Wednesday, October 29, 2008

I'm back I think

Hello Cap
I think I'm back again
No help from tech support
They just couldn't comprehend
So I was on my own to fix it
It was a blow out and not a flat
And if you asked me how I did it
I couldn't even tell you that
I've been piddling for days
Trying this and that
And I guess I finally made it
And I got a little speed at that
I been missing you man
And missing Stinky to
I wanted to hear his Pod
But I got a little more fix to do
How you doing Cap
I hear your weathers not to fine
And you take it easy if your walking in
Lest you end up on your behind
I hope I see you in the morning
And this fix is good as gold
I don't like to start my day without you
I was missing you ya know

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Holy crap Kansas is cold

Well that was a trip
Is all I can say
But I made it kinda OK
Definitely a story or two to tell
But right now I gotta catch up on the world as well
Mercury is crappy Cap
I've had it for days
But couldn't connect
I'm still having trouble
With the slow of the way
But I'll roll with the wisdom
That I'll find a way
To drive a little faster
Than this granny ass speed
Tomorrow I'll cruise for a driver
That better suits my need
But I did make it to the land of Oz
Where the land has an ocean view
It goes on forever or it seems to anyway
And it takes a little getting used to it to

Monday, October 20, 2008

Goodbye house

Last moments alone
I hope someone loves you like I do
You were the only home I've ever know
I grew to be me in you
I'll miss you pretty girl
I'll think of you often to
I hope your not to long on your own
I don't need you lonely to
So with a sad heart I part my love
And wish many children for you
To love them and watch them grow
And keep them safe the way you do
And to love you to like I will always do
And I will always think of you as home
No matter where I lay my head
My heart will always be at home

Your whining

Oh whoa now Cap
We all gotta admit to our part
And you were trading them to
And this mess is bigger than big
And just like us there is no separating you
The system is a mess right now and shouldn't be fucked with
They should shut it down a week or two
And strip what's not real out of the heart of it
And stop letting everybody suck off the fuel
And the dense girls do you in Cap
People hate them on the street
We always talk about their crap
And how damned dumb they can be
And that's women mind you
Being nothing but totally fair
I'd say they need to be in the kitchen
But they probably wouldn't know what to do there
So suck it up Cap
And slap a smile on that face
Your walking in the shoes
Of the great American disgrace
Not only the fleecing of America
But the rest of the damned world to
So get over the pity party of
Poor you poor you poor you
Coz it's really hard to relate to it
With all the things you get to do
That came by the honest product of
The Wall Street way of you

Say goodbye

Well it's goodbye to my house day
I said goodbye to my dog yesterday
She's to old to sleep in the cold
And where I'm going she's not allowed in the house
So starts the adventure of a life time
If I'm lucky they hooked up broadband
They said they would but you never know
They could have just told me that to make it easier to leave
It's funny how you can make other peoples dreams like that
This day is so exciting for them and yet I don't see it that way
Even if it is probably for the best
I still can't imagine how this is going to go
Two woman don't live in the same house well
And I know that for a fact
Hope for the best I suppose
That's all you can do
I have this feeling I'm going to freeze to death
No fireplace
I said goodbye to my friends yesterday
Now that was hard
Emotions suck
I'm only really going to miss Tam anyway
But there's always E-mail
Hey maybe I'll learn to quit worrying about the world
But then again maybe not
It would be nice to though I think
How bad can shallow really be
Never mind lol pretty bad
At least that's the way those dip shits on TV make it look
I often wonder if they know just how stupid they sound
And then I wonder if when this all does come down
Just how well those dip shits will live
I really hope that they go insane from it actually
Just a total wipe out of their fake little lives
I only feel sorry for real people
Fake TV people just deserve what they get
It's a hard life to adjust to when you think your shit don't stink
It keeps me going thinking about it
That their manicured little world will come to an end
I laugh when I think about their roots showing
Because one way or the other they will
With no retail therapy to get them through
OMG how will they live without their credit cards
Badly I hope
Just because they deserve it and then some
Like the wicked witch of the east
A tornado drops a roof on their head
Or maybe they'll just melt
Into nothing
Well if I'm lucky and your not
I'll be back by Friday lol
Keep your fingers crossed
One way or the other

Sunday, October 19, 2008

One last night
Where my beds my own
What kind of strangeness will this be
What roads are my tomorrow

Friday, October 17, 2008


Really what's the solution
And they will get to that solution to
But not before more lives end up just like mine
Sorry we were a little slow
But we saved the system just in time

No way Cap

To hard to believe Cap
You leave no room in your life
I see no room for a woman
Let alone babies in your life
What would you do if you had them
Your on 24/7
Your ass be to busy man
To even enjoy that slice of heaven


It's not all bad you know
I'm going back to snow country
I was born in snow country
How strange for a rebirth to be there
With sleigh bells on horses
That's kind of cool
There are farms everywhere
I'm actually looking forward to that
And Rodeos lol
Everything a person could survive and then some
It's a good thing
Survival off the grid
By Universal decree
What a day
The sale of a life
It's odd to watch it go
I'm tired
Because I don't sleep I cry
So the little kid can't see me
She's happy
Except about leaving school
It's all about the friends you know
I don't want to see mine
Because they cry
But they don't cry for me
They cry for them
What will they do with out me
Now who will listen
The sum total of my life
Listening to other people
Who could actually give a crap less about me
That's the way it's always been
No wonder it's time for a change

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Give it up

Put your hand up and swear Cap
You weren't even born yet were you lol
Slap a smile on your face
Your gettin to weird on me now lol
It's a new adventure Cap
You gotta look at it that way
Other wise you don't learn
Or grow into another day
Did you get your place
Talk about that ok
Get your chin off the ground
It always turns out ok
Smile brat
Stinky's pod was cool
Now that was a killer idea that way
And Slacker needs a new game plan
Take him with you ok lol

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Just quite Cap

Just quite Cap
Love and light's still there
Emotions are not my strong point
At least the ones I don't want to share
Sometimes you have to keep your own council
So others don't climb on for the ride
Walkin it on through
I have a feeling for the goal
A thousand tear drops cried
Has been the cleansing of my soul
And it's been a good thing
Even though it looks like not
There's a better place where I'm going
Than the place I've got
But I'm always there for your good time
Even when it seems like rain
So put a smile on your face
And fully embrace
The Love to get us through the pain

You only need

You only need close your eyes and grow still
Feel the Love you know as your own
You can take your vacation of leisure
To fill your self with Love of the Universal will
Brighter days are before you
Man made was just an illusive dream
Technology was never to be your employer
But only the profit of the shill
Prosperity lies in your freedom
To grow and tend on your own
Store bought will now be seen as an evil
For people have forgotten how to survive on their own

Be kind

To be kind
It's not a hard thing to do
I hope and pray
Others will remember that to
Hold hands along the way
This to shall pass
For a brighter day
Love can't be bought
So it's free to give away
And when we give to another
It comes back to us the same way

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Let it go

Aw just let it go
It was never worth it anyway
It's time to till the soil
Because tomorrow is a brand new day
Amish times are coming
And people need to prepare
No more life of luxury
Heed these words beware
Hard work is not behind a desk
Where there is nothing to eat in front of you
Get yourself to some fertile soil
That's the best thing you can do
It's back to the basics not bogus
Where sweat is a way of life
Not only will you keep your family fed
You'll sleep better every night

What is

What is love America style Cap
But a buying of the view
That nothing means a damned think
Unless you can buy it to

Stop with the frustration Cap
And William just won't do
That gave me quite a pause
Because I don't see him in you

What's happening now that you didn't know
I knew last year and so did you
That snowmen melt when the sun comes out
And icicles drip away to

But just like Frosty in the hot house
It'll get that rush of air
And then before you know it
There will be a snowman standing there

Little people don't smile Cap
There's worry in the air
And people that don't share potatoes
Show how much they really don't care

Clothes pins

Put clothes pins on that laundry list
To give those bills time to dry
They need to hang them and let them air
Because the dryer shrinks they're size
Top of the morning to you Cap
It's a good day to air the laundry
There's a strong breeze blowing

Monday, October 13, 2008


The homeless prophet

A dark cloud

There's a dark cloud on my sky
And I can taste the feel of pain
but it's a fleeting moment passing by
And the sun will shine again
Because life is what we all go through
But you know you'll smile again
And your memories shelter you from the storm
To warm you up from them
Like the thunder is rage run by
And then the sun pops out again
That's just the way life has to go
To leave you feeling once again

For a good time

Teenage wedding and what goes there
A secret Service Honeymoon
A trip around the world
On Mother's apron string
A White House life of wonder
Where teenagers have a ball
And hey it's no crime
If the taxpayer pays for it all
Think about the good life
And all the things they do
All fortified on the pleasant ride
With the bill being foot by you

