Saturday, May 31, 2008

You have to thank God for people who retain common sense and tradition
They are out there and need to make there voice heard a little louder
But in this case I'm not sure pure seed will be able to carry on
The bees are still dying and that's not a good thing
You have to ask yourself if Gentically altered seed is the reason
It's the only thing at this point that makes sense
The colonies are dying everywhere
This is not an isolated happening
If they can track AIDS back to the first carrier they could do the same thing for the bees
What Monsanto monstrosity got introduced and where and then check for bee die off in correlation
God damn how much common sense does it take
Check out what bee internals look like something fucked them up to look like that
Because it's not normal
Monsanto seed is made to withstand a higher level of pesticide you can now spray Roundup
five times a year and you have to because Monsanto's seed has been stripped of it's natural ability to resist pests so they attract more.
Which then seeps into the ground and the water supply. You can't get away from their chemicals. I don't care how hard you try. Your eating them drinking them and breathing them.
Well so are the birds and the bees and they're dying from it and so are you you just don't realise it yet.
Getting back to why I question if the ability to retain pure seed is possible comes from all plants and what they must do to reproduce. It's called pollen.
Pollen is spread by bees but it's also spread by wind,
So there is no stopping Monsanto's madness unless it eradicated entirely, because the wind has the ability to spread it to the pure seed crops to, thus changing their reproductive make up
Remember Monsanto has genetically altered their seed, it's lacking the ability to bear fruit twice.
That's why the little farmers can't make any money they have to re buy seed every year and extra pesticide to compete.