Sunday, November 4, 2007

Banks introduce reset clause to alter interest rates- Financial Times-ET Features-The Economic Times

Banks introduce reset clause to alter interest rates- Financial Times-ET Features-The Economic Times

Well it seems the Fat Cats have found a new way to screw over the people on mortage interest loans.
It would seem that they have changed the rules of the game concerning fixed interest rate loans, by way of a new Reset clause. It would seem that even though it is brokered to the consumer as a fixed rate loan,
it's not fixed at all. The Fat Cats are now sliding into newly written mortage contracts a Reset clause that
should the prime interest rate go up, automatically so will your fixed rate interest.
Their greed knows no bounderies. They don't even have to tell you it's going to occurr.
I guess that's their way of making sure that their pockets always stay lined with green.
Now I'm sure that if prime interest dropped below the percentage you locked in at, they won't be extending you the same curtisy of a lower reset.
The average consumer assumes a fixed rate will never change, what is the point in calling it a fixed rate
and paying more for the loan, when it is no more fixed than the prime rate. Should it change so does your loan payment without warning if they so choose.
It would seem there is no protect or safe guard against these greedy bastards other than to out right just not dealing with them.

Thursday, November 1, 2007 Who is responsible for the California Fires? Who is responsible for the California Fires?
This was just to good not to pass on!

Stan Goff: When Does the Lesser Evil Become Just Evil? - Politics on The Huffington Post

Stan Goff: When Does the Lesser Evil Become Just Evil? - Politics on The Huffington Post

I have a feeling I made Jane's list, how about you!

Toronto man struck in eye by police Taser

Toronto man struck in eye by police Taser

This gives a whole new mean to "Don't taze me Bro"
It sickens me that he apologized to them for doing nothing wrong.
I wonder what they threatened him with? Terrorism perhaps?

Project Censored Media Democracy in Action

Project Censored Media Democracy in Action

This is exactly how controled we are!

Doctors Say, Raise the RDAs Now

Doctors Say, Raise the RDAs Now

Well now it's gotten to a point where a decision has to be made on who knows what's better for your
health the Doctors or the FDA.
Our food is for the most genetically altered crap. Not only does it not have any nutritional value to it, but it's also genetically alter with pesticides, for a little added extra flavor.
Now do you suppose that this could be a prime contributor to what is now classified as a mental illness ADD or ADHD. The lack of B vitamins alone will make anyone a space cadet. I know I saw it in my mother first hand. I thought it was a complication to her stoke until her neurologist told me that,
it was a lack of B vitamins that was causing her to seem senile. Three shots later and my mom was as good as new in the rational dept.
I'm going with what the Doctors say about this situation. I lost my confidence in the FDA along with the federal government a long time ago. I'm sure not going to start giving them the benifit of the doubt now,
I mean hell, how long have all those cold medicines been on the market for infants?
How many kids do you think over dosed on that stuff, and it got passed off as SIDS, or something else?