Life withdrawal

You know a withdrawal of your life
Is probably just as hard to get over as drugs or depression
Never get attached because the only thing you can count on is change
It's the one constant motion
To deflate ones house after 28 years is not funny
It's alot of work
It's one constant decision
I knew it would have to be this way
The Universe knows I'm stubborn that way
I like my own space and I know that about myself
So losing the house was the only way I was going to leave
It's not safe here
And I know that
Emotion can be a bitch
But I'll get over it
I always do
At least that what they say

What part

What part of a life exists now worthy anyway
To pack up or to do without or just to throw away
What once was deemed a treasure is now just accumulated stay
To be left beside the road of the life that now no longer lays
Say goodbye to all you thought was you
No take away of display of all you've grown into
For now you've left that life to start a life anew
A picture perfect nothing is now just left behind

Sunday, October 12, 2008

56 Trillion

God help us all

Nobody wins

Nobody wins in this stacked house
And there is nothing they can do
Unless you wipe out what's not there
It's the death of the financials to
What's hard for me to understand
There was no regulation on the play
They bet the house on an unbacked hand
And there's not enough to make it go away


Hello I can see you in that smile
A lifetime of love and laughter
You wear with such great style
Your a breath of love refreshed
To remind me for awhile
To what the soul of this life's about
And the reason for your smile
It's a share of the joy
And a pass around of Love
The care that makes you aware
In the joy of living of
The breath of every moment
And the high that it can bring
And when your heart can feel that Love
Then your soul can let go and sing
And then I see it in your smile
And the halo that you wear
Of the most fantastic energy
That surrounds all those that care

Same sad

It's the same sad situations
Their own heart is all they feel
Sad lost and all alone
They touch no one that's real
Lost upon a different time
When love was just a deal
They've lost the ability to touch the love
That would lay their heart to heal
And you sigh for their personal cry
Because they live no life no more
Wounded from loves battle field
So many lives they've lived before
And now a heart forgotten and it's memory a chore
From life's lost loves of yesterday
They'll allow their selves no more

It's a Love thing

It's a Love thing to worry about the world
It's hard on a soul to feel all the sorrow and the pain
It leaves no time to worry about yourself when your walking in someone elses rain
And I walk in the rain alot till I'm soaked to the very bone
To comfort those whose eyes run hot so they know they don't walk alone
Reach out and share your Love let others know you care
If you have nothing else then just a hug for a little feeling shared

Working overtime

Worried about a little gangrene are you there Cap
What are you getting a thrill out of working over time
Did the Raiders have a glitch
Or you just don't allow yourself any down time
Chill is kinda funny coz the pressure is on real hard
There's a push to make me see the way
And you know how I am with that crap
Stubborn is my middle name is what they say
So I don't push to well
Especially when it's what someone else thinks I should

It's time to outlaw derivatives

The FED needs to go to

"It is time to break the silence on derivatives," Lyndon LaRouche said yesterday, after observing the carnage in the financial system and the pathetic response from the so-called regulators. "The true, hyperinflationary factor in the situation is the unregulated, insanely leveraged derivatives trade. This is what is killing us. This is the great crime of Alan Greenspan."

LaRouche described the derivatives market as a "hyperinflationary bomb, crushing the international financial system," warning that "Until you just shut down the whole derivatives trade--wipe these gambling obligations off the books of the financial system--you are just kidding yourself."

"Unless and until you deal with this derivatives bubble, which cannot be bailed out, you are just kidding yourself," he continued. "It is time for Hank Paulson to swallow the only real medicine: bankruptcy reorganization of the entire, dollar-based financial system. And the first step in any such bankruptcy reorganization would be the cancellation of these quadrillions of dollars in pure gambling obligations. Without such action, this planet is doomed to a horrible dark age, just like the dark age of the fourteenth century, that followed the collapse of the Lombard banking system."

Blood In The Streets

You don't have to be a financial insider to see that the entire global financial system is collapsing, since that collapse is now front-page news every day. The Bush Administration, its co-conspirators in Congress, and the Federal Reserve have passed the largest financial bailout scheme in history, and the Fed and the Treasury are cooking up new bailout facilities and increasing the money available in existing facilities on practically a daily basis. The stock markets are plunging, with the Dow Jones Industrial Index down 40 percent in a year, and dropping like a rock. The banks, particularly in the U.S. and Europe, are vaporizing faster than most people would have thought possible a year ago, with governments in most major European countries belatedly taking steps to prop up the banks and stop runs by protecting deposits. Yet despite it all, the crisis deepens by the day.

The carnage is becoming increasingly more visible in the

Society in general

I'm pretty sure society in general deserves what's going to happen to them
They only care about their money and not the lives they affect in trying to make it or retain it.
No one wants to hear how many children the military industrial complex is killing they only want to know how much their quarterly numbers made for the yearly input of money in their pocket at the cost of so many civilian lives
It's hard for me to understand this society
It seems based on some monetary order rather than Universal order
When there is no order and that time is fast approaching
When their money will mean nothing and they need each other to survive
Will they then come to understand that there is nothing of higher value than human life and Love
That we all need each other to just survive?
Remember co-ops and communes
It's the answer to your survival
Many hands make light work and a better variety to pick from
We all have special gifts and talents
Remember to utilize them all

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Someone once referred to me as the cowardly lion
I always thought of myself as more as the scarecrow
If I only had a brain
I always kept the crows out of my corn
But sometimes the little bastards did lite for a second and
pick my straw out but I always managed to shoe them off
But I find now that it took all of the characters of "The Wizard of Oz"
To make me understand how to get through this
Each one already had what they need too make them whole
And they did it by eradication the witch as a group
They just had to believe
Dorthy is our dream
It's who we are as the United States
We weren't satisfied to live the farm life
And we let the tornado take us to OZ
And right now we're in the dark Forest where the flying monkey's are picking us apart but we're also in the same time frame as the trees that came to life
when Dorthy picked the apple
To get out of this we have to pick up that same apple and throw it back at the trees
Everybody is all worried about the Mayan calender
I'm not it's like this
In 2012 it starts a new phase it's called the time of no more sacrifice
They loose unless they sacrifice us all through a pandemic
Which is exactly what they are preparing for
Fema camps and coffins and the movie Quarentene
The push is heavy right now for the little kids to get the flu shot
Little kids are the best spreaders they give it to their parents who then take it to work
It's time to wake up from the poppy field
The guards around the witches palace will help us
She's lit the broom on fire
And she's threatening our brains
It's time to throw the bucket of water
Because we're going back to Kansas baby
And it's going to take some work to survive
We've got to melt the witch
Because it's time to wake up from the dream
We've run around the tower circle long enough
It's time to take the bitch out
So we can wake up in our beds!

Friday, October 10, 2008

Whats not there to find
There was no shine to your precious bloom
Was it every really there
Or was it the touch of Fair that brought life to you

No magic no stardust no moonbeam shine
Just a smattering of dust layered by time
Oh where for art thou romance thee called thy name
For nothing did pass of your past fleeting flame

Your rose from past pressed
No fragrance at all
Just the brittle smell of death
With no flavored recall

Ah Esora it seems you've lost the smell to your nose
And now pass for a poor imitation of what once was a rose
How old and dry your presence seemed to me
You've lost your shine of what romance is I see

Dating death makes you cold
You've lost the flame of your night
Or perhaps it was never there
And you could only see through my sight
Things are getting bad kids
We're almost as far as we can go
And we need to stem this tide
Or destruction is going to flow
This was a deliberate act of economic terror
By the ratz that eat the cheese
Where they tell you they'll do one thing
And then do damned well as they please
There is nothing left in the Treasury
They picked that cupboard bare
And they are leaving us deep in debt
With depression era fare

Corporate greed

Corporate locusts that eat all the green
Leave the children starving and the parents lean
Destruction left behind when they leave the scene
For generations been this way
They have no heart and they don't cry
Their lizard blood leaves them cold is why
And yet they hide behind a human name
They take all and leave you none to spare
And expect you to thank them for being there
Like they've done you some great thing
And they didn't even care
And were quite fully aware
That the life they left you with
Was one of misery and despair

Argentina's fall

Treason committed by the leaders of their country for the corporate powers
Has placed Argentina on a poverty stricken road to no where
This is your life now America
Embrace it!
Because they did the same thing to you
And in case you wonder what's wrong with that baby
It's dying of starvation
Pray that yours won't go through the same thing
Because the odds are in your favor that they will!

This such just such an interesting day
Between Obama birth certificate and trooper-gate
The courts have decide to open the field of play

Condi's buying bullshit and selling it to

Some one forgot to tell Condi that they (CHINA) owns the deed to the homeland
Do you suppose that just maybe bush took out a sub-prime loan on the white house?
It really looks to me like he did

The International Security and Advisory Board (Isab), which reports to Condoleezza Rice, the US secretary of state, warned that "holding the US homeland hostage to missile attack is important to Chinese military goals".

It claimed that China will have "in excess of 100 nuclear-armed missiles that could strike the United States" by 2015.

By contrast, it said the US had allowed its nuclear stockpile and expertise to "deteriorate and atrophy across the board" for the last two decades.

The ISAB is chaired by Paul Wolfowitz, the former World Bank president who was often referred to as the "major architect" of the war in Iraq while he was deputy defence secretary.

