Friday, December 13, 2019


In previewing today's Fed statement regarding repurchase operations, on Tuesday Curvature Securities repo expert Scott Skyrm said that he expects the Fed to announce a $50 billion (at least) term operation for Monday December 23 (double the current term ops) and a $50 billion (at least) term operation for Monday, December 30. This prediction was in response to Zoltan Pozsar's warning that reserve levels are too low and the result would be a market crash that could spark QE4.
Well, moments ago the NY Fed did publish it latest weekly "Statement Regarding Repurchase Operations" as expected laying out the Fed's expected repo operations for the period December 13 - January 14... and it blew Skyrm's expectations out of the water
According to the statement, the NY Fed will continue to offer two-week term repo operations twice per week, four of which span year end. In addition, the Desk will also offer another longer-maturity term repo operation that spans year end. The amount offered in this operation will be at least $50 billion, just as Skyrm expected.
But there was more. Much more.

Jeremy Corbyn had hoped to become the vanguard of a global socialist movement but will step down in humiliation after overseeing his party’s worst election defeat since 1935.
To his supporters, the 70-year-old offered a chance to deliver a radical leftist agenda, shaking up the economy and reversing a decade of Conservative public spending cuts

Back in solitary again

Seven days in the hole
I knew it was going to happen when they  the new supreme court justice for Facebook.
And so life goes on lol
Blogger sucks on a phone but I'll survive