Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Financial Crisis Was Avoidable, Inquiry Finds


Oh crap, we might be really talking perp walk here. Check out the last paragraph. It sounds like the gods might have just got burnt.

"Of the banks that bought, created, packaged and sold trillions of dollars in mortgage-related securities, it says: “Like Icarus, they never feared flying ever closer to the sun.”

The 2008 financial crisis was an “avoidable” disaster caused by widespread failures in government regulation, corporate mismanagement and heedless risk-taking by Wall Street, according to the conclusions of a federal inquiry

“The greatest tragedy would be to accept the refrain that no one could have seen this coming and thus nothing could have been done,” the panel wrote in the report’s conclusions, which were read by The New York Times. “If we accept this notion, it will happen again.”

Impending Medicaid cuts would severely impact care for profoundly disabled


This my friends is the reality of what "we" as a nation are creating with the new changes implemented for Medicare.
It doesn't have to be this way though. A work to pay for credit system for students with vocations in the various health care area's required would serve this situation well.
It not only ensures the needs of the disabled, but it would also allow for a higher education without burying your life in the quick sand before you've even begun it.
I'm sure Medicaid would definitely come out head by paying for the schooling for one individual who could serve many, rather than the 75 visits per individual a year.
The beauty of it is, it even works for nursing homes and adult day care centers.
Think about it.

Parents of the profoundly disabled are profoundly troubled.

Beginning April 1, Medicaid will cover a total of 75 occupational, physical and speech therapy sessions annually. The health insurance program for the poor and disabled now covers a combined 225 of those therapies a year.

Richard Barrett-Martinelli, 23, is fed by his mother, Julia, on Friday night at their home in Summerville. The family is concerned about state cuts in Medicaid and how they might affect the care of Richard, who suffered a brain injury in a poisoning accident when he was 2 years old. Today, he functions at the level of an 8-month-old.
The reductions will be retroactive to July 2010, meaning some families already will have reached their yearly maximum before the cuts officially take effect.

Among them are

Domestic Spying Victim: Virginia Cody


Homeland Security at their finest, outting themselves, while on duty for the Oil Industry.
And "we" pay for this WHY?
Oh yeah I remember now, because it's a matter of national security.
The national security of corporate America that is.

Virginia Cody -- a retired Air Force officer and anti-drilling activist -- was shocked to mistakenly receive a bulletin from the Pennsylvania Homeland Security Director describing the monitoring of several anti-drilling groups. The bulletin revealed that Virginia and other anti-drilling activists who were peacefully exercising their First Amendment rights were included in state "anti-terrorism" reports.

Unfortunately, Virgina'a story is not unique. Similar law enforcement behavior has taken place in at least 33 states and Washington D.C.

Chicago artist's protest backfires as he faces 15 years in jail... because he recorded his own arrest on video


Have you seen this one yet?
In 9 states it is no longer legal to film or photograph a cop.
The only obvious reason for this can be that the authorities are no longer to be held legally responsible for those little faux paz they commit, like shooting unarmed people for no reason, or those little beat downs that they do, just because they can.
3 years prison time for you if you do on a first offence, and 5 for a second.
Where is all of this leading you ask?
To a live reenactment of Nazi Germany!
You will comply!
If not willingly, then by force.
Beware, before it's to late

An artist who used a video camera to record being arrested by police is facing up to 15 years in prison.
Chris Drew has been charged with Class 1 felony under the Eavesdropping Act in Chicago, Illinois.

Domestic use of aerial drones by law enforcement likely to prompt privacy debate


You are now under constant surveillance citizen!
The real crapper about this deal is, not only is your right to privacy being compromised but so is your safety.
Drones don't mix well with air traffic at all, they cause plane wrecks.
So you have to wonder whose stupidity started this trend, and how long will it be before people die from it.
The key question here is, why are "we" Americans allowing ourselves to be treated as though we're an "occupied nation" that has been taken over by the leftovers of the military industrial complex.
The real kick in the ass is that you the taxpayer, are paying for the government grants that supply all of these leftovers to your local governments so that they can keep up the high surveillance of you.
Another key question is: When did "We" become the enemy and why?
Heads up my friends
A horror is a happening!
You just don't realize it yet.
But you will

AUSTIN - The suspect's house, just west of this city, sat on a hilltop at the end of a steep, exposed driveway. Agents with the Texas Department of Public Safety believed the man inside had a large stash of drugs and a cache of weapons, including high-caliber rifles.