Mr Wolfowitz was appointed by Miss Rice last year. Other hawkish members of the Isab are Robert Joseph, the former undersecretary for arms control and international security affairs, and James Schlesinger, the former defence secretary. Executives from arms companies such as Lockheed Martin and Boeing also sit on the board.
Just when I thought I'd loose my breafast
From the fast decent of the dow
A plunger got rammed down my throat
To make it stay somehow
OK what was that
A hairpin turn
Not at that speed

We had no idea

They Knew


And this is undeniable fact
That this meltdown was created on purpose
So the "WE" didn't know just doesn't cut it anymore
And it would seem incarcerations are dually warranted

They Warned Us About the Mortgage Crisis
Friday October 10, 8:08 am ET
By Robert Berner and Brian Grow

More than five years ago, in April 2003, the attorneys general of two small states traveled to Washington with a stern warning for the nation's top bank regulator. Sitting in the spacious Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, with its panoramic view of the capital, the AGs from North Carolina and Iowa said lenders were pushing increasingly risky mortgages. Their host, John D. Hawke Jr., expressed skepticism.

Roy Cooper of North Carolina and Tom Miller of Iowa headed a committee of state officials concerned about new forms of "predatory" lending. They urged Hawke to give states more latitude to limit exorbitant interest rates and fine-print fees. "People out there are struggling with oppressive loans," Cooper recalls saying.
Oh the powers that be and their irresponsibility
And the differences we have in our lives
The ability to erase their own faux pas
While my life must be sacrificed for mine
In a factual contemplation
They can erase their own bad accumulations
But my word says I must stick to mine
So many people in the street
For the bills they cannot meet
That the rich can just delete upon a dime
By the power of persuasion
Or the threat of martial invasion
Or a massive inoculation
Funded off this sweat of mine
The rich always find themselves deserving of
A reset of the situation every time

Thursday, October 9, 2008

It's true

It's true you know
If we want to save this country
We do need to put the children to bed
They are acting like children fighting over toys
That's the reason it makes no sense to let the rich decide what's best
They are not practical people and they are not good at it
And the little person has to be to survive
And we need to be practical right now
Look at how much money they have thrown at the debt hole and still couldn't fill it
And they never will be able to
Why is Hank waiting till the end of the month to inject the banks
Why did they pork the bill
When is it all going to end
Their maze ate them
And they are trying to make us pay for it
While their still eating caviar
They know their doing it wrong to fix it

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

This bitch is bought

Over seas contributions unless from service members should be against the law
It represents a conflict of interest to the office of the President of the United States!
And it doesn't take a college degree to come to that conclusion!

Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama has raised about $3.3 million from contributors who did not list a home state or who designated their state with an abbreviation that did not match one of the 50 states or U.S. territories, according to records provided by the Federal Election Commission.

Most of those contributors did identify themselves as living abroad in foreign cities. Under federal law, foreign citizens cannot make political contributions, but U.S. citizens living abroad can.

The Republican National Committee filed a complaint with the Federal Election Commission on Monday asking for an investigation of Obama's foreign contributions, among other things.

The FEC on Monday provided The Associated Press with a spread sheet of potential overseas donors that did not include contributors who left their state designation blank. As a result, the list was incomplete.

The $3.3 million total does not include donors who have given less than $200 and whose contributions do not have to be itemized. Some of that money could also have come from overseas. About half of Obama's $455 million in contributions so far are unitemized. The campaign does not identify those donors.

Obama senior adviser David Axelrod, speaking to reporters en route to Nashville, Tenn., on Tuesday, noted that anyone can donate to the campaign through the Internet. "We monitor these things as best we can," he said.

Republican John McCain's campaign lists all his donors, even those who give less than $200, on his Web site.

The Obama campaign has begun to request passport numbers from donors to verify their citizenship.

Asked why the Obama campaign doesn't do the same and open its database to the public, Axelrod said the campaign returns improper contributions.

"Obviously we've got a huge database of contributors," he said. "It's valuable to our campaign... We're probably more forthcoming about disclosure than anyone."

Independent watchdog groups, however, have asked the campaign to provide more information about its fundraisers and to at least provide information about small donors by zip code or country from where they donate.


Debt clock runs out


NYC National Debt Clock runs out of digits

Do you think God is trying to tell us something!

NEW YORK (AP) -- In a sign of the times, the legendary National Debt Clock in New York City has run out of digits to record the growing debt.

The Times Square-area ticker needs two additional digits to track a national debt 100 times larger than the current $10.2 trillion.

As a short-term fix the digital dollar sign on the billboard-style clock has been switched to a number one - the "1" in $10 trillion. The Durst Organization says it plans to update the sign next year.


The web of debt


Normally, the Fed swaps green pieces of paper called Federal Reserve Notes for pink pieces of paper called U.S. bonds (the federal government’s I.O.U.s), in order to provide Congress with the dollars it cannot raise through taxes. Now, it seems, the government is issuing bonds, not for its own use, but for the use of the Fed! Perhaps the plan is to swap them with the banks’ dodgy derivatives collateral directly, without actually putting them up for sale to outside buyers. According to Wikipedia (which translates Fedspeak into somewhat clearer terms than the Fed’s own website):

In its latest power play, on October 3, 2008, the Fed acquired the ability to pay interest to its member banks on the reserves the banks maintain at the Fed. Reuters reported on October 3:

“The U.S. Federal Reserve gained a key tactical tool from the $700 billion financial rescue package signed into law on Friday that will help it channel funds into parched credit markets. Tucked into the 451-page bill is a provision that lets the Fed pay interest on the reserves banks are required to hold at the central bank.”3

If the Fed’s money comes ultimately from the taxpayers, that means we the taxpayers are paying interest to the banks on the banks’ own reserves – reserves maintained for their own private profit. These increasingly controversial encroachments on the public purse warrant a closer look at the central banking scheme itself. Who owns the Federal Reserve, who actually controls it, where does it get its money, and whose interests is it serving?
This plan that Hank made up looks like "WE" are going to eat all those derivatives on Friday from Lehmans and Wamu anybody who went under
Our Congress was forced under the threat of martial law to pass this
You can't imagine what this bill is going to come to.
This debt is in the trillions
They just did Fannie and Freddie and it was like 53 billion because the difference was only like 9 bucks for the market to value
Lehmans and Wamu are 100%.
This is what they want us to eat
I got a kid that deserves a life


Can you say we got set up to eat the whole bill!
1 regulator for the CDS's
There was 146 but somebody didn't think they were needed
They swapped hand over fist and the bill comes due Friday
That little baby with the football head is not amusing
He's a disgusting perversion of what little creatures do
I'd like to kick his head off and really hurt him
And serve it on a plate to the guy who created him to
Your world is so complicated
And rigged to get around it to
I used to think I'd like to know it
But now it doesn't seem the thing to do
I have a certain set of ethics
That would never allow me to make it through
And I couldn't put that aside to go with the tide
And morally I don't see myself ever wanting to
Talking heads that know absolutely nothing
But to herd the thought of you
To make sure you do what the NWO wants
So the opposite is what you need to do
Shut them up shut them out
They work for the benefit of the few
The talking heads sleep in new world beds
And speak down to the child they think is you
You don't make sense anymore
You say the market has new rules
But then you say save this system
Which changes it's daily rule
What's the hype man
The faceless is who your talking to
A trade is just a trade
So now your just about money to
What just happened to the Rand
You support the death of those children to
They can't eat the music you supply man
Maybe there are more important things to do
Why would you save this system
That would let little children starve
They cut the rate and the Rand was hit very hard
To save a bunch of fat cats
You sacrifice the the small
To appease a bunch of blow hards
That don't care for humanity at all!
Burn baby burn
Who needs this life of duress
So the government now can own you
And control your happiness!
We're doing a drop out
On that material that makes up you
We don't want to be governed by a troll
Or listen to the talking heads that do!
We don't want your regulation
Or anything you do
The "People" all around the world
Are on to the games of you
We're dropping out to the old ways
And not listening to the points of you
We don't need your mass direction
Or the crap you sell us to
Because Love is gonna keep us together
Hand in hand we're turning away from you
We refuse the use of your resurrection
We're turning our back
On any support you do
I hope this was something in the works
From before the retrograde went through
Just a catch up point
Of what you pushed to do
Or you lost it on the fray
Reto's not time to sign OK
It's a revisit in a different way
And not for signing something new

Livin in the real world

Livin in the real world
And not some fantasy
Here's the price we're paying
Called Main Street reality
Hank's plan's no help out
Nor does the daily plea
That our lives just don't work out
Like Manhattans fantasy

The Golden State, which recently scrambled to fill a $15 billion budget gap, still may not be able to meet its payroll without help.

California is going to Washington, D.C., to ask for $7 billion to cover its budget shortfall. Otherwise it won't be able to pay for its teachers, cops, firemen, and other essential services. Unfortunately, California won't be alone. A number of other states are experiencing a huge dive in tax revenue and could be going cap in hand to Uncle Sam alarmingly soon. How bad could it get? The potential cost for all the 31 states facing both major and minor shortfalls could be as much as $53.4 billion.

