Wednesday, October 31, 2007

WorldNetDaily: University to students: 'All whites are racist'

WorldNetDaily: University to students: 'All whites are racist'

I think it might be about time to really start checking out the sanity, of the people we are letting have influence over our children's minds.
Or possible start checking out their career backgrounds. I thought this man was insane, until I read his Bio.
Now I just think he is a mind control plant set into place by the government.
It's in all levels of our schools now. The psychologists start to play with your children's minds in elementary school.
They try to slide it past you on them talking to your child on an discrete level, like credit for their schooling,
but what they subject your children to is something quite different.
I had a heads up on it from listening to various friends, talking about the effects on their children.
When it came time for my child to enter into school, I refused the permission slip.
I had no desire for some wet behind the ears snot nosed kid filling my child's head full of crap.
Needless to say they were not happy campers and continued to force the issue.
I refused to give in and finally had to ask if some rule had changed and my rights to deem what was suitable for my child to be subject to had been terminated? For if they had someone had forgotten to inform me! I was pretty sure I was still her parent,
and held the sole responsibility of deciding who on a professional level was allowed access to my child.
It's time we started digging a whole lot deeper into the no child left behind act.
Something tells me it's also involved in the Maine junior high school debacle.
Once again the leadership that we as citizens of the United States place our trust in, has failed dismally!

Sunday, October 21, 2007

YouTube - Ron Paul: Rebel Son

YouTube - Ron Paul: Rebel Son

Join the Revolution!
No matter what side of the mason dixon you live on,
It's time to become a Rebel!

Ron Paul 2008!

YouTube - Ron Paul on the FOX Business Network 10/16/2007

YouTube - Ron Paul on the FOX Business Network 10/16/2007

Oh my God, Hell just froze over!
Rupert you have now blown my mind.

Why didn't they tell me!

With all the things going on in the real world, it seems the most important topic of conversation,
because of the earth shattering consequences for all concerned, is whether a fictitious character by the name of Dumbledore, sexual orientation should have been outed.
With the price of crude reaching 90 dollars a barrel, from a war that is sucking the last dying breath from America herself, by bankrupting the country, it seems Dumbledore is just so much more important.
The President of the United States has stripped Americans of their basic rights, while the Wallstreet bankers have stripped them of their money, along I should add, with the rest of the worlds. Does this even raise a murmur among the masses? Hell no!
Does the fact that you have to be blind not to see that our own government was the cause and creation of 9/11 stir the average American into at least discussing that we have a serious problem on our hands. Hell no!
Does the fact that a large portion of the southern states, in a mere three months time, will be with out water, raise an out cry over the dumping of what little drinkable water they have left?
Hell NO! As if that could come any where close to being as important, as to whether Dumbledore
diddled a dude!
For God sake Adams, get your priorities straight! What's wrong with you? Can't you see the importance of this situation? Why this revelation alone could change the course of History,
with it's magnitude of 10 on the earth shattering scale. This revelation all by itself could change the shelf life of Potter books in every library in the land, not to mention, now Disney has the added dilemma of whether, people will pay to see the new Hogwarts extention that they had proposed to build.
This revelation now raises the most important issues of the 21st century. My God, can't you see that Harry himself along with Ron could have some how been damaged by this vile impersonator of all that was good and wholesome? Can't you see the ramifications this could have on the plight of the entire world! People have been lied to and mislead!
Oh the horror of it all! The magic wand, now has a different meaning. One can only ask.
How will the world survive?

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see the homepage of spielautomaten .

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Experts Fear Repeat Of 1929 Economic Crash

Experts Fear Repeat Of 1929 Economic Crash

People really don't understand the state of the economy.
These gentlemen do!
Please listen to them and prepare yourself and for your family!

NSA Spying: What Did Pelosi Know?

NSA Spying: What Did Pelosi Know?