Domestic use of aerial drones by law enforcement likely to prompt privacy debate
Drones on the home front
With Air Force's Gorgon Drone 'we can see everything'

As dawn broke, a SWAT team waiting to execute a search warrant wanted a last-minute aerial sweep of the property, in part to check for unseen dangers. But there was a problem: The department's aircraft section feared that if it put up a helicopter, the suspect might try to shoot it down.

So the Texas agents did what no state or local law enforcement agency had done before in a high-risk operation: They launched a drone. A bird-size device called a Wasp floated hundreds of feet into the sky and instantly beamed live video to agents on the ground. The SWAT team stormed the house and arrested the suspect.

The Next Robo-Signing Crisis?


I suppose the time has come to ask the the big question.
Where there any legal procedures followed correctly by the mortgage banking industry within the last 12 years?
Odds are no.
How bizarre is it that they used MERS to record thus bypassing the recording fees rightfully due every county that a sale was made in, and yet when it came down to foreclosure time their use of the county recorders office became imperative in order to for the notice of foreclosure sale to be published.

I have to laugh at the "light bulb moment" that CNBC now seems to be having about this issue since they seem to be a tad behind the rest of the class.
Karl Denninger and the kids over at Zerohedge as well as George over on Washington's blog have already written as well as proof read this assignment last year and received an A+ and a gold star for the actualities of what has really gone down concerning the illegalities of what the mortgage investment banks where doing and had already done.
It must be hell to have to wait on the short bus CNBC, since it's always the last to arrive.

It's the next big shoe to drop in the robo-signing foreclosure scandal. Call it part two.

We already know some banks halted foreclosure sales nationwide in October when it was discovered that servicers took short cuts, so-called "robo-signing" in the foreclosure sale process in judicial foreclosure states - about half the country.

Now it appears they may have done the same thing in a different part of the process, the Notice of Default, which takes place in the other half - i.e. the non-judicial states - this happens before the foreclosure sale.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Pistol mounted flash light causes injury


Beware kids,
Death can come at the flip of a switch

The shooting of an innocent, unarmed elderly Bronx man by a cop who was trying to turn on a pistol-mounted flashlight is at least the second accidental police shooting in the US involving that same flashlight model.

But unlike Saturday’s shooting of 76-year-old Jose Colon — who survived a cop’s bullet to the stomach — an unarmed Texas man died Oct. 13 under what reportedly were strikingly similar circumstances involving the Surefire X300 flashlight

Washington State Joins the Movement for Public Banking


Oh look, common sense seems to be catching on.
Here's hoping it spreads like wildfire.
It's the only sane thing left to do to save "our" collective and individual selves.
Cut out the middle man

Bills were introduced on January 18 in both the House and Senate of the Washington State Legislature that add Washington to the growing number of states now actively moving to create public banking facilities.

The bills, House Bill 1320 and Senate Bill 5238, propose creation of a Washington Investment Trust (WIT) to “promote agriculture, education, community development, economic development, housing, and industry” by using “the resources of the people of Washington State within the state.”

Currently, all the state’s funds are deposited with Bank of America. HB 1320 proposes that, in the future, “all state funds be deposited in the Washington Investment Trust and be guaranteed by the state and used to promote the common good and public benefit of all the people and their businesses within [the] state.”

The legislation is similar to that now being studied or proposed in states including Illinois, Virginia, Hawaii, Massachusetts, Maryland, Florida, Michigan, Oregon, California and others.