The data is based on a study by the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities released at the end of September and shows the states that have seen the biggest shortfalls in tax revenue in their fiscal 2009 budgets.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Hero of the day

Hero's view of the day goes to Russia
For the helping hand they placed on Iceland's door
Whose lives were in a dire situation
Given the gift of Love
Because Iceland was in need of more
And in the end Russia was their only friend
And the others were selfish to the core
Because they care about no other than their own
And the greed at the center of their core
No one ever says what will happen if we do this
They only say what will happen if we don't
They forget who will starve if we choose this
Because those kind don't matter any more
It's the survival of the fittest this is business
Human life doesn't register there you see
It's all abut the way numbers stack up to play
And there is less empathy than we've ever seen before
One less mud cookie will not hurt you
If your hungry just eat the dirt upon the floor
No finances thus deems your annihilation
Now your worth less than you ever were before
Compassion is now seen as a violation
Of the finance that man was really put here for
It's a far cry from One Love as a world vibration
And it's silence is heard as a deafening roar
That money lost over the feeding of a nation
Has more power than it ever did before
Hello can you hear me there's babies that lie hungry
They no longer can move to even crawl across the floor
Your greed is now the cost of their annihilation
And there's more children that cry hungry than there ever was before
Stop taking what you don't need from their dire nation
Your making their suffering worse than it's ever been before
In the end the whole system collapses
Because to many people stuck their fingers in the pie
People still don't understand what's coming down
And the older they are the more I want to cry
What can't they all just admit defeat
And hit delete on the first try
We've buried our country so much now
You have to ask yourself why
There is no more trust for any bank
And you can see the reason why
But they still continue to carry on
Like there is something left to kiss goodbye


Sunshine lollypops and rainbows
Don't hold your breath for those
You licked the flavor off that lollypop
And now only lint will grow
No sunshine to ease your pain
You now live in London's perpetual rain
No rainbows to light your life again
You stole the pot of gold
Now you'll feel the misery
Like the kind you laughed at beneath your see
Nows the time for compatibility
Your world was not yours to own
So welcome to the world of misery
We hope you like just what you see
You sold your soul for the illusion
Now take you place in it's conclusion
Because your no longer part of the collusion
They always eat their own
Was anything real in your world of make believe
Because what I'm hearing is no
Pass the buck and close your eyes
Lets see how far the lie can go
I went to this site today called "What does it mean"
It scared the crap out of me
It said the Chinese were going to come in and protect the property they bought.
I don't want to even think about something like that but you know
Hank does have that whole China relationship thing going on from the past
And I just don't trust him as far as I could throw him
It's a shame we can't turn back time and still know what we know now
Our government is so corrupt
And Congress are such pansies.
That big emergency can now wait 6 weeks
That was nothing but a big blow job for sure!
Heart are we at level 1
Coz that's a pretty big tell if we are
I'm to old for all this crap
I swear!

Monday, October 6, 2008

Naomi Wolf

Kids it's really time to get real about what is happening in this country
There has to be a higher patriotism
Because our country has been taken over!
And screaming is going to help
It just makes you want to take the pill
That makes it all a non reality
I think it's just better to be still
And I think it should have been whoopie
Let's face it she carried the show
She saw both sides of everything
So that both sides would know
Is my back to the net
No I think the wall
But at least I have something to hold me up
Just in case I fall
Spirit can get through anything
And treat it like it was nothing at all
Be a cowboy baby
Get back on that horse
Everytime you fall
You have no inner
because your watching the rerun
of the pilot that you already sold
It's not an easy place to be in
As you watch the world unfold
It's like me I knew what was coming
But the other took a pass
And my world is crumbling
He finally gets it at last
So now he's in emotional hyper drive
And can't figure out why I'm not to
What should I blame him for the waste of my life
Like that would even help me to do
No nows the time for what's real
And the spirit of Love will know
How this is all going to end
And where I'm going to go
I'll get by I always do
Luck is a lady they say
So I'll keep my smile
And just listen awhile
To Spirit gives me the OK
And that is what gets me through me day
Take it light Cap
Remember what's really real
And that's to just give your best with Love
It's not just about the deal
I saw you with the kids
You missed your calling there
Your just what the DR ordered
Even when positive is hard to bare

Sunday, October 5, 2008


Babies are starving to death
But war still rages on
The amount of money the world spends on war
Should be a crime
I ask myself just what will it take for people to understand
that our children are dying right before our eyes.
from lack of love and neglect.
The answer is to lose them all and then people would understand what they were missing, because most don't seem to understand it now.
It's not just the children of Zimbabwe, it's the children all over the world.
Their innocents is dying and people just don't seem to recognize that.
They are being made old from worry and hate before their even old enough to go to school

'We are in serious trouble,' said Jabulani Gwaringa, of the Zimbabwe Farmers' Union (ZFU), which represents small-scale operators. 'There is no seed, fertiliser and crop chemicals on the market. Banks are not offering farmers any credit. In July we had produced about 25,000 metric tons of seed maize. We are down to 9,000 because farmers opted to eat their hybrid seed or sell it to millers.'

One European diplomat said: 'We are already hearing isolated reports of child deaths from hunger.' In the poorest provinces, such as Matabeleland North, subsistence farmers have begun bartering their livestock for maize: one cow buys six buckets of maize, while four live chickens or a goat buy one bucket.

Gas and groceries

I know alot of people doing without right now
It seems like people only have two emotional realms right now
Fear and anger and both of those together or separately
can be irrational
You just have to strive for a better outcome than either one of them will bring you

Supermarket prices for 16 basic food items surged to a record in the third quarter because of higher commodity costs and increased processing and transportation expenses, the American Farm Bureau Federation said Thursday.

Wall street down sizing

You know this is true
I can't imagine what would have happened if they had privatized SS
They listened to the people then
I wish they would have listened to them this time.
I've tried to figure out how bailing out the top is going to do anything for the people.
It's just not there.
People don't need credit they need jobs because if they don't have those credit is pointless.

The ongoing collapse of the stock market and the loss of hundreds of billions of dollars managed by Wall Street investment banks illustrate the pitfalls and danger of free market capitalism facing the entire working population of the United States.

1. The near bankruptcy of Social Security The attempt by the White House and leading Republican and Democrat congresspersons as recently as 3 years ago to 'privatize' Social Security ­ essentially turning over the management and investment of trillions of dollars in Social Security funds to Wall Street ­ with the argument that private investors would earn more, would have led to the bankruptcy of the entire Social Security fund.

Zeitgeist: Addendum

It's a two hour film
Sometimes it helps to look through some elses eyes
To fully understand

Death Star day

It's strange that something that actually holds no tangible mass
could actually multiply and wipe out the financial world.
I wonder if they really realized how big the odds would become
if they would have made the same decision to legalize it.
I guess we all pay the dues now for lettin it ride

“The point everyone misses,” wrote economist Robert Chapman a decade ago, “is that buying derivatives is not investing. It is gambling, insurance and high stakes bookmaking. Derivatives create nothing.”1 They not only create nothing, but they serve to enrich non-producers at the expense of the people who do create real goods and services. In congressional hearings in the early 1990s, derivatives trading was challenged as being an illegal form of gambling. But the practice was legitimized by Fed Chairman Alan Greenspan, who not only lent legal and regulatory support to the trade but actively promoted derivatives as a way to improve “risk management.” Partly, this was to boost the flagging profits of the banks; and at the larger banks and dealers, it worked. But the cost was an increase in risk to the financial system as a whole.2

Since then, derivative trades have grown exponentially, until now they are larger than the entire global economy. The Bank for International Settlements recently reported that total derivatives trades exceeded one quadrillion dollars – that’s 1,000 trillion dollars.3 How is that figure even possible? The gross domestic product of all the countries in the world is only about 60 trillion dollars. The answer is that gamblers can bet as much as they want. They can bet money they don’t have, and that is where the huge increase in risk comes in.

Credit default swaps (CDS) are the most widely traded form of credit derivative. CDS are bets between two parties on whether or not a company will default on its bonds. In a typical default swap, the “protection buyer” gets a large payoff from the “protection seller” if the company defaults within a certain period of time, while the “protection seller” collects periodic payments from the “protection buyer” for assuming the risk of default. CDS thus resemble insurance policies, but there is no requirement to actually hold any asset or suffer any loss, so CDS are widely used just to increase profits by gambling on market changes. In one blogger’s example, a hedge fund could sit back and collect $320,000 a year in premiums just for selling “protection” on a risky BBB junk bond. The premiums are “free” money – free until the bond actually goes into default, when the hedge fund could be on the hook for $100 million in claims.

The EU

It looks like every country for themselves now
Earlier this year when Ireland voted down the Lisbon treaty
I think they made the right choice
And this situation backs up that thinking.
Sometimes you just have to do what's best for your own house
Even if the neighbors don't like it

Germany shattered any semblance of European unity on the global credit crisis last night by announcing that it was ready to guarantee €568 billion of personal savings in domestic accounts.

