Thursday, November 1, 2007

Doctors Say, Raise the RDAs Now

Doctors Say, Raise the RDAs Now

Well now it's gotten to a point where a decision has to be made on who knows what's better for your
health the Doctors or the FDA.
Our food is for the most genetically altered crap. Not only does it not have any nutritional value to it, but it's also genetically alter with pesticides, for a little added extra flavor.
Now do you suppose that this could be a prime contributor to what is now classified as a mental illness ADD or ADHD. The lack of B vitamins alone will make anyone a space cadet. I know I saw it in my mother first hand. I thought it was a complication to her stoke until her neurologist told me that,
it was a lack of B vitamins that was causing her to seem senile. Three shots later and my mom was as good as new in the rational dept.
I'm going with what the Doctors say about this situation. I lost my confidence in the FDA along with the federal government a long time ago. I'm sure not going to start giving them the benifit of the doubt now,
I mean hell, how long have all those cold medicines been on the market for infants?
How many kids do you think over dosed on that stuff, and it got passed off as SIDS, or something else?