Friday, September 7, 2007


There is, what most of us choose to think of as a non-reality, an actual reality. It represents the exact opposite of Christianity. The Dark side. When compared side by side, they are actually not all that different from each other. Other than the most obvious, being which way they travel, upon departure, of their own physicial demise.
They each have their own ritual and follow their own particular dogma. The Dark side
can be tracked by the farmers almanac, they follow the old ways. By seasons and the wax and the wane of the moon.
Madeline was taken the day before a full moon. For the Dark side, as well as those enlighten,
this day represents the most energy that there can be, to carry out in what ever your desire to succeed in is. An enlightened person would make a wish upon this energy to send it out on the highest level, for the achievement of their goal, or wish.
The Darkside uses the same energy, for the same purpose, but instead of making a wish, they preform a ritual. In my theory mattie's parents are being indoctrinated into the fold, and Mattie was their entry fee. Now mine you this is only a theory, speculation of my own thoughts from putting together a work up of this situation. I have a passion, to color in the outline and fill in the blanks, my mind has it's own passion to seek a conclusion or a solution to the situation on hand.
If the truth were known, I would have to admit, I'm nosey lol. If it peaked my curiosity, then I want to know why and also who, what , where and when. I like to really color the picture with extra facts, so I can make an informed assessment of the situation.
Mattie's parents became instant celebrities, they even saw the Pope. They traveled the world,
which I found to be an odd fact. It was though they were on a book tour of the world.
Mattie was taken in Portugal. After she was taken, large sums of money were offered by various famous people. One of these people was very familar with portugal, and has a very close connection there. The Dark side does exist and the people look very much like us. You would not suspect them.
If you watch the news you can see the pattern. The UK has the same pattern as do all the countries, because the Dark side lives, and if it had it's way it would enslave us all.
In the spring it's always small children that go missing. In the summer it is young women.
In the fall it's middle age women and in the winter It's an older woman. There are three moons in a quarter. Make a graph you will see. Portugal does have very strong belief with it's ties with the Darkside.
I don't think Mattie has died physically, only the death of her innocence. I believe it will be found out and you will be shocked when the does truth comes out. I don't feel comfortable
filling in a few more details that I dug up because I'm not sure If I could get into trouble or not by saying specifics. I have no desire to create another problem for myself, coz I'm not sure where I'd fit it in!