The move – which came as Berlin announced a new rescue package for an ailing mortgage bank – is sure to anger France, which, holding the European Union presidency, tried to create the illusion of a common front at a weekend summit in Paris. Instead, the message coming loud and clear from Berlin is that it is every man for himself. Or as President Nicolas Sarkozy would prefer not to say:sauve qui peut.

The massive liquidity crisis in the banking system has already nudged the Irish Republic and Greece into unilateral – and probably illegal under EU law – action to guarantee the deposits in national banks. Faced with a choice between the possible collapse of their banking systems and violating EU competition rules, the two countries opted for what they saw as the lesser evil. Now Germany, which at the weekend rejected French plans for an EU lifeboat fund, has taken the decisive protective step, and it is said to be plain that other European states will have to follow suit.

Early today the Danish Government guaranteed all bank deposits in Denmark as part of a deal with banks to set up a liquidation fund. There had been a ceiling on the guarantee.

Yesterday Peer Steinbrück, the German Finance Minister, said of his own country’s move: “This is an important signal to calm the situation and head off disproportionate reactions, and which would make our crisis management or crisis prevention even more difficult.”

You know

It wouldn't hurt my feelings
If you just took a long extended vacation
And got out of the city
I know you know what I mean
I just wish you would
Your gonna give me gray hair you know
All of you are for that matter
It's kinda like being on the front lines there
What if bad things do pop
Do you have a plan
Everybody should have a plan

Plan time kids

This is one smart man and he does understand what's happening to our country right now economically
I suggest you get some money out of the bank tomorrow

The Fed has informed Bank of America to be ready for a one-week universal shutdown of the banking system, including access to checking accounts, savings accounts and credit cards. This is why you need $5,000 in small bills in your safe at home and small denomination gold and silver coins.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

The EPA way

Rocket fueled drinking water


Ah my most second picked on dept of the government and one of the biggest waste of taxpayer monies that there is
The EPA! Who does anything but protect the environment and we pay them to do nothing unless you count lowering of standards as something
Because they do a whole lot of that!

Environmental advocates plan to sue the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) over its refusal to set limits for perchlorate in drinking water. Perchlorate, a primary ingredient in rocket fuel, munitions, and explosives, has been linked to thyroid problems in pregnant women, newborns and young children nationwide.

Friday, October 3, 2008

There's no turning back now
I guess we've all known that for awhile
They're going for the take down
And we're just supposed to smile

You know great one

You know great one
Until you have control
You can't begin again
Not even in what you do
Because they reset the maze
Listen to what Cap says
Like he lost his best friend
That one thing you could count on
Will never be the same again
If you don't spend it
They won't grow

Yes they will

Do you hear what he is saying

They were pressured by threats of Martial law
So what was up with that?
That deserves an explanation
You don't just change your mind
Because of pork
But the smell of fried bacon
Attacks the senses differently
And can make you change your coarse
Oh my the clock ticks on the wall
By the end of next week
We see the disaster on the fall
When the peasants really understand
What's really hit them all
Bloodshed in the land
Shall overcome us all
No time for smiles
For the worries of war

The little things they forget to tell you

Like who's paying you off!

A prominent Emory University psychiatrist failed to tell the school about $500,000 in payments from drug maker GlaxoSmithKline while he was serving as the primary investigator for a government-funded research project studying Glaxo drugs, Sen. Charles Grassley alleged.

The payments to Charles Nemeroff, the chair of the Atlanta university's psychiatry department, were mainly for his work speaking to other doctors across the country about Glaxo drugs, including its big-selling anti-depressant Paxil, according to records Sen. Grassley obtained from Emory and Glaxo. The senator made the allegations in a letter to Emory President James W. Wagner dated Thursday.

Five things

With the main on being

It is that simple.

TAF, TSLF, SuperSIV, TARP, none of that matters. No matter what acronym is created to disguise the fact that assets are overpriced, or what government intervention is created to prop up those asset prices, the market will inevitably overpower it. This time is not different. In fact, it is continuing to play out almost exactly as the Great Depression did. The bottom line is that despite the bailout, risk in owning stocks has increased, not decreased

The bailout outcome

Perfect analogy

Don't even bother

There is no point Cap
Get out while the gettins still good
The world just fell down
And America's lost it for good

No problem now Governor

Wall Street just got paid

NEW YORK (Reuters) - New York Governor David Paterson on Friday said he feared Wall Street bonuses could plunge 60 percent and capital gains tax collections will plunge around 50 percent.

Noting at an economic summit that these were his personal estimates, not ones calculated by economists, the Democrat also issued slightly less pessimistic forecasts for a 40 percent drop in Wall Street bonuses though that would cost the state $20.7 billion in lost tax revenues.

And capital gains tax collections might only fall 35 percent or $38 billion, he said, explaining he had feared worse results because the state's latest tax data were issued on the same day that Lehman Brothers collapsed. Since then, banks and brokerages have taken even more body blows.

Sold out!

They just sold out America!
Foreign debt will now belong to us
Because Hank said it was a good thing!
And he'll start buying it Monday!
Turn the lights out America
You just died!

The common sense zone

America dies
So Wall Street lives
Bull shit!
No bailout!

Sherman knows

The "People" know to
If this gets passed off
Bloodshed will ensue
Hank and Ben need an escort to the brig
And the Senate needs to be taken there to!
Can you say TREASON!

When helping hurts!

All good parents know that when their child messes up
The only way they learn is to take responsibility for their actions
You don't bail them out!
Or they never learn

The $700 billion rescue that the U.S. House considers today reflects the unintended consequences of decisions made by Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson and Federal Reserve Chairman Ben S. Bernanke since March.

Beginning with the orchestrated purchase of Bear Stearns Cos. by JPMorgan Chase & Co., each step was a bold effort to forestall a collapse of the financial system. The economy grew in the first two quarters of this year, and financial distress eased for a while after the Bear Stearns rescue. Still, each decision to bail out or not created more instability, leading to further runs on securities firms, banks and insurers.

``Every time you tinker with this delicate system even small changes can create big ripples,'' said Dino Kos, former head of the New York Fed's open-market operations and now a managing director at Portales Partners LLC in New York. ``This is the impossible situation they are in. The risks are that the government's $700 billion purchase of assets disturbs markets even more.''

Paulson and Bernanke insist that the program to buy troubled mortgages and other securities is needed to revive lending and restore stability to markets. What they haven't discussed is the risk that they inadvertently make matters worse. By creating a government pool of distressed real-estate and bad debt, they could depress the housing market further. Risk may become even more concentrated through a wave of bank mergers that, if unsuccessful, would stick taxpayers with an even higher bill.

Conference Call

The decision to launch the biggest bailout in history came on a Sept. 17 conference call, when Bernanke and Paulson pulled the trigger on a

Stray cat strut

Going gone
Sold to the highest bidder!

How much is being borrowed?

How much is Ben lending from his window
The amount seems to be larger everyday
The bailout package now looks like bull shit
With the pork in it they barbecued I'd say

US banks borrowed a record $367.8 billion (£208 billion) a day from the Federal Reserve in the week ended October 1.

Data from the US central bank shows how much financial institutions are relying on the Fed in its role as lender of last resort as short-term funding becomes almost impossible to find elsewhere.

Banks' discount window borrowings averaged $367.80 billion per day in the week ended October 1, nearly double the previous record daily average of $187.75 billion last week.

With interbank lending and commercial paper markets near paralysis, and a $700 billion bailout package still not cleared by the US House of Representatives, it has become increasingly difficult for banks to borrow from anywhere else

The dog they sell

Oh Yeah real figures tell
About the loss of jobs
That the bailout will not quell
If anything it makes steeper
The price of paybacks way
Because the people have no money to buy
That makes unemployment rise today

Job losses have been mounting, and the slowing economy and credit crunch is likely to take an even greater toll in the coming months.

Analysts on average forecast that the monthly employment report expected Friday will reveal that the economy shed 105,000 jobs in September - the largest monthly loss in five years. The economy already has lost 605,000 jobs this year.

Unemployment is expected to remain at a relatively high 6.1%.

What's more troubling is that hiring trends have

Whose not collapsing?

Under the girth of big business
Who lied to all like Hell
The leaders heads are swirling
Into a chaotic collapse as well
The people don't trust their leaders
Who made money off the sell
Of the little people's live
That they planned to burn as well!

Plans for a pan-European response to the global financial crisis lay in tatters last night as Greece followed Ireland in unilaterally guaranteeing all bank deposits.

Amid reports that Greek depositors were rushing to withdraw their savings, Greece's Cabinet agreed to protect all deposits whatever their size. Previously the maximum guaranteed was €20,000 (£15,600).

A proposal by President Sarkozy of France to create a European €300 billion bailout fund also collapsed, leaving attempts on this side of the Atlantic to calm investor panic and lubricate the money markets in chaos.

