Sunday, October 5, 2008

Wall street down sizing

You know this is true
I can't imagine what would have happened if they had privatized SS
They listened to the people then
I wish they would have listened to them this time.
I've tried to figure out how bailing out the top is going to do anything for the people.
It's just not there.
People don't need credit they need jobs because if they don't have those credit is pointless.

The ongoing collapse of the stock market and the loss of hundreds of billions of dollars managed by Wall Street investment banks illustrate the pitfalls and danger of free market capitalism facing the entire working population of the United States.

1. The near bankruptcy of Social Security The attempt by the White House and leading Republican and Democrat congresspersons as recently as 3 years ago to 'privatize' Social Security ­ essentially turning over the management and investment of trillions of dollars in Social Security funds to Wall Street ­ with the argument that private investors would earn more, would have led to the bankruptcy of the entire Social Security fund.