I often wonder if the reason people don't admit 9/11 was an inside job, because it's just to damn scary to actually comprehend.
When you look at the date of the time period Bush had AT&T start to spy on us,it becomes ll to clear that he had this plan of total domination over the American people planned years before he ever entered office. You just don't pick up the phone one day and go hey dude do it! There had to be some reason you wanted the dude to do it in the first place. That when both the realization and chills start to crawl up your spine at the same time. Then add in that extra little fact that some of congress knew about it and you actually start to feel a little puky in the gut, from swallowing the fear that first enters your thought pattern after reading what can be only unmitigating facts that 9/11 was an inside job! That can be the only conclusion that you can come to. So now what are you going to do about it, because it's not going to go away!

Blackwater won't allow arrests

Blackwater won't allow arrests

Oh my! It looks like Mr. Bush's paid execution squad seem to be rebelling,
Why should be we have to pay the expense of their problems? They didn't do anything wrong here.
Which is just what the point is, they'' get off on lack of evidence. The families won't get a dime of restitution, they can't sue. Look what the Supreme court did to he German guy
No they have to play by the same rules of the game than everybody else
This is going to get interesting, Blackwater turbulence!
Who's going to make them stand trial? The Iraqi police? I think not! More than likely push come to shove and it will, our troops will do it.
This is insanity at it's finest!

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Presidential Candidates & ROI: An Unusual Popularity Poll | Epiar Market Research Blog

Presidential Candidates & ROI: An Unusual Popularity Poll Epiar Market Research Blog

The Truth shall set you free! You really don't have to buy respect!

Dick Cheney & Vigilant Shield: Will a Missing Nuke from the B-52 Incident be used in a Simulated Terrorist Attack?

Dick Cheney & Vigilant Shield: Will a Missing Nuke from the B-52 Incident be used in a Simulated Terrorist Attack?

There are times in life, you just have to tell it like it is!
This is one of those times.
If you read the comment section and let loose a snicker,
I would ask you to go to Youtube and search for Alex Jones, NASA, Apollo mission
Listen to what the astronauts say when they are orbiting the moon
Then look at the original video from NASA themselves
I believe!

Truth Revolution

Truth Revolution

United We Stand, Divided We Fall!

Support Solidarity!

Join The Revolution!

The World's Children's Lives Depend On It!

Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis: Super SIVs - A Fraudulent Attempt at Concealment

Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis: Super SIVs - A Fraudulent Attempt at Concealment

Nobody has explained it better than this!
I don't mind telling you that I have used extensively the" For Dummies" boo series for many things that I wanted to learn about. They have a way of taking something that sees extremely complicated because of the vocabulary that I don't understand, and explaining it in layman's terms that I can understand.
Without the title of "Dummie for" that's exactly what Mish has done in this article.
If you really want to understand just what the heck is going on with the global economy and the how and why it is effecting your own, this is the article to read!

'Frontline' takes hard look at Cheney's influence on power -

'Frontline' takes hard look at Cheney's influence on power -

It does my heart good in this world of prefab food along with just about everything else in our lives, to see that someone still does old good old fashion reporting work from scratch. To assemble all the ingredients of a news worthy story and put them ALL together, in a meal that can only be deemed at this point, fit for a king!
My mouth starts to water in anticipation at the very thought of tasting this master piece of perfectly blended brain food. For far to long I have had to starve on the sugar coated cereal that passes for investigative reporting these days.
To wake up this morning and see this tantalizing little morsel, can only be a kin to waking on Thanksgiving morning to the wonderful aroma of turkey roasting in the oven, teasing my sense of smell, driving me t the point of delirium until, the appointed hour that it is placed on the table before me, so that I can delve to my hearts delight, in the partaking, of such a sumptuous meal.

Monday, October 15, 2007

WorldNetDaily: 'Mom' and 'Dad' banished by California

WorldNetDaily: 'Mom' and 'Dad' banished by California

This is insanity at it's finest! Yes You read that!
Can you say RON PAUL 2008
Hurry Ron the dept of Education has gone nuts!And I thought the sex questionnaire was bad!
Arnold You have been terminated!