Dress down day

I'm laughing at you Cap
You look like Joe six off the street
You better think about movin now
It's closer than you think
And drinkin just don't help much
And it don't help to pump the prime
And it don't help the radioactive fallout
That New York's going to find
Escape from New York
Before it gets to late

Congress is bought off by the banks!

Both political parties have become beholden to Wall Street.

The donors include investment bankers Bear Stearns, Goldman Sachs, Lehman Brothers, Merrill Lynch, Morgan Stanley, insurer American International Group and mortgage giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. Since March, with the exception of Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley, all of these companies have been bailed out by the government, sold to other companies at deeply discounted prices or simply failed.

Legislators failed in several instances to conduct oversight hearings or to raise concerns as the Bush administration adopted rules that fed the mortgage frenzy and set Wall Street on the route to disaster.

For instance, in 2004 when the Securities and Exchange Commission adopted a major rule change that freed investment banks to plunge tens of billions of dollars in borrowed money into subprime mortgages and other risky plays, congressional banking committees held no oversight hearings.

Congressional inaction also allowed mortgage agents to earn

Welcome to our world Wall Street

This is shanty town USA
Take a look at life today
This is all across the USA
Because this is what you left
From the games you played

The men in black!

The black suits
Hanks boys!

Containment breached!

Who ya gonna call!

This from a friend in Seattle: “I was talking to my neighbor last night. He is in finance in the county government, King County (Seattle). He said there are some very secretive budget talks being held, very hush, hush. Apparently, the county has lost around $200 million of taxpayer money in toxic paper investments , with huge implications on the budget. He says he is not privy to the details, but he is taking a 10-day vacation starting today, because he has nothing to do since everything is in flux.”

This from a friend in Atlanta with strong banking connections: “ Reliable word that Bank of America branch managers just received a letter or memo from the USFed instructing them to perhaps be ready for a one-week universal shut-down of the banking system , including access to checking accounts, savings accounts and credit cards. Reliable word has it that BofA bank branches received a shipment of signs last week, reading “WE’RE SORRY, BUT DUE TO CIRCUMSTANCES BEYOND OUR CONTROL, WE CANNOT BE OPEN AT THIS TIME.”

So the banks are in need of a respite, a break, a holiday. They need to shore up their positions. Economists and bankers avoid revealing the consequences of extended absence of short-term credit supply. Imagine all the supply chain DELIVERY routes being interrupted for lack of short-term credit, certain to interrupt the supply of food, gasoline,

The real bailout reason

See this can't be denied
I saw the whole interview
And that's exactly what will happened
We're damned all the way around by Hank and friends

California bailout

Arnold wants 7 billion to for the day to day little things
that it would seem California can no longer afford
What State is not in this boat with so much loss of tax revenue from
people being tossed out of their homes and the loss of the property tax that ensues?
Good luck Arnold we're broke!
And we're running out of ink to make up the funny money
And a Wall Street bailout is more important than you
Haven't you received the memo yet People don't count only derivatives do

California may need a $7 billion emergency loan from the Federal government for day-to-day operations and to pay teachers' salaries, nursing homes, law enforcement and every other State-funded service this month, Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger warned in a letter sent Thursday to the U.S. Treasury secretary.

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts

The bailout is a drop in the bucket compared to what these banks need
It won't even attempt to begin to bail them out!
They are still praying for foreign help
But with our credibility gone whose really going to give it
Welcome to the Third world
Created by design

A bailout that is treated as a mere addition to the US government's already massive indebtedness will disconcert foreign creditors. There is a limit to the amount of debt for which the US Treasury can assume responsibility without undermining its own credit rating. The bailout, especially if the $700 billion proves insufficient and more is needed, could impair the Treasury's credit standing.

In this event, foreign creditors might not provide the funds needed for the bailout or would provide them only at higher interest rates, which would themselves undermine the bailout's success.

According to a September 29 report in the Washington Post:

"Twenty of the nation's largest financial institutions owned a combined total of $2.3 trillion in mortgages as of June 30. They owned another $1.2 trillion of mortgage-backed securities. And they reported selling another $1.2 trillion in mortgage-related investments on which they retained hundreds of billions of dollars in potential liability, according to filings the firms made with regulatory agencies. The numbers do not include investments derived from mortgages in more complicated ways, such as collateralized debt obligations."[Broad Authority, Lots of Money And Uncertainty ]

Leaving aside the collateralized debt obligations, adding the three mortgage-related instruments of the 20 financial institutions comes to $4.7 trillion of which $700 billion is 15 percent. If more than 15% of just these troubled instruments are bad, the bailout would require more money. At what point would foreign creditors see an endless pit?

If foreign creditors are to finance the bailout, it must be credible. The best way to achieve credibility is to combine the bailout with a reduction in other forms of US foreign borrowing, specifically the US government's budget deficit and the US trade deficit.

Who paid off the Senate

Just who did pay off the Senate to vote for the bailout
Why the very same people who need it
Money can buy anything
Including Senate loyalty!

Is he or isn't he

I have a feeling this is going to get very interesting
And that Obama's birth origin should have been settled long before this time
If he is a false candidate one can only imagine the uproar that will be born from it

On September 29, 2008 US District Court Judge R. Barclay Surrick, the federal magistrate for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania ruled in the matter of Philip J. Berg vs Barack Hussein Obama, et al as the world was distracted by the $700 billion subprime mortgage crisis. Obama signed a breathe of relief as the mainstream media chose to ignore the question: "Can Senator Barack Hussein Obama legally seek the office of President of the United States?"

The flap began in June when National Review's Jim Geraghty raised the question and asked the Obama Campaign to release a copy of his birth certificate in order to prove that he actually was born in the United States. (Reports had previously surfaced claiming that Obama's Kenyan grandmother, Sarah Hussein Obama, told reporters that Obama was not born in Hawaii, but in Kenya. She reportedly told reporters that when her son, Barack Hussein Obama, Sr. returned to Kenya he was accompanied by a pregnant white wife who was close to term.)

Obama's family did not take to Stanley Ann Dunham Obama well according to Sarah Obama because she was white. Shortly after she arrived in Kenya Stanley Ann decided to return to Hawaii because she did not like how Muslim men treated their wives in Kenya. However, because she was near term the airline would not let her fly until after the birth of her baby. Obama's grandmother said the baby was born in Kenya and that shortly after Barack Hussein Obama, Jr. was born, Stanley Ann returned to Hawaii.

Purportedly, when she arrived back in Hawaii, Stanley Anne registered her son's live birth as an event which had just happened—in Hawaii. This supposition is based on the appearance, shortly after Nov. 6, 2007, of a Hawaiian birth certificate that was issued, as a duplicate birth certificate, by the State of Hawaii to a US Senator who requested it.

While the Internet screamed that the birth certificate, which appeared on the Obama Campaign's "Fight The Smears" website and was also downloaded and used by far left blogger Markos Zuniga on his website, Daily Kos, it was not an electronic image concocted by Daily KOs as was hypothesized by a self-described cyvbersleuth who uses the cyber pseudonym Techdude. It was the real McCoy—even if it was issued as a political favor to a prospective Democratic presidential candidate by a Democrat official in Hawaii. The county clerk who issued the document, which purports to be a copy of an original document, was date stamped "Nov. 6, 2007" on the reverse side of the birth certificate in blue ink which bled through and is visible on the front of the electronic image.

Attorney Philip J. Berg, the former head of the Montgomery County. Pennsylvania Democratic Party and a former member of the Democratic State Convention and, reportedly a Hillary Clinton supporter, wanted to learn the truth from the myriad of rumors that also suggested that Sen. Obama may also have been a citizen of Indonesia. The only consistent part of the story was Stanley Ann returning to Hawaii to claim he had been in the United States and was a US citizen. In his ruling, Judge Surrick noted that the "...cause came before the United States District Court Judge, Honorable R. Barclay Surrick on defendant Barack Hussein Obama and the Democratic National Committee's motion to dismiss." The order continued, "Having reviewed the motion and plaintiff's opposition to said motion and for good cause shown, it is hereby ordered that the motion to dismiss pursuant to F.R.C.P. 12(b)(1) and 12(b)(6) is denied. It is further order of this court that the following discovery is to be turned over to plaintiff within three (3) days.

1. Obama's "vault" version (certified copy of his "original" long version) birth certificate; and
2. a certified copy of Obama's Certificate of Citizenship;
3. a certified copy of Obama's oath of allegiance."

In his original filing, Berg specifically asked for those three items. Berg told the court that " the time Plaintiff's complaint was filed, Plaintiff was requesting protections from the court in order to stop Obama from being nominated by the DNC as the Democratic Presidential Nominee as Obama is not eligible to serve as President of the United States. However, Obama was nominated by the DNC...For that reason, Plaintiff must amend his complaint and will be amending this complaint to file a First Amendment complaint...."