Postal Service Eyes Closing Thousands of Post Offices


What a sad day it is in this country, when common sense must waste the fiat and have to lobby congress to be able to purge itself of an abscess, that's affecting the health of it's heart, as well as ours.
And isn't it a fine example of the infection that's coursing through the infrastructural veins that make up the the rest of our country, that the political puss is allowed to touch?
We as a nation have gangrene, from the lack of a healthy circulatory system and now we're going to have to cut off parts, one piece at a time, to arrest the infection or make the choice to die.
The question is, what parts should be cut off and how much should be cut.
Great care must be made when choosing lest "we" cut off more than would be healthy for us as a nation.
We rely strongly on the Internet for most of our economic communications as well as processes for the transference of fiat, aka money, thus allowing the risk of deception regarding our transactions (for which we are still fully accountable for) through hacking.
What happens, should that process of transfer (even though flawed)that we all have come to utilize, be totally annihilated? What would happen to the infrastructural system with no way to communicate or be able to transfer funds?
Obama's need for a cyber command tells us that there is a real threat from the thought above, which then brings me back to the point that great care must be made when amputating off parts of the system.
The post office ensures the stability of the country's communication as well as the continuation of the the safe transfer of all of our money transactions should something happen to the "Net" or even the "grid" itself.
It's imperative that common sense must be used, accordingly.
The safety of our nations basic structural communication capabilities, must not be tampered with or bought by the use of lobbyist funding.
Think about it!

The U.S. Postal Service plays two roles in America: an agency that keeps rural areas linked to the rest of the nation, and one that loses a lot of money.

Now, with the red ink showing no sign of stopping, the postal service is hoping to ramp up a cost-cutting program that is already eliciting yelps of pain around the country. Beginning in March, the agency will start the process of closing as many as 2,000 post offices, on top of the 491 it said it would close starting at the end of last year. In addition, it is reviewing another 16,000—half of the nation's existing post offices—that are operating at a deficit, and lobbying Congress to allow it to change the law so it can close the most unprofitable among them. The law currently allows the postal service to close post offices only for maintenance problems, lease expirations or other reasons that don't include profitability.

The news is crushing in many remote communities where the post office is often the heart of

Friday, January 21, 2011

Why "We didn't know" doesn't work anymore


Only after 5 years can the truth come out because that's how long it takes before you can see for yourself what the FED meetings are really all about.
Didn't America have the right to know before the banks were allowed to suck this country dry?

Federal Reserve officials acknowledged a housing-market bubble more than a year before U.S. house prices peaked, but they showed little inclination to address it, according to transcripts of their 2005 meetings released Friday.

Janet Yellen, then the San Francisco Fed president and now the Fed vice chairman, said at the June 2005 meeting that newer financing options, such as interest-only mortgages, were widely viewed as "feeding a kind of unsustainable bubble." But she suggested that higher prices themselves were "curtailing effective demand for housing at this point and that house appreciation probably is poised to slow. So the increasing use of creative financing could be a sign of the final gasps of house-price appreciation at the pace we've seen and an indication that a slowing is at hand."

MERS CEO R.K. Arnold Leaving Company


Are the banks using Arnold for the fall guy?
The banks themselves are responsible for the inception of MERS, not Arnold.
They were trying to cut a fat rat and did so it seems for close to a decade, until their house of cards fell down.
Now it seems there are 65 million homes that don't have titles that can be traced.
The mortgage investment banks single handedly fried a 400 year old system that worked without a fault for it's intended purpose, by using a system that they created, that only worked in theory to hide what they were doing.
Stealing America blind.
I see the mafia got picked on and I ask myself why. The investment banks have done way more damage to this country than the mafia ever has, and rather than arrest them our governmennt protects and rewards them.
I can't wait to hear what Karl has to say about this.

Is the biggest fraud in the history of the US housing market about to come unglued? If so, take our prediction of a $100 billion total in future BofA rep and warranty reserves and triple it.

From the WSJ:

The chief executive of the privately-held Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, or MERS, is planning to leave the company and an announcement could come within days, according to people familiar with the matter.

