Saturday, September 29, 2007

Just the facts

Someones got to say it, things are very off balance in our police forces, not only in America
but around the World to.
It's time to take a stand and UNITE for the sake of Humanity's survival and stop this atrocity. The powers that be have used Corporate Media, to slowly promote psychologically
the acceptance of normalcy, as far as the violence level that is being inflicted upon human beings.
This is a global problem that is getting worse by the day.

HPV Re-Visited


And this is the part of the answer:

And WHY is at the bottom of the page, Corporate Pharma pays them to!
Talk with your children and their friends. Make them understand that greed can sway even the finest of institutions into over looking the truth of reality!

HPV is poison! Spread the truth!

Friday, September 28, 2007

HPV Shot

Now I'm very irrated. There was truely no call for these deaths

Read this and then make sure to read the last one at the bottom of the page.
It's the patient results from HPV testing. I've written on this very same report before.
The results of the test where heinous. They used Healthy Children of unsuspecting parents,
who were lied to about this supposed gift from God, to not only sicken, but also kill their children. If you can honestly say after you read this report, that this shot was determined for one purpose only, which would be the collection of the all mighty dollar, the you own stock in the Pharmaceutical company that produced it. You don't even have to read the whole thing to determine that this shot is poison. Just read what happened to the first 25 or so girls.
It's enough to make you vomit, when you realize that they knew it was poison to.
Who's ever John Hancock that approved this atrocity deserves the death sentence for Pre-Meditated MURDER! This poisonous crap was almost made mandatory for your child!
It was even pushed hard enough to suggest that boys should have it to.
I realize that there needs to be a give and take with Corporate America, but this has just gone to DAMNED far! For the mothers and fathers whose children took this shot, my heart bleeds for you, and I pray that this nightmare, not follow you through, for the rest of your lives.
America, you better believe Congress had it's sticky fingers in this!
Just who did get the damned payoff? Enquiring minds want to know, because they to should be held up to the flame!

Thursday, September 27, 2007

J. David McSwane

A Student Editor has taken a stand, he refuses, as he so should, to step down from his position at the Rocky Mountain Colligian. It seems J. David McSwane was hauled before the Board of
Student Communications for using the F word, when writing his editorial on the unnecessary violent use of a tazer on a fellow student in FLA, for the seemingly obscene violation, of asking a question, during his allotted time in an open forum.
While the extra publicity for McSwanes cause is an added asset, it is also totally unnecessary.
It would seem to me the key to his innocence, lay within the title of the board he was brought up before, Student Communications. He was writing to a body, of his peers. Who they themselves were raised up on the F word. So I feel very confident in saying, no ones eyes seared in their socket from having observed it in his article.
Our own President actually used the F word in a magazine article that the entire world had access to, and lets not forget the importance of it's well known use, as a tool to be used for a political point maker by our illustrious Vice President. Now surely, if the use of the said F word
were in any way an immoral act upon the values that the citizens of the United States hold so dearly, the President nor the Vice President would have ever uttered it from their mouths.
One can only hope that the board is reviewing the situation for the soul purpose of looking into the complaint that was lodged against McSwane and not for the purpose of passing judgement
for his removal. Since sometime between 70-74, it was used not once, but twice, in the same article by a student editorial writer at the time. Granted they did lose a small fraction of their advertising budget, but with the added publicity for McSwanes cause, they seem to be well on their way to making up the difference. So there is virtually no loss there.
One can only hope, that they will not squelch a True Leader in the making. One who chose to actually put his butt on the line, for a cause that is well worthy of his time, being as this was not the first student who was tazed unmercifully for an unjust reason.
And on a personal note to you, J David McSwane, I look forward to your time as a Real Editorial Writer, for the simple fact alone, that you possess the strength of Power to stand up not only for your own rights, but those of others as well! You are a True Pen for the People. I tip my hat to you Sir! PEN ON!

