Friday, May 30, 2008

Did I ever tell you about the crazy lady down the road
That's what the neighborhood calls her anyway
She was a libra on anti depressants and a multitude of other drugs
That shit fucked her up
She used to be a high school teacher
She was intelligent as hell until her mom died and she got depressed
They gave her the pills and she went from intelligent to psychotic
It was them most fucked up thing I ever saw in my life
She knew she was dying from it and she hated it
She'd do the most bazaar thing after that to
Like constantly shoot a gun up in the air
At squirrels she didn't like them running on her roof
The cops were always there
It was wild
She set the lazy boy on fire inside the house
The cops had to break into get her out
And she was naked when they did
Her husband was scared of her so he left that time
That was wild
She stabbed her husband in the shoulder with a knife
That's why he was scared of her
He loved her and took care of her but when she got bad he'd leave
And then come back in a few days
She was having toxic rage
There is only so much of it your body can stand
Then you flip out
This went on for about 5 years
She was in and out of the psych ward every couple of months
She'd walk the neighborhood naked and that was not a good thing
Especially if she decided to sit your yard
I was always cool with her but the others weren't
They'd call the cops instead of her husband
They were pretty hard on him like he could actually help what she did
She had two vicious dogs one was half wolf
She liked to let them out if the kids came down the road to close to her house
They were damn scary and the kids stayed away because I said so
There's an ass cutting in it for ya if you make me worry any more than I have to
And I didn't just mean my own kid and my neighbors knew it and knew I would do it
I'm the cross walk mom in the neighborhood you know the one that tells you stop and go
Stop throwing the rocks and go find something else to do
Border patrol I always know what the kids are doing and where they are
And if they're border line getting into trouble
There is seven of them somebody is bound to get a bright idea
Depending on who thinks it up as to how bright it is lol
Superman who is three thought it was cool for all of them to jump off the roof of his dad's truck
His dad did not, I never should have trusted him to watch those kids lol
He knows better now
Any way back to the crazy lady they just kept upping her dose and sending her home
She was taking alot of different meds and she had the color and look of a wax dummy
I hadn't seen her since last summer and I just found out why
She died
I guess her liver finally gave out, that scares me to because one of the kids at the ball park looks just like she did. He doesn't have much life force left. I think that's why he always comes to sit by me. Coz I got extra and give him a little bit more. It hurts me alot to see him like that and he's only one of many. Meds aren't a fashion for these kids it's a way of life they don't deserve.