The company has been under fire by Congress and state officials for its role in the mortgage-document crisis. The firm's board of directors has met in recent days to address the fate of the company and its chief executive, R.K. Arnold, the people said.

Arnold and other MERS executives didn't respond to requests for comment. A MERS spokeswoman Friday declined comment. Arnold, a former U.S. Army Ranger, has served as the CEO and president of Merscorp Inc., the parent company of MERS, since 1998 and has been with the company since its inception 15 years ago, according to a corporate biography.

MERS was built by Fannie Mae (FNMA), Freddie Mac (FMCC), and several large U.S. banks in 1996 as an electronic registry of land records. That created a parallel database to facilitate the packaging of loans into securities that could be sold and re-sold without being recorded in local county courthouses, reducing costs for banks. The company's name is listed as the agent for mortgage lenders on more than 65 million home loans.

But the company's practices have begun to receive heavy scrutiny from state prosecutors and federal regulators, particularly in light of foreclosure-document problems that surfaced last fall. State and federal lawmakers have begun to consider bills that would make it harder for banks to use or foreclose on properties through MERS.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

J.P. Morgan Acknowledges Wrongful Military Foreclosures


Don't bother with the wsj story, what's there is already printed here.
But I did find more information about it on the Home and gardening page on MSNBC.
Is it just me or does it look like someone actually doesn't want to make JP's rip off of active duty service people common knowledge?
Heads up Military people, if JP did it so did the rest and you rightfully deserve some money back.
And the legality of what the Mortgage Investment banking scum has been overlooked by our governments (local and Federal) WHY?
This was no mistake! Just like none of the rest of the illegalities have been.

J.P. Morgan Chase & Co. wrongly foreclosed on 14 active-service military families and overcharged thousands more on their mortgages, an internal bank review has found.

The bank said about a year ago it launched the internal audit and found it made mistakes when accounting for active military service under the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act. That 2003 law says active-duty military families' interest rates on homes can be no more than 6%, and they aren't subject ...

The dispute apparently caused the bank to review its handling of all mortgages involving active-duty military personnel. Under a law known as the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act (SCRA), active-duty troops generally get their mortgage interest rates lowered to 6 percent and are protected from foreclosure. Chase now appears to have repeatedly violated that law, which is designed to protect troops and their families from financial stress while they’re in harm's way.

A Chase official told NBC News that some 4,000 troops may have been overcharged. What’s more, the bank discovered it improperly foreclosed on the homes of 14 military families

She said that beginning this week Chase will be mailing a total of about $2 million in refunds to families that may have been overcharged. She says most of the families improperly foreclosed on have gotten or will get their homes back. A bank official described what happened here as “grim,” but emphasized the mistakes were inadvertent, not malicious

Friday, January 14, 2011

Jobless youths in Tunisia riot using Facebook


And why did it start?
Over lack of a permit to sell fruits and vegetables to earn some money to take care of his own kids.
Micro management over how you can earn some money doesn't go over to well in times of a depression.

In the cruise ship brochures, Tunisia is a land of endless sandy beaches, warm Mediterranean waters, ancient ruins and welcoming bazaars.

But behind the postcard-perfect facade, legions of jobless youths who see no future are seething under the iron-fisted leadership of President Zine El Abidine Ben Ali, and worried fathers wonder how they will feed their families. Their despair over Tunisia's soaring unemployment and rising food prices has fueled more than three weeks of deadly riots, posing the most significant challenge yet to the 74-year-old leader who grabbed power 23 years ago in a bloodless coup.

The unrest began after Mohamed Bouazizi, a 26-year-old with a university degree, set himself on fire when police in the central town of Sidi Bouzid confiscated the fruits and vegetables he was selling without a permit. He later died in a hospital near Tunis, and his desperate act touched a nerve with educated, unemployed youths nationwide.

Unemployment in Tunisia is officially around 14 percent but is much higher in rural areas and among youths.

The death even sparked several copycat suicides — in the latest, an unemployed 23-year-old climbed an electric pylon Tuesday near Bouazizi's hometown and electrocuted himself, union official Mohamed Fadhel told the AP.