Thursday, September 20, 2007


I have serious food issues. I admit it. I have a problem ingesting poison, that most people
think passes as food. I used to drink Diet Pepsi everyday, until my chiropractor told me that the carbonation was to hard on my body. So I stopped. Which was not an easy thing for me to do.
I did notice within a months time that I not only felt physically better, but that also I had lost weight to. I stayed clean for about 6 months. One day a friend of mine called and asked if I would ride with her to see her mom. When she arrived to pick me up, she handed me a diet Pepsi. I should have said no thanks, but I didn't and proceeded to drink it. Within 5 minutes
I felt like my head was going to explode. It was worst headache I ever had. It was so bad
I thought something was seriously wrong with me, like I had a brain tumor. When we got to my friend's mom's house, I took some aspirin and laid down on the couch with a cold cloth over my eyes. Eventually the headache eased up.
It wasn't until I read this article, that I made the connection between that headache and aspartame. I find it very ironic that aspirin and aspartame both the cause and the eventual cure were created by the same company. Monsantos's father Mr. Queeny had produced both.
Aspartame is used widely, not just in diet soda. It's used in Wriggleys gum and to many other products to mention. Just as Bt or genetically altered food is. Most people think that they have nothing to worry about. Well you don't if you live in Europe, because they won't touch it.
Kraft foods uses Bt grown food, they sell in Europe to, but only with natural ingredients.
Kraft as been asked to do the same thing in the States, but they refuse.
Mansanto without looking any where else has managed to poisoned virtually everything that you and your children eat. Not to mention the added gift of growth hormones in the beef you eat that must have been found in milk to, because Kroger's refuses to sell it any more.
The greed of this Corporation not only poisons humans, but they also put the small Dairy as well as Crop farmers out of business. They pay lobbyists for Congress big bucks to sway them to
make sure that there nasty little secrets about the poison they sell, is never seen by the consumer. With the help of Congress, Bt food passed right on by FDA testing, straight on to your dinner plate and into your child cereal bowl. Pure poison that never even got tested!
Only one Congressman, out of all of congress, had a problem with this and that would be Senator Dennis Kucinich. This is a huge problem, but I would say thanks to him at least McDonalds is no longer serving up Bt grown potatoes for fries any more.
Look at all of these things and then throw in additives, do you really think that A.D.D. is the ever expanding mental disorder that they say it is, or is it just an accumulation of the poison that they produce and add to our food? Something to ponder.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

New tech for crowd control

Man it's getting scary out there now. Yesterday a university kid was tazed at a John Kerry
lecture. The scary part is, this kid did nothing wrong but ask a question. It seems we are now no longer allowed to use the first amendment. Which could be the reason why the news has reported virtually nothing of importance other than what celebrity is doing who!
I personally don't find this to be news worthy!
But I do find this to be news worthy-

What this is in a nut shell is crowd control! It won't matter if your an innocent by stander.
You will be involved! It's time to take a stand America, before you can't.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Genetically modified without consent

It's come to my attention, that various things separate the American People into two different political parties. So I chose a topic that would make both parties see the need to come together as One Voice!
Genetically altered food, while I'm sure very profitable for Monsanto, has some very hazardous
side effects. Not only for the physical properties that it's held, but also for human life it's self.
The worse part is daily, I read of further spread of it's carnage. I just read in the last week, that Canada and Brazil, have consented to use it's genetically altered seed.
The products this company produces are so controversial that there seems to be a need to
remove an entire article in an ecological magazine, due to be destroyed by the end of September.

This Corporation almost from it's inception has produced some products that the world would certainly have done better without! Aspertain is on one end of the spectrum, with nuclear
weapons on the other end. Add in various types of industrial chemicals and pesticides, along with growth hormones for for larger animal yield not only for size but also for production
such as dairy products, and you can see that this company does not necessarily hold the
consumers health safety first.
Morgellans has been an issue or non-issue, depending on who you are speaking to about it for the last 10 years

As you can see, it's victims have been hard pressed to get any type of recognition, that Morgellans even exits, outside of their own minds. Now comes the scary part.

Do you really think they didn't know? Gentically altered seed was rushed through the FDA, at light speed. I'm sure Congress had it's hand in the speed of it's approval. The problem is these products are reviewed two years after their incertion onto the market, and all the data is collected by the initiating company themselves. This data alone by the length of time, the first symtoms were reported tells you that they weren't forth coming with everything they knew
to the FDA! America this kind of thing can't continue, Not here or world wide.
Cross pollination by the bees from field to field, makes it an even worse problem than we realize.
Unless it is annihalated there is no way to contain it.

Friday, September 14, 2007

The National Budget

This is the best graph I have ever seen on how the government wastes the taxpayers money.
Please take a look and prepare yourself for quite a shock!

