Thursday, September 20, 2007


I have serious food issues. I admit it. I have a problem ingesting poison, that most people
think passes as food. I used to drink Diet Pepsi everyday, until my chiropractor told me that the carbonation was to hard on my body. So I stopped. Which was not an easy thing for me to do.
I did notice within a months time that I not only felt physically better, but that also I had lost weight to. I stayed clean for about 6 months. One day a friend of mine called and asked if I would ride with her to see her mom. When she arrived to pick me up, she handed me a diet Pepsi. I should have said no thanks, but I didn't and proceeded to drink it. Within 5 minutes
I felt like my head was going to explode. It was worst headache I ever had. It was so bad
I thought something was seriously wrong with me, like I had a brain tumor. When we got to my friend's mom's house, I took some aspirin and laid down on the couch with a cold cloth over my eyes. Eventually the headache eased up.
It wasn't until I read this article, that I made the connection between that headache and aspartame. I find it very ironic that aspirin and aspartame both the cause and the eventual cure were created by the same company. Monsantos's father Mr. Queeny had produced both.
Aspartame is used widely, not just in diet soda. It's used in Wriggleys gum and to many other products to mention. Just as Bt or genetically altered food is. Most people think that they have nothing to worry about. Well you don't if you live in Europe, because they won't touch it.
Kraft foods uses Bt grown food, they sell in Europe to, but only with natural ingredients.
Kraft as been asked to do the same thing in the States, but they refuse.
Mansanto without looking any where else has managed to poisoned virtually everything that you and your children eat. Not to mention the added gift of growth hormones in the beef you eat that must have been found in milk to, because Kroger's refuses to sell it any more.
The greed of this Corporation not only poisons humans, but they also put the small Dairy as well as Crop farmers out of business. They pay lobbyists for Congress big bucks to sway them to
make sure that there nasty little secrets about the poison they sell, is never seen by the consumer. With the help of Congress, Bt food passed right on by FDA testing, straight on to your dinner plate and into your child cereal bowl. Pure poison that never even got tested!
Only one Congressman, out of all of congress, had a problem with this and that would be Senator Dennis Kucinich. This is a huge problem, but I would say thanks to him at least McDonalds is no longer serving up Bt grown potatoes for fries any more.
Look at all of these things and then throw in additives, do you really think that A.D.D. is the ever expanding mental disorder that they say it is, or is it just an accumulation of the poison that they produce and add to our food? Something to ponder.