The unrest has hopscotched to towns around the country, concentrated in, but not limited to, regions less visible to the waves of European tourists who flock to Tunisia's beaches. Public buildings, schools, cars and even police stations have been attacked.

Ben Ali, whose portrait hangs in public offices across the country, has labeled the rioting "terrorist acts" controlled from abroad. On Monday, he ordered all high schools and universities, seen as hotbeds of activism, to shut down indefinitely.

Couple must have proper permit to continue feeding dozens each day


Now you need a permit to do the right thing.
If I were homeless I'd take my chances on the state of the kitchen that was donating my meal.
Somethings are just wrong, and this ruling is one of them.
Some how I doubt the same rules applied in the last great depression.

Bobby and Amanda Herring spent more than a year providing food to homeless people in downtown Houston every day. They fed them, left behind no trash and doled out warm meals peacefully without a single crime being committed, Bobby Herring said.

That ended two weeks ago when the city shut down their "Feed a Friend" effort for lack of a permit. And city officials say the couple most likely will not be able to obtain one.

"We don't really know what they want, we just think that they don't want us down there feeding people," said Bobby Herring, a Christian rapper who goes by the stage name Tre9.

Anyone serving food for public consumption, whether for the homeless or for sale, must have a permit, said Kathy Barton, a spokeswoman for the Health and Human Services Department. To get that permit, the food must be prepared in a certified kitchen with a certified food manager.

The regulations are all the more essential in the case of the homeless, Barton said, because "poor people are the most vulnerable to foodborne illness and also are the least likely to have access to health care."

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Deptartment of Homeland Security advises members of Congress on dealing with an "active shooter"

Read more: http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/blogs/nov05election/detail?entry_id=80687#ixzz1AzA6Ql4k

Does anybody else have a problem with this advice?
Jump up and down and draw attention to yourself to make sure you get shot.
Yeah that makes alot of sense to me.
And how much do we alot these icons of inscrutability within the federal budget?
What ever it is, it's to much that's for damned sure.

Active shooter situations develop so quickly without warning and commonly last less than 15 minutes so individuals "must be prepared both mentally and physically to deal with an active shooter situation" before law enforcement arrives, DHS says.

To take action against a shooter as a last resort and "only when your life is in imminent danger," DHS advises members of Congress and congressional staff to "attempt to disrupt and/or incapacitate the active shooter by acting as aggressively as possible, throwing items and improvising weapons, yelling and "committing to your actions."

Police turn to drones for domestic surveillance


Lol the Vets are pushing for the use of drones by the police departments.
And the DoJ is trying to speed up the process to make it happen.

Police agencies around the USA soon could have a new tool in their crime-fighting arsenal: unmanned aerial vehicles inspired by the success of such drones on the battlefields of Iraq and Afghanistan.
Local governments have been pressing the Federal Aviation Administration for wider use of unmanned aircraft — a demand driven largely by returning veterans who observed the crafts' effectiveness in war, according to experts at New Mexico State University and Auburn University.Police could use the smaller planes to find lost children, hunt illegal marijuana crops and ease traffic jams in evacuations of cities before hurricanes or other natural disasters.

One of the chief obstacles to widespread use of UAVs is their inability to "see and avoid" other aircraft as required by federal regulations, a key to flight safety. Davis says he believes operators on the ground can comply with federal rules if they can see the aircraft and the surrounding environment. Wesley Randall, principal investigator on an FAA grant awarded last year to researchers at Auburn University to study the risks associated with unmanned aircraft, predicts drones will be used by police departments in five to 10 years. Randall predicts that much larger unmanned aircraft will be used to transport cargo within 15-20 years.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Florida’s Killer Presentation on Foreclosure Fraud


If you do nothing else today find the time to flip through the Florida AG's slide presentation and see for yourself why the foreclosure fraud is being made such a big deal of.
Foreclosure is running unchecked, across this country and all the banks used the same system, which is the one the Florida AG has outlined here for you.
I seriously doubt that another foreclosure can legally take place anywhere in this country unless the note was procured after "the light of reason" showed just how illegal the banking foreclosure procedures where.
Ladies and gentleman , this country has been systematically raped and robbed by it's own investment banking elite, who not only knew better, but they personally designed the system in which to do it in.
It's time that their wings were clipped and cuffed, and that they be instituationalized like the jail birds they should be.
There is no more turning a blind eye to the elite, it's now time to place them under the heat of the magnifiying glass under the full glare of the sun.