I was astounded and I knew things were very off balance.
All of this is paid with worthless paper and the sweat off your back. It's quite fastinating to see where it all goes. What strikes the eye at first glance is just how little of this massive amount of money that we so willing give to the private business called the Federal Reserve, is the amount allocated for the development and sustention of the War Machine. Which by the way, is the number one producing industry of the United States. This is the driving force that the United States now stands for. Bought and paid for by your tax dollars. Sold into place by BIG BUCKS
from lobbyists who represent the Corporations to do it. One must think farther than tanks and missles when thinking just how big this Scam is to the American Taxpayer. This also includes clothing, shoes, and food. If you can think of it, they're paying money to buy the position.
Unbid Government Contracts. All determined by who gave the best perks to the individual congressional party, that they sold it to.
Mean while back at the pass, we work and live like dogs, so that they may have all of the finest things that they've become accustom to, while we dig further and futher into debt, from an ever decreasing value of the dollar.
It cost more to live than you made this month, and there is no end in sight, because of the FED'S endless supply of what's no more REAL than Monopoly Money!
The Constitution says the States are Regulatory, that means self governing. Which by itself means NO FEDERAL INCOME TAX! SHOW ME THE LAW! You can go ahead and look, but you won't find it, because it's not there. It was intentionally left out, so that Corporate entities
would never have the Power to drive the People! In 1969 Richard Nixon sold out the People
because he needed more money to finance the Vietnam WAR. The dollar lost the backing of Gold for credit and the prices rose on! And they still do to this day until they no longer can be afforded. Welcome to the Depression! Specifically made just for you, by the, listen to this name REAL CLOSE now! The FEDERAL RESERVE. Aka: GANGBANGERS WHO PULLED A TRAIN!..........And the boxcar is you!
High five to the EU and the Labor Party of the UK, for showing them who the PEOPLE are!
Somebodies got to do it!

Monday, September 10, 2007

I'm amazed and a little irritated to

One of my favorite things to do is read the financials. I already admitted, that I was nosey, so I don't mind telling you, I'm a world wide watcher! Yup I just can't seem to get enough of it.
I mean I read it to. I like to really fit those puzzle pieces together. Like I read what lobbyists are declaring what company they're representing. I read ratings reports, Who got the upgrade, who got the down. So I guess I wasn't really surprised to see that Hillary, was holding Dow Chemical.
But I do have a problem with the conflict of interest to the American People! Back in the day,
I used to think she was a pretty cool chick! She definitely handles herself pretty well under adversity. I do have to give her that! She was pro- choice back when she acted like a Democrat.
And just in case you hadn't figured out, I do lean that way. I figure that's my contribution, to fixing the welfare problems, that the pro-lifers always scream about. It's got it's own natural kind of balance going on. It works for me anyway. I still don't see how you can be a pro-lifer and then turn around and watch a child starve because you ain't giving up the money for someone else mistake. I guess that's called turning the other cheek, and talking out the other side of you ass! That's just not my style. That's what Hillary did, to get the conservative vote. I got this thing about being a person of integrity. My word, is my bond, and you can bank your life on it.
I don't change my mind or opinion to kiss someone Else's ass, so they'll like me. Hilary did, and I lost all respect for her that day. Which is pretty much a bite! For the simple fact, that she's the first woman that's ever run for the presidency, and I personally feel, that a woman can budget, much better than a man. Just for the simple fact alone that a woman will bitch until she gets what she has paid for. Their just that way. And God knows our Government could definitely use some help restraining themselves in that department. Which actually brings me back to why I'm irritated! I was just over reading the BBC and couldn't believe they have the kahunas to tell the people of the UK, that now their problems are because of us. I'm not even having it, let alone buying it! Their banks were double dipping. They feed off both countries and now they won't even tell the truth about what they did to their people as well as us. It's called Transcontinental banking. They knew exactly what they were doing. They knew the last man got stuck with the bag! That's how a pyramid works. The UK has so much debt, not that we have room to talk, that every man, woman and child is already 125% in debt. I suspect just like us, that the sterling is not worth squat from all those years of credit debt piled on top of it, just like the USD.
Gas topped 77 dollars a barrel today, because the dollar is down on the yen. They just recommended until spring for the war so, by Christmas gas will be 100.00 dollars a barrel,
if we make it that far! My prediction is half way through October. They're running out of trees
to make the paper!

