Thursday, September 27, 2007

J. David McSwane

A Student Editor has taken a stand, he refuses, as he so should, to step down from his position at the Rocky Mountain Colligian. It seems J. David McSwane was hauled before the Board of
Student Communications for using the F word, when writing his editorial on the unnecessary violent use of a tazer on a fellow student in FLA, for the seemingly obscene violation, of asking a question, during his allotted time in an open forum.
While the extra publicity for McSwanes cause is an added asset, it is also totally unnecessary.
It would seem to me the key to his innocence, lay within the title of the board he was brought up before, Student Communications. He was writing to a body, of his peers. Who they themselves were raised up on the F word. So I feel very confident in saying, no ones eyes seared in their socket from having observed it in his article.
Our own President actually used the F word in a magazine article that the entire world had access to, and lets not forget the importance of it's well known use, as a tool to be used for a political point maker by our illustrious Vice President. Now surely, if the use of the said F word
were in any way an immoral act upon the values that the citizens of the United States hold so dearly, the President nor the Vice President would have ever uttered it from their mouths.
One can only hope that the board is reviewing the situation for the soul purpose of looking into the complaint that was lodged against McSwane and not for the purpose of passing judgement
for his removal. Since sometime between 70-74, it was used not once, but twice, in the same article by a student editorial writer at the time. Granted they did lose a small fraction of their advertising budget, but with the added publicity for McSwanes cause, they seem to be well on their way to making up the difference. So there is virtually no loss there.
One can only hope, that they will not squelch a True Leader in the making. One who chose to actually put his butt on the line, for a cause that is well worthy of his time, being as this was not the first student who was tazed unmercifully for an unjust reason.
And on a personal note to you, J David McSwane, I look forward to your time as a Real Editorial Writer, for the simple fact alone, that you possess the strength of Power to stand up not only for your own rights, but those of others as well! You are a True Pen for the People. I tip my hat to you Sir! PEN ON!