I’ve mentioned this report from the Florida Attorney General’s office twice now, but I thought I’d highlight it again, because it makes the issues in foreclosure fraud so completely clear. The report consists of 98 slides, laying out the specific activities of mortgage servicers, foreclosure mills and the parent company banks to swindle homeowners and pursue illegal foreclosures with fraudulent documents. It’s a full pictorial history of the past decade in the mortgage industry, complete with actual shots of improper mortgage assignments. They show the same name of a bank officer being written four different ways, clearly forged. They show stamps from notarizations that expired after before they were used to certify foreclosure documents.

I don’t have a copy of the script that goes along with this presentation, but the slides make it very clear. In slide 7, you see the text “The History of Mortgages in America: Banks used to take the original note and mortgage and secure it in a vault.” That simple line shows how radical a change we’ve seen in the past decade, where notes are traded like bubble-gum cards, routinely lost or not conveyed properly at all, and then mocked up and forged after the fact. Slide 14: “Keep in mind these are some of the largest banks in the country… losing ownership paperwork!”

Starting with Slide 15, the presentation explains why the assignments of mortgages used in foreclosure cases are completely invalid, leading to an ineligibility to foreclose, and total chaos

Friday, January 7, 2011



Is Homeland Security just like the Federal Reserve?
A private money making independant, whose position has some serious conflicts of interest going on as to what's best for this country.
Chertoff and the naked body scanners makes for an undeniable fact.
He was the head of DHS before Janet and he pitched the point of the scanners and was rewarded handsomely through the benifits of stock ownership in two of the companies that were awarded the contracts.
Who is giving the states the required money that they receive every year to spend on Homeland Security?
Something stinks

Hardly anyone has seriously scrutinized either the priorities or the spending patterns of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and its junior partner, the Transportation Security Administration (TSA), since their hurried creation in the aftermath of the 9/11 attacks. Sure, they get criticized plenty. But year in, year out, they continue to grow faster and cost more -- presumably because Americans think they are being protected from terrorism by all that spending. Yet there is no evidence whatsoever that the agencies are making Americans any safer.

DHS serves only one clear purpose: to provide unimaginable bonanzas for favored congressional districts around the United States, most of which face no statistically significant security threat at all. One thinks of the $436,504 that the Blackfeet Nation of Montana received in fiscal 2010 "to help strengthen the nation against risks associated with potential terrorist attacks"; the $1,000,000 that the village of Poynette, Wisconsin (pop. 2,266) received in fiscal 2009 for an "emergency operations center"; or the $67,000 worth of surveillance equipment purchased by Marin County, California, and discovered, still in its original packaging, four years later. And indeed, every U.S. state, no matter how landlocked or underpopulated, receives, by law, a fixed percentage of homeland security spending every year.

Is DHS A Private, Offshore Corporation Also?

But what about the Department of Homeland Security ­ is it too a rogue agency in our midst and out of our control?

There are over 70 DHS Fusion Centers in the U.S. that the spokesman in the Denver center says "are all managed separately."

Additionally, there a at least that many identifiable Private Military Companies (PMCs) operating in the U.S.

If the Fusion Centers are all managed separately, and the Federal Government is not managing or overseeing these operations, then who is?
And who is managing and overseeing the private military companies? And who is funding them? And to what end?

Can we look at the Fusion Centers that are militarizing law enforcement in the U.S., and the PMCs that are recruiting, training and weaponizing mercenaries, as part of an offshore private corporation similar to the Federal Reserve ­ as another Trojan horse in our midst?