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Saturday, October 13, 2007

YouTube - To Whom it May Concern :

YouTube - To Whom it May Concern :


Homeland Stupidity

Homeland Stupidity

The title says it all.
Michael Hampton brings you some of the most unbelievable acts of stupidity and absurdity,
that you won't know whether to laugh, or scream at the horror of knowing, that you actually having to pay their paycheck.
I'll leave it up to you to decide., because I couldn't.

Online NewsHour: Conversation | Paul Envisions Limited Government | October 12, 2007 | PBS

Online NewsHour: Conversation Paul Envisions Limited Government October 12, 2007 PBS

This is one of the finest interviews I've seen yet with Ron Paul.
Judy Woodruff, of PBS, spent a little quality time with Dr. Paul, and asked some very pertinent questions on where he stands, on some of today's toughest issues, and how he proposed to fix them
should he be elected, to the office of President.
Judy asked questions, that for all intent purposes, that have divided this country in half for more than
30 years, and within what seemed a blink of an eye, he had me convinced that there could finally be an end to all of our country's distention.
I must admit I was truly impressed. Dr. Paul is not only a constitutionalists, but he is also a fine economist. It's easy to tell, that Dr. Paul has not thrown his hat, into the ring lightly. He has a well thought out plan, to put this county back on the road to economic freedom, that we might all once again live a life of peace and prosperity.
Never has there been a greater, nor a more humble leader born!
Dr. Paul, you have my vote. Lead the way!

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

SMALL TOWN STANDS UP TO BLACKWATER :: from :: news from occupied Iraq - it

SMALL TOWN STANDS UP TO BLACKWATER :: from :: news from occupied Iraq - it

Oh now don't rush off, because you think this is just another simple hak, at Blackwaters behavior in Iraq.
No this is about Blackwater taking up permanent residence in the back shadows of Potero CA.
It seems a fast one was pulled on the towns people of Potero, or other wise know as "A Slick Willie" by none other than their own Congressman, Duncan Hunter. A very high ranking official on the Armed Services Committee, and if that doesn't get your attention, you can add to the list of his future achievements, a grand desire to become your next sitting President.
It seems ole Duncan, with the help of the county supervisor Dianne Jacobs and a few others, decided after a paid vacation by Blackwater, who I'm sure wined and dined them with the respect of royalty, to allow an assassin training school to join in and become neighbors with the towns people of Potero.
Now I know I hear you asking " How can this be?" all towns have public meetings to discuss changes and then to democratically take a vote to allow the situation to either come to pass, or to be placed in file 13, commonly know as the garbage can. Well this should have been a no brainer for the people of Potero or so you would think, and probably would have been except for one exception, the town was never publicly notified of the meeting, unless you count the christian news letter it was placed in by one of the 7 members that cultivated the transaction in the first place.
Can you imagine what would have happened, had not a small group of weekly newspapers chosen to get involved, and expose this issue to the town of Potero, and other surrounding communities?
They would have awoken one morning to the sound of artillery and bombs exploding in their back yard.
Even though the people have protested the issue, and brought it back up before the planning board
for review, the chances of being Blackwater free don't rest n the hands of the people, the decision lies within the hands of the San Diego county board of Supervisors, whose attitude pretty much reflects that of Blackwaters.
Could this be why our founding fore Fathers, spoke of keeping government on a minimal basis?
I think so!
Wake Up America, this is not who we are or represent!
Blackwater is no better than Al Quedia, or that of the Taliban.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Supporters Fear Ed Brown Is Being Tortured