Berg argued that he felt it was the role of the Federal Election Commission to ensure that presidential and congressional candidates are eligible to hold the positions for which they were seeking, and that those candidates run a fair and legitimate campaign. "In vetting the presidential candidate," Berg argued, "the DNC and the FEC are required to ensure the eligibility requirements pursuant to our Constitution are met and the Presidential nominee, if elected, is qualified and eligible to serve pursuant to our United States Constitution. In order to be eligible to run for the Office of President of the United States, you must be a "natural born" citizen.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

I was thinking about me and you
And how strange we are to me
Though I'm used to my crab of the mind
You wear the outer shell to see
Just what is that draw back
Is what I keep asking me
When we're neither amused
And far removed from we
And there is no glue used
So what is the draw back
To acknowledge our relativity
Just a thought that I ponder
On the off chance my mind lets me be
The merits of right and wrong
An interesting idea of say
I think Stinky would better understand
The sellout of Buffets way
And even though the idea is wrong
About the message sent that way
The psychological rues
Was a push to abuse
To make money anyway
He did no wrong when he sings his song
But I can't help the thought of ethics anyway
It's not the innocents of Santa I'd say
As a matter of fact
It's borderline the other way
For the sake of humanity I'd say
But still walking the line
Of the middle dime play


Why do I know that was you
You know cute draws me in that way
Your always so all im my head
How did you even get that way
I suppose it's fair turn around
Off of what I do that way
A tad at times un-nerving
But mostly a smile I'd say
Oh and by the way I waited
So whats the excuse on the way
And I know you didn't get stuck in traffic
So don't even walk me that way lol
But I'll give you credit on the morrow
If you tell me what I think that you'll say

Does Sarah know?

Does Sarah know John voted for the bailout?
Or maybe she meant after this one last time
Does Joe know that Barack voted for the bailout
Do they both know that it deflates the buying power of the dollar?
I don't think so!

Did you ever hear this

Hey now what's he saying
The truth telling I do hear
Some explosions went off
By bombs made very clear
People got out from above
And that's the same story that they told
A little more than planes I hear
The truth that the secret holds

Joh McCain are you ready

No I guess not
You signed to bailout Wall Street to!

So Barak

Do you know what your doing now?

No Balls?

Wildly over valued
Assets dead on play
So they pass them off
Without a cough
So the American people have to pay
A buy in from the outside
Not our bill I'd say
But Hank's resort
Makes them our to have to pay
Coz the banks don't trust each other
Or they lied about the values aye

The better informed congressmen have lines of communication to the Chinese & Japanese and know they can't sell it.

Bush in Tuesday's speech insisted the toxic assets could, if held for some years, be sold at a profit.

That's plain rubbish. If that was the case, there would be no need for a bailout. Banks could just sit on their assets until they recover in value. The problem is, they were so wildly overvalued, they are not going to recover in value.

How were they so wildly overvalued. You won't read it in the FT or hear it on the BBC but clearly the answer is lies and fraud.

Campaign give back

I agree with Nader
McCain and Obama should give back the contribution that Sachs and Morgan gave them
Other wise it definitely does look like a huge conflict of interest and a bought off position!
Because they definitely didn't vote in favor of the people
The ones that they are supposed to represent
They both voted for the pork

Opinion polls

Who's lying!

October 2, 2008, 8:37
Opinion polls cover up truth – Gallup veteran
Opinion polls in the U.S. distort the truth about public opinion. They cover up the truth about the number of undecided voters and distort the perception of which policies people support. That’s according to David Moore former senior editor of Gallup Poll, a world renowned polling agency.

PACE and retarded logic

OK so PACE admits that Georgia did the bad thing
It has done the bad thing before
That's why Russia has to be there on the Peace keeping mission
To protect the "People" of South Ossetia
But they also condom Russia for protecting the people
That they are there to protect!
Horse Shit man!
What's the point in being there if they just let slaughter happen

On Thursday PACE wraps up its three-day debate on the recent conflict in the Caucasus on Thursday. The discussion follows a trip by the assembly's special mission to Russia, Georgia and Tskhinval last week.

According to the draft resolution, the use of military hardware and cluster weapons, creating a serious danger for civilians, was 'a disproportionate use of military force' by Georgia and, as such, is a violation of international law.

However, the document deems Russia's action in protecting its citizens living outside the country 'unacceptable' under international law. The Russian counter-attack is considered non-observance of principles of the Council of Europe.

The assembly intends to condemn the recognition of independence of South Ossetia and Abkhazia by Russia, and to reiterate its commitment to Georgia's territorial integrity. With these matters in mind, PACE states its readiness to set up a special parliamentary commission


Take back down man
Coz I hear lunacy
The "PEOPLE" are the back bone
Not the credit market you think that be
With out the "PEOPLE"
That you list as just psychology
Are the tangible that it takes
For the market to have any relevancy!
Other wise it's just a big blow hard
For people like Warren Buffet you see
A man of non-reality
With little worth in thought
In the everyday world we see
If the world stop drinking Coke
It would no longer exist you see
It's the idea sold of drink-ability
But it still take the people
For it's drink-ability!
Coz if we ain't drinking
There is no point in making it you see
Think a little lower
In the problems analogy
The factor of the people
Has a two part play you see
There is none without the other
To make a two part harmony

What will the World do?

It's a world wide situation
Created by the "Powers that be"
"WE" must arise as ONE great "PEOPLE"
And shut down the"SYSTEM" we see
No common sense of evidence
From the GOVERNMENTS do we see
But just an escalation
From the constant aggravation
Of ALL who would have it be
The enslavement of the world
And the worlds "PEOPLE" living in poverty!

A group of leading economists today called on EU leaders to mount a coordinated Europe-wide rescue operation for the continent's banks to prevent a "once-in-a-lifetime" crisis spiralling out of control.

The 10 economists, including Willem Buiter, a professor at the London School of Economics and a former Bank of England rate-setter, warn that Europe faces a repeat of the 1930s, with the savings of hundreds of millions threatened unless governments act together.

Their "call to action", published by the DIW institute in Berlin, comes as France summons British, German and Italian leaders to an emergency summit in Paris this weekend to draw up a common response to the financial crisis.

You have to laugh

The hypocrites of morality
And how the Queen over looks
The secrets of her society
It's the Rothchild way
And who they employ
It's grown through generations
And the butler was a toy
And a set up man
To feed their plan
For the fruits that they enjoy
With no dispersal pause
For the elites true cause
Of the sexual favors they enjoy
From the halls of Buckingham palace
To the tunnels of the white house foray
There lies the sexual deviance of
The leaders who rule today!
The pedophiles who rule the world
And on all those that they can prey!

A police source said: 'Kidd was a very accomplished groomer of children.
Kidd introduced the lad to his Royal employers and took him for tea with the Queen Mother

Keep up the good fight Marcy!

"The People" have come together
And you hold the expression of our view
We don't want to taste no whine
Of the poison the senate would feed us to
Stay strong in"The House"
"The People" are counting on you
Don't slip back
To the courage the senate lacks
To oppose the Wall Street point of view!

Rep. Marcy Kaptur, an Ohio Democrat, said on the same program that she plans to vote no.

"I will not support this legislation because it's the wrong medicine," she said. Kaptur argued that the problem should be solved by the market itself, not through governmental intervention.

Buying a new car

When we all get new jobs
Yeah that's what we're all gonna do
Go out and buy a new car
That we can now finance thanks to you

Tight credit is taking a toll on manufacturing and jobs.
More people than expected lined up at the unemployment lines last week and orders to U.S. factories plunged by the largest amount in two years, according to government data released Thursday

New applications for unemployment benefits rose slightly last week to a seven-year high due to a weakening economy and the impact of Hurricanes Ike and Gustav, the Labor Department said Thursday.

The department reported that initial claims for jobless benefits increased by 1,000 to a seasonally adjusted 497,000, the highest since just after the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks seven years ago.

Meanwhile, the Commerce Department said Thursday that factory orders in August plunged by 4 percent compared to July, a much steeper decline than the 2.5 percent drop analysts expected and the biggest setback since a 4.8 percent plunge in October 2006.

The weakness was led by big declines in orders for aircraft, down 38.1 percent, and autos, which fell by 10.6 percent, the worst performance in nearly six years.

Burnin down "The House"

Watch out!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

All's not well in the land of snow
Friendships lost as the cold now grows
Greed had shrunk the trust to part
All man for himself with no love from the heart
How can this go on
Unless they dump it on thee
For a life paid in taxes
As a thousand different fees
While they drink flutes of champagne
And party from dusk until dawn
On the life blood off your table
They feast and they gorge
But now the meats all gone
And the be nary a bone to pick
The vultures are screaming
And the sound is quite thick
They hunger for scraps of what's left from be for
Another round off the table
To pick off the shreds from before
A little more buy
From a lot more snow
A try for an able
The last chance for the show

Do you really think

That 700 billion is going to ease this problem?
It's not going to happen
It's to big
It's bigger than any fix out there
Game over!

France heaped pressure on Gordon Brown last night by floating an ambitious plan for a ¤300 billion (£237 billion) bailout fund to rescue crippled banks across Europe.

As the world held its breath on the fate of America’s $700 billion bank bailout plan, President Sarkozy was seeking the backing of European leaders for his own lifeboat.