Sunday, September 9, 2007

Basic Human rights

It seems as I cruise the news, that peoples basic human rights are being taken away.
I ask myself what is this world going to come to. I got my ass in an uproar today by
an article I read, Yeah yeah wears the link, I think I figured out how to do it I'll try tomorrow.
In India, they wear a red dot in the middle of their forehead. It's called a Holy Tilak.
It is part of their religious culture. It seems the Deputy Director of India faces suspension from his job, for wearing his to work. This is not a new tradition for him, he's been doing it for the last 30 years, and now someone has seen fit, to deny him his basic need to honor his cultural traditions.
They have in essence stripped him of his spiritual peace, which is a basic human need, and he has the right to live a peaceful life. Naturally it was a government or a corporate rule that the government was enforcing to appease the sugar tit, it could not do without.
It so concerned the deputy director that he thought his only option left for peace, was to commit suicide. But that is just what they want, for the people of the world to live under their rules of enslavement. That's the Dark side, do not give in to them, they hold no power over the Light Of Love! The only power they have is psyco -babble bullshit. Do not give into it.
Better days can only be achieved by understanding, that there must be a higher level love of love shown to each other, so that we all may maintain, our own Spiritual Peace

Friday, September 7, 2007


There is, what most of us choose to think of as a non-reality, an actual reality. It represents the exact opposite of Christianity. The Dark side. When compared side by side, they are actually not all that different from each other. Other than the most obvious, being which way they travel, upon departure, of their own physicial demise.
They each have their own ritual and follow their own particular dogma. The Dark side
can be tracked by the farmers almanac, they follow the old ways. By seasons and the wax and the wane of the moon.
Madeline was taken the day before a full moon. For the Dark side, as well as those enlighten,
this day represents the most energy that there can be, to carry out in what ever your desire to succeed in is. An enlightened person would make a wish upon this energy to send it out on the highest level, for the achievement of their goal, or wish.
The Darkside uses the same energy, for the same purpose, but instead of making a wish, they preform a ritual. In my theory mattie's parents are being indoctrinated into the fold, and Mattie was their entry fee. Now mine you this is only a theory, speculation of my own thoughts from putting together a work up of this situation. I have a passion, to color in the outline and fill in the blanks, my mind has it's own passion to seek a conclusion or a solution to the situation on hand.
If the truth were known, I would have to admit, I'm nosey lol. If it peaked my curiosity, then I want to know why and also who, what , where and when. I like to really color the picture with extra facts, so I can make an informed assessment of the situation.
Mattie's parents became instant celebrities, they even saw the Pope. They traveled the world,
which I found to be an odd fact. It was though they were on a book tour of the world.
Mattie was taken in Portugal. After she was taken, large sums of money were offered by various famous people. One of these people was very familar with portugal, and has a very close connection there. The Dark side does exist and the people look very much like us. You would not suspect them.
If you watch the news you can see the pattern. The UK has the same pattern as do all the countries, because the Dark side lives, and if it had it's way it would enslave us all.
In the spring it's always small children that go missing. In the summer it is young women.
In the fall it's middle age women and in the winter It's an older woman. There are three moons in a quarter. Make a graph you will see. Portugal does have very strong belief with it's ties with the Darkside.
I don't think Mattie has died physically, only the death of her innocence. I believe it will be found out and you will be shocked when the does truth comes out. I don't feel comfortable
filling in a few more details that I dug up because I'm not sure If I could get into trouble or not by saying specifics. I have no desire to create another problem for myself, coz I'm not sure where I'd fit it in!


Thursday, September 6, 2007


I think the time has come when every adult American is going to have to make the choice of whether our government is fit to represent our nation. video's say it all.

The bed is no longer made and you can see exactly who messed it up. Our government,
with the help of certain media outlets, who's involvement is so blatant that it can't be denied,
not only killed thousands of people on purpose, but also covered it up. With the specific purpose of starting the Iraq war. Iran is now in his sites. This falls in line with his plan to control the price of the worlds crude consumption. The pact that he has made with Canada and Mexico virtually assure this. It was his specific intention with the help of the FED to bring the worlds economy to
a halt. The world holds 600 Trillion derivatives. This is what the big boys refer to as commercial paper, and that's all it's worth to paper. They fed this worthless paper knowingly
through the worlds economy. In less than 1 months time our own FED has injected another
31 billion dollars worth of this bogus paper back into the economy. I found myself very perplexed that the cause of the down fall had started here and yet we seem to have injected the least amount, while the EU was injecting billion in the triple digits on a weekly basis to keep
cash flow going. In my wanderings today I found out why. The FED is now running 416 billion dollars in the red. This as far as I know has never happened before. Our economy has come undone. The most active stock on the market today is Smith and Wesson. The quarterly reports
on revenue is what has driven this stock, which only a few years ago, was only 10 dollars a share to well over 70 a share. It is coming down to a choice people, please make it and prepare yourself. Our country is going down and it's not going to be pretty.
Yesterday I read that a new Small Pox vaccine had been created. The last known case was some time back in the 60's. It had been annihilated from the world, with the exception of samples retained at the Center for Disease Control and The World Health Organization. There would be no reason to create a new vaccine unless you knew you would need one.
The H5N1 strain of flu was purposely searched for. A sample was taken from the marrow
of a victim that had died of the flu that ravaged the entire world in early 1900's. The suggestion was made that it would help them to understand and treat various different strains of the flu.
Supposedly on accident samples of this strain were sent all over the world by mistake, only to be returned and said all accounted for. I believe this to be false. It was unleashed for a purpose
with the specific intent of population control. The survival rate of this strain is minimal at best.
It is now active in Indochina and India. By this winter all countries will be subject to it.
The flu shot will do nothing to allay it. Prepare you self for it's eventuality, because it will soon be here!

