
Who's tits are you milking now

If your just a fuck
There is no ego stroke
Coz who really would give a damn
Nobody reads the spam

You reconfigured my head for the last two years for a job
Is this like one size fits all
Tomorrow I die like Christ and then I'm resurrected
Or is it more like Xaviera Hollander on call
You know like I feed the fantasy of whoever
As long as the bucks laid on the line
Some forever fuck together
And the heart never hits the line
Just the laugh trac that goes on forever
But it's never satisfying

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One wonders why things have become so complicated
What is there natural left for love to enjoy
Is life all there is just set for prime time
Just another job that one does employ

Love used to be such an intimate thing
Now it's sold or given to the world on loan
It matters not who I would pick
For love would still sleep alone

No kiss to set my day
For flesh is not to feel
Just a bazaar thought that gets in the way
Of words the love must deal

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Clouds that hold prisms
Energy shafts from the sky
The earth keeps on quaking
And people ask why
And man plays mother nature
The best that he can
But hey those expeiments
Have a way of getting away from you man
And project Blue Beam is a bad dream
Coz somebody else paid the way
Of the energies wrong run
Made on the play
And cool downs have quirks
Gummin up the energy works
And your turn is coming that way
Coz X marks the spot has a mighty big say
Twinkle twinkle little star
They will get you you can't run far
The price of gas now stands in your way
Of escaping tragety on the next play
And fema has no water
But always an attitude
The cost to all our lives
Will be the price of something crude

Dip your quill in some Else's quick
No blood drip here for your heart
Oh didn't expect the date
Tell the pimp of fate
I'm just doing my part

And you were the streetcar named Desire
In which my pen felt the fire
You were the aim on the bead of my sight
How's that for technical
Did I hit you just right

Take leave my heart
And yet my soul must fight
The filth of the dark
And the power of it's might
Oh no emotion here
Think not my ass
Will shed a tear
For the dark is just man
On the whole that I see
Forever with their fingers
Fucking the clan
Of sheep that make up society
One dime at a time
Idebted servitude is free
To pay for the more
Of the son of a bitchin son
Whose mother is the whore
Of man's morality
Sleep little children
Ease the life you feel
The dark men are driving
The spinning of the wheel

And what good memories are these
To kneel upon a hard wood floor
And gag just to appease
To stroke in disgust
And all the venom I could spew
And God makes me sick
At that very time to
The stench of Zest
I hate to this day
And I'll learn to hate you the very same way
This is Pavlov's dog unrehearsed
In a different ball game
Ding ding there's your bell OK
And yeah your dick's bigger than all of the rest
Big whoop to
I'm not still not kissing your breath