Monday, October 8, 2007

It could be us!


I was totally blown away when I saw this video. This is the reality of Iran as a people, they are no different than we are. We only see the image of what our government wants us to see.
It's time America takes off it's blinders. The government would have you see the people of Iran much in the same way, as they have projected the people of Iraq.
After seeing this video, the question that passed through my mind was,
What right do we have to deny, another country's right to live a decent modern life.
Our own country has a need for more electricity. China does, and is in the process of building numerous
nuclear energy plants. Iran doesn't need an energy plant to make plutonium, you can buy it on the black market. As a matter of fact you could probably find some of the plutonium we seemed to have misplaced.
Do you wonder like I do, just what Iraq did look like, before our country decided to bomb them.
Every culture has fanatics, just as our own does. It's time to grow up America and ask ourselves,
Just what have we allowed our government to do, under the name of The United States?