Sunday, October 5, 2008


Babies are starving to death
But war still rages on
The amount of money the world spends on war
Should be a crime
I ask myself just what will it take for people to understand
that our children are dying right before our eyes.
from lack of love and neglect.
The answer is to lose them all and then people would understand what they were missing, because most don't seem to understand it now.
It's not just the children of Zimbabwe, it's the children all over the world.
Their innocents is dying and people just don't seem to recognize that.
They are being made old from worry and hate before their even old enough to go to school

'We are in serious trouble,' said Jabulani Gwaringa, of the Zimbabwe Farmers' Union (ZFU), which represents small-scale operators. 'There is no seed, fertiliser and crop chemicals on the market. Banks are not offering farmers any credit. In July we had produced about 25,000 metric tons of seed maize. We are down to 9,000 because farmers opted to eat their hybrid seed or sell it to millers.'

One European diplomat said: 'We are already hearing isolated reports of child deaths from hunger.' In the poorest provinces, such as Matabeleland North, subsistence farmers have begun bartering their livestock for maize: one cow buys six buckets of maize, while four live chickens or a goat buy one bucket.