Wednesday, September 5, 2007


Hi I changed the name of the blog. It seems to fit better. Please bear with me for a few days
while I tinker with it. I'd really appreciate it.

I found some more very interesting articles for you to take a look at concerning
the SUPERHIGHWAY! I even blew myself way today. I found an article that was written in 1992 on this subject.
You know what that means don't you!
I knew you did!
Our government has planned for at least 25 years to incorporate us with Mexico and Canada.
Do you believe this?

I know it seems like a lot to read, but we've been sleeping way to long, and it truely is time to
Wake Up and Smell the Coffee, before we can't!
This issue puts all of our lives in jepordy, let alone leaves our ass hanging in the wind!
I have 4 kids and 2 grands to thing about. I'd like to think something was going to be left for them to make a life on.
Our government has and is trying to change the whole course of United States History.
We are no longer a free Nation, it's time to ask our selves:
What the HELL is going on here?
If you have any idea please clue in the rest of us. I'm sure I can speak for more than just myself when I say, Damn man I'm getting really nervous here!
How about you?

Thanks for the read Peace
Hi welcome to The Average American!
It seems lately my own curiosity has gotten the better of me. I find myself questioning just about everything concerning our country lately. From what our taxes are spent on all the way
to our Consitutional rights are being taken away. It just seems to me it's no longer "We The People",but rather leans toward (understatement) Corporate America. I just feel what's best for Corporate America is not neccisarily what's good for the People of America.
One of my main concerns right now is what is now formerly known as the NAFTA SUPERHIGHWAY put in place by the SPP. The actual name is beside the point. The point is,
is that our president has agreed to throw our borders wide open to trade from Mexico and Canada. This is going to be done by thr Trucking Industry and the Railroads. It bothers me that
this disicion was made without any input from the American people at all. The last time I checked we were still listed as a democracy! This is a done deal! Please follow the links and
read just exactly what has been going on right under our nose. I read the news daily and I feel fairly well versed on a whole as to what this undertaking is about.
It's called the shafting of America on our dime!
You "might" have seen on the news recently that Mexican truckers can now cross the border.
That by itself should be enough for alarm, with the added abuse of our highways and bridges, but it actually gets worse. Canadian Pacific Railroad (CPR) bought out, today as a matter of fact, DM&E Railroad Corp. This enables CPR an extra 2500 hundred miles of track, right through our country, which they fully plan on using to ship coal from out of Wyoming. The Mexican truckers don't even have to stop at the border, the first check station is in Kansas City.
Not only are they trucking in shipments from China, but they are destroying any chance we have of bring back the manufacturing trade to our own people! I find this whole situation to be insane. The national license that they run under allows them to go from Mexico all the way through Canada. Mean while our Truck Drivers must receive permission from Mexico to be able to even cross the border! Mexico's policy is that Americans can't work there.
This is a done deal! There is no mistake about it!
Follow the links from Union Pacific's new terminal all the way to the Canadian Railroad!
When you add them all together a very scary picture comes into view. One so scary to the average American, that it was decided not to inform us, because the Government knew that there was NO WAY the American People would go for it.
This is the REAL reason our borders were never secured! The only question I have left is,
Why CONGRESS has allowed this to come to pass! How about you?
Do YOU believe your GOVERNMENT had your best interests at heart?
I think NOT!

I am personally computer illiterate lol and just erased one of the better links about Union Pacific. This is my first attempt at public writing so bear with me until I get it down right. I'll go find it and post it a little later along with a link to the map of the International Corridor route!

Hey thanks for stopping by and please feel free to comment or add your own views on this situation. Or helpful hints, lol, I am a newbie, and wouldn't mind at all.

Take care and remember: UNITED WE STAND, DIVIDED WE FALL!

Love and Light