Mr Brown also faced demands for action from British banks, furious that the Irish Republic’s unilateral guarantee of all bank savings on Tuesday was robbing them of precious deposits. The British Bankers’ Association, which represents high street banks, said that the move was anti-competitive and that it was raising the issue with Dublin. Some banks would like to see the UK respond with its own explicit guarantee.

That was NOT legal!

"The House" has to pass it first
And then the Senate votes on it!
"The House" represents "The People"
And the "Senate" represents the "State"
This was so bogus
What part of the Constitution do we follow any more?
They porked up the old bill and passed it
Because that's logic to
We can't afford it so we won't afford it bigger
Do you see a pattern
They used it on the people to sell the loans
Same difference!
Same psychology
But "The People" aren't buying it
The "House" better not buy it either
Or we got a revolution on our hands
Thus making the whole thing even worse
Sellouts brings a gift of misery
Christmas comes for all to see
Barren and the cold we'll share
With the banks quite warm in their heated air
And all the world shall know no feast
Only to be dined upon by the burden's beast

Bill passage

Ok so this is how this goes
"The People" say flat out no by majority
The house side with the people
They bring it back up for a vote
And the Senate votes first
And votes to pass it
But this time rather than listen to the people about the tax burden
for a plan they know will fail for an emergency not only effecting our country
but effecting the world economy they decide it's now a good time to lay if full of pork
3.8 billion for a mental health bill
3.3 billion for rural schools
The biggest single piece in the package is an extension of protections for millions of middle class families who would otherwise find themselves exposed to the higher levy under the alternative minimum tax. This alone accounts for about three quarters of the cost or $78.8 billion in 2009. Almost $14 billion more can be attributed to a variety of tax break extensions important to business, including the R&E credit worth about $8.4 billion in 2009.

The rural school aid is smaller —about $3.3 billion over the next five years— but has great importance for many Western communities and could be important then in the House.

Nothing for homeowners at all
They did NOTHING for "The People"
Giving HANK the power the way they have is bull shit
And Treason!
These people need to be prosecuted, everyone of them that voted for it voted to sink this country purposely!
One can only hope the "The House" does what's good for the home and not "The Banks"

Sub-prime was not the problem

Greed was! And this is how they took down a nation!
And the sold it to the rest of the world to take them down to!
And rather than bearing the burden and rewarding them
The world should charge them with fraud and treason!

By the mid-'90s, JPMorgan's books were loaded with tens of billions of dollars in loans to corporations and foreign governments, and by federal law it had to keep huge amounts of capital in reserve in case any of them went bad. But what if JPMorgan could create a device that would protect it if those loans defaulted, and free up that capital?

What the bankers hit on was a sort of insurance policy: a third party would assume the risk of the debt going sour, and in exchange would receive regular payments from the bank, similar to insurance premiums. JPMorgan would then get to remove the risk from its books and free up the reserves. The scheme was called a "credit default swap," and it was a twist on something bankers had been doing for a while to hedge against fluctuations in interest rates and commodity prices. While the concept had been floating around the markets for a couple of years, JPMorgan was the first bank to make a big bet on credit default swaps. It built up a "swaps" desk in the mid-'90s and hired young math and science grads from schools like MIT and Cambridge to create a market for the complex instruments. Within a few years, the credit default swap (CDS) became the hot financial instrument

Derivatives should be abolished

These people did this all over the world just to watch us suffer
They moved the cheese again after getting us used to running their maze
I just read that Ireland has to eat a derivative bill of 560 billion and the population is much less smaller than ours, so that it made each man woman and child owe 133,000 dollars a piece to pay it off.
How long will that enslavement last to keep the people down and depressed
and all for what, just because somebody could!
How many other countries are having to do this very same thing
For something that doesn't exist except on paper.
And the only people that reap the benefits of it are so filthy rich
that they couldn't spend all they have in ten life times.
And the only way they got that was was by inheriting the heritage of their families Usury
The very idea of this just makes me sick
This same crap out system has been in place for centuries and the same crapped out thing keeps happening to it.
Because when it's all said and done their riches don't exist except on paper.
There is nothing tangible to make it real other than their say so
For the worlds sake and the people in it it's time to take that power of cruelty away from them
They are all so corrupt that none of them are fit to make decisions that effect all of the rest of us just because they think they hold all the marbles
It's time to tell them to go fuck themselves!
We quit their crapped out monetary world!
Their game is rigged and we no longer want to play with cheaters!
Let the bastards burn!
Take their derivative debt and stick it up their ass
"WE" "The People" refuse to play anymore!
All you have outs in free!

9/11 cover up

The cover up of the cover up is coming un covered up
Lets have some open public senate hearing and just get down to the damned bottom of it! Because they do know what's happened and who is responsible for it.
Most of America does to!
9/11 was an inside job!

The FBI has blocked two of its veteran counterterrorism agents from going public with accusations that the CIA deliberately withheld crucial intelligence before the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks.

FBI Special Agents Mark Rossini and Douglas Miller have asked for permission to appear in an upcoming public television documentary, scheduled to air in January, on pre-9/11 rivalries between the CIA, FBI and National Security Agency.

The program is a spin-off from The Shadow Factory: The Ultra-Secret NSA from 9/11 to the Eavesdropping on America, by acclaimed investigative reporter James Bamford, due out in a matter of days.

The FBI denied Rossini and Miller permission to participate in the book or the PBS "NOVA" documentary, which is also being written and produced by Bamford, on grounds that the FBI "doesn't want to stir up old conflicts with the CIA," according to multiple reliable sources.
Bamford, contacted by phone, said he could not comment because his publisher has embargoed his new book for release around Oct. 10.

Remember Elliot?

Oh yeah! Bush didn't know and neither did Hank!
Bull Shit!
They enabled it, now the question is

Several years ago, state attorneys general and others involved in consumer protection began to notice a marked increase in a range of predatory lending practices by mortgage lenders. Some were misrepresenting the terms of loans, making loans without regard to consumers' ability to repay, making loans with deceptive "teaser" rates that later ballooned astronomically, packing loans with undisclosed charges and fees, or even paying illegal kickbacks. These and other practices, we noticed, were having a devastating effect on home buyers. In addition, the widespread nature of these practices, if left unchecked, threatened our financial markets.

Even though predatory lending was becoming a national problem, the Bush administration looked the other way and did nothing to protect American homeowners. In fact, the government chose instead to align itself with the banks that were victimizing consumers.

Predatory lending was widely understood to present a looming national crisis. This threat was so clear that as New York attorney general, I joined with colleagues in the other 49 states in attempting to fill the void left by the federal government. Individually, and together, state attorneys general of both parties brought litigation or entered into settlements with many subprime lenders that were engaged in predatory lending practices. Several state legislatures, including New York's, enacted laws aimed at curbing such practices.

What did the Bush administration do in response? Did it reverse course and decide to take action to halt this burgeoning scourge? As Americans are now painfully aware, with hundreds of thousands of homeowners facing foreclosure and our markets reeling, the answer is a resounding no.

Not only did the Bush administration do nothing to protect consumers, it embarked on an aggressive and unprecedented campaign to prevent states from protecting their residents from the very problems to which the federal government was turning a blind eye.

Let me explain: The administration accomplished this feat through an obscure federal agency called the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC). The OCC has been in existence since the Civil War. Its mission is to ensure the fiscal soundness of national banks. For 140 years, the OCC examined the books of national banks to make sure they were balanced, an important but uncontroversial function. But a few years ago, for the first time in its history, the OCC was used as a tool against consumers.

In 2003, during the height of the predatory lending crisis, the OCC invoked

Paul O'Neil

Why did he get fired, because of policy disagreement maybe!
He told Bush he was nuts and running the country into the ground maybe?
We'll never know, but I do know this his plan is a lot sight better than what Hank has in mind! And it doesn't place the worlds debt on our back to do it!
What's the rush and why can't O'Neils plan be heard? Every economist in the country
including the governments own says Hank's plan won't work and doesn't help "The People" at all who have to bear the cost of the burden?
WHY the rush Hank WHY?

Former U.S. Treasury Secretary Paul O'Neill said the $700 billion bank-rescue proposal under negotiation in Washington is ``crazy,'' with potentially ``awful'' consequences for the world's largest economy.

``Doesn't this seem like lunacy to you?'' said O'Neill, who was President George W. Bush's first Treasury chief, from 2001 to 2002, in a telephone interview today. ``The consequences of it are unbelievably bad in terms of public intrusion into the private sector.''

O'Neill's objections mirror those of Republicans in the House of Representatives who rejected the plan in a Sept. 29 vote. The former Treasury chief said he's lobbying for an alternative solution that would offer guarantees for troubled assets, stopping short of purchasing the debt.

``Is anybody thinking there?'' asked O'Neill, who also served as deputy budget director in the Ford administration. ``It's too late, it's not going to make any difference and it's aggravating as hell when there's a better idea and you can't even get it in play,'' he said, recognizing little success so far in pitching his own proposal.