Supporters Fear Ed Brown Is Being Tortured

Ed Brown is an American citizen, who is fully versed in the understanding of the Constitution of the United States. He has done nothing wrong other than to exercise his rights under the Constitution.
He and his wife have been arrested and now Ed is being denied all of his rights to due process.
His friends and family are worried about him and have been allowed no access to him.
He is now being detained as though he fits the description of a terrorist.
Wake up America, this could be you or someone you know next. It seems if you don't agree or fit perfectly into the mold the government has deemed worthy to impose upon you, you are stripped of every right that you hold dear as an American citizen!
Congress seems to agree with this policy that the President has imposed, because they have once again furthered him in being able to enforce more of his Dictatorship authority over your lives.
Wake Up America! Ed and his wife are one of our own, and elderly to boot!
If we don't stand up and show solidarity for the Constitution of our United States, what kind of future will we leave our children with?
The Constitution is NOT just a piece of paper, it is the creed in which our country was founded upon!
It was written so that no man could be able to empower himself in the manner that George Bush has.
As citizens of this nation we have our rights, which are being stripped away on a daily basis.
You now longer have the right to privacy, nor public right to Assembly.
The government has turned us into a communist ruled nation with the mere suggestion of fear, and our so called elected officials are now acting as George Bush's SS. They seem no longer capable of understanding just exactly what he has imposed upon the American people. They do not represent our interests in state nor federal government. They merely bow or tuck their tails and show their belly like a dog succumbed in fear.

FDA Recalls, Market Withdrawals and Safety Alerts

FDA Recalls, Market Withdrawals and Safety Alerts

I was appalled, when I read the recall list from the FDA, just for the last two months alone.
Then I was outraged that Corporate Media, chose to either over look or bury these recalls.
America, it's now more imperative then it ever has been before, to stand together as a nation,
and tell them we won't stand for anymore of the nonchalance from the News industry.
They are duty bound to the American people, to keep us informed with the truth, of not only what's happening within our own nation but, also the rest of the world.
It's not OK for them to sway the truth, nor to think that they have any right, to form our opinion
as though we were little more than children, not able to make proper decisions for ourselves.
There job is only to produce the facts, not to change them into versions of their own political, or personal views.
America stand up and DEMAND that they either do their job, within the proper perspective of what it is,
or you will turn off your TV and cancel your subscription to your local newspaper.
Contrary to popular belief, our nation no longer has the need for Corporate Media in any manner, due to the Internet enabling our own access to the real truth!
The time has come for them to either get real, and report the truth, or suffer the consequences through dire loss of ratings, which in turn will hit them where they hurt, through loss of advertising dollars
America it's time to take back our life and think for ourselves!
Can we do it? You know we can!

Devvy Kidd -- Treachery and Tragedy

Devvy Kidd -- Treachery and Tragedy

VA, place yourself on a state of alert. Money grubbing Pharma, has burrowed it's way into your state legislation, and they through their own filthy greed are placing the lives of your children on the line
because of it.
Eighteen states have systematically chosen not to make this poison part of their required vaccinations,
because of the ever mounting complications and deaths that this poison has produced, all under the supposed guise of protecting your children from cervical cancer.
Merck is lining the pockets of your state Representatives, to ensure that your state mandates the use of this vile concoction. Do not let them have the power, to decide to gamble, with your children's lives.
Take back your rights to decide what's best for your own children, because it becomes more obvious
with every death and complication that has occurred from the use of Gardasil, that your state, to even be able to consider it's use, doesn't give a damn about them!

Monday, October 8, 2007

It could be us!


I was totally blown away when I saw this video. This is the reality of Iran as a people, they are no different than we are. We only see the image of what our government wants us to see.
It's time America takes off it's blinders. The government would have you see the people of Iran much in the same way, as they have projected the people of Iraq.
After seeing this video, the question that passed through my mind was,
What right do we have to deny, another country's right to live a decent modern life.
Our own country has a need for more electricity. China does, and is in the process of building numerous
nuclear energy plants. Iran doesn't need an energy plant to make plutonium, you can buy it on the black market. As a matter of fact you could probably find some of the plutonium we seemed to have misplaced.
Do you wonder like I do, just what Iraq did look like, before our country decided to bomb them.
Every culture has fanatics, just as our own does. It's time to grow up America and ask ourselves,
Just what have we allowed our government to do, under the name of The United States?

Sunday, October 7, 2007

YouTube - Final Salute: American Soldiers in Iraq

YouTube - Final Salute: American Soldiers in Iraq

This is the real world of what they don't you about Iraq.

How many mothers will never see their children again?
How much longer will we tolerate the maiming and slaughter of innocent people?
What was worth the price of this?
End the War Now!

Thursday, October 4, 2007

YouTube - Lion and Lamb : Gardasil -- The Agenda Behind This Dangerous

YouTube - Lion and Lamb : Gardasil -- The Agenda Behind This Dangerous
I fear to that this vaccination will leave our children sterile.
All for the love of nothing but money!

YouTube - Gardasil - You could be One Less

YouTube - Gardasil - You could be One Less

Gardasil is very bad news. If they pass legislation in your state requiring your child to have this shot,
DO NOT DO IT! The side effects of this shot are horrifying! They knew before they placed it on the market that it had massive complications on the test victims that they tried it on. They ranged anywhere from death to blood clots! This shot comes in a series of three and is not worth the risk of your child's life or future health!
SC and NC stay alert! It is on the floor of your house of representatives right now! I know this because I saw it listed on their dockets!
Please for the sake of all children, check with your states Representatives and register your voice against the mandatory use of this shot!
Neither the government, nor Merck, has right to put our children's life in jeopardy!
This shot does nothing else but play Russian Roulette with your child's future!

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

YouTube - Eyes Wide Open in Colorado Springs

YouTube - Eyes Wide Open in Colorado Springs
Somebody tell me WHY!

YouTube - Set it Straight gets arrested

YouTube - Set it Straight gets arrested
what's wrong with this situation?

YouTube - How to Get Arrested at a Peaceful Demonstration

YouTube - How to Get Arrested at a Peaceful Demonstration

YouTube - september clues pt.1

YouTube - september clues pt.1

I am a seeker Of the Truth. I believe in hearing both sides of the story. The only part of my
life that, that I reject this philosophy is when watching the art of illusion.

One of my pleasures in life has always been magic, or better know as the skillful art of illusion.
It's always fascinated me that my eyes could interpret for my mind, to see a situation in a certain way, and yet logical assessment of the
situation would say that couldn't be done. I never wanted to know the truth, it would spoil the illusion.

I started with the love of Harry Houdini, added in Davis Copperfield, passed by
Pen and Teller and ended up with who I consider the master of them all
Criss Angel. Who I would have sworn, could float like a cloud, as well as walk on water,
had he not shown me differently, himself.

I've also always had a passion for the news, and would have sworn that what they showed me was
what my logical mind thought was occurring, until some of the brightest minds in the country, chose to show me the illusion.
I will be forever in their debt, for showing me the way.

America, we have a problem! What are " WE THE PEOPLE" going to do about it?

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Houston we have a problem

Has anybody checked to see if they've renamed our country lately? Because I don't think I live in the United States of America anymore. It seems you are no longer allowed to read the constitution anymore. Does anybody else have a problem with this or is it just me?
Maybe I need to go back to elementary school for a refresher course on just who wrote the constitution and how it now reads. Any day now I expect to see the slaughter of innocent people
just like in Rangoon. It's very hard for me to believe that we have allowed one man to change the course of 231 years of history. I'm sorry I just can't accept this anymore. I have absolutely no idea what the United States stands for any longer. What rights do we have left?
If you can figure it out let me know!

Monday, October 1, 2007


I believe I've seen a bonified miracle today. That can be the only word, whose description
actually fits the rise in the stock market today. I am at a loss for words, it was one of the most astounding feats of magic that I have ever seen. It flew to heights one could never imagine
with regards to the dense negativity that it had to over come. Only God himself or Criss Angel could have enacted, with this particular caliber of performance.
I have pondered all evening on this subject, reviewed every factor, and still cannot figure out how this act could have been accomplished. I must whole heartedly admit, it has me just as stumped, as the the fact of how Bill O, a news commentator for a major network, could ever tell his invited guests to shut up, let alone turn off their mic and still continue to have a career. One can only assume that he purchased his journalism degree, in regards to his professionalism, or he that he has family connections.