The fact that Private Military Companies are under the protection of the Dept. of Homeland Security was made clear in the situation that took place in Sept, 2009 in Hardin, Montana that only received public attention through the efforts of the truth movement

US Says Too Much Fluoride Causing Splotchy Teeth


Fluoride causes brittle bones after years of intake and there is actually going to be a debate over whether it should be taken out of the drinking water?
Dentists don't want it in there and no it's not because they'd like more business from the cavity count.
Fluoride is pitting and staining your child's teeth.
My child's teeth look like that. The worse part is I helped them become that way. I'd fuss and make her brush them again because of the brown staining. I though she was just being lazy about cleaning them.
Fail! As she would say.
The epidemic of brittle bone disease now makes a tad more sense doesn't it.
I don't remember back in my grandparents day so many hips being broken,people where definitely much more hardy, and know I understand why.
They weren't taking in fluoride.

In a remarkable turnabout, federal health officials say many Americans are now getting too much fluoride because of its presence not just in drinking water but in toothpaste, mouthwash and other products, and it's causing splotches on children's teeth and perhaps more serious problems.

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services announced plans Friday to lower the recommended level of fluoride in drinking water for the first time in nearly 50 years, based on a fresh review of the science.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Drone may be coming to Miami-Dade


Oh the sickness of it all and how easily it seems to spread.
The toys of war shall now be sanctioned for use on it's own citizens, brought to you as well as bought by you, and paid for by yet another grant from the United States, who is so god damned broke that little Timmy had to ask for another higher credit limit again today.

Hey lets ask Pakistan or Afghanistan or Iraq how great it is to have drones flying over your head. They not only take picture they kill people to. They can tell us all first hand the mistake ratio, I hear it pretty high.

A new piece of technology may soon be coming to South Florida, but is already raising concerns from residents.

The Miami-Dade Police Department recently finalized a deal to buy a drone, which is an unmanned plane equipped with cameras. Drones have been used for years in Iraq and Afghanistan in the war against terror.

Many residents are concerned that the new technology will violate their privacy.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Dodd Gets a Pass from Senate Ethics Committee on Corrupt Real Estate Deal


Yes this is the same Chris Dodd that was responsible for heading up Banking financial reform and we all know whose favor that got worked out for now don't we.

Most Americans, I’m certain, would say it is highly unethical (and potentially criminal) for a U.S. Senator to cut a deal to help out a convict in exchange for cash and favors, and then lie on official financial disclosure forms to cover up the scandal. But not according to the U.S. Senate Select Committee on Ethics (or the Senate Ethics Committee, as it is commonly known).

Nearly 3,000 Dead Birds Fall From Arkansas Sky


Blood clots?
Are we looking at a case of government testing here?
H.A.A.R.P perhaps
Electromagnetic scalar weapons that can artificially manipulate the environment? The birds that were seen while still alive, after the incident, were walking around in circles.

Wildlife experts are trying to solve an apocalyptic-type mystery: Why did nearly 3,000 red-winged blackbirds tumble from the Arkansas sky on New Year's Eve?

The Arkansas Game and Fish Commission spokesman Keith Stephens says the birds fell in an area about a mile long and a half-mile wide (1 1/2 kilometers long and 800 meters wide). The Commission said Saturday that it began receiving reports about the dead birds about 11:30 p.m. the previous night.

The birds fell over a 1-mile (2-kilometer) area, and an aerial survey indicated that no other dead birds were found outside of that area

Falling birds likely died from massive trauma

Keith Stephens, a spokesman for the commission, said the birds showed evidence of trauma in the breast tissue, with blood clots in the body cavity and a lot of internal bleeding. All major organs were normal.

He cited a preliminary report conducted by the Arkansas Livestock and Poultry Commission.

"Further tests will be done to rule out other causes, but the birds suffered from acute physical trauma leading to internal hemorrhage and death. There was no sign of any chronic or infectious disease," the report said, according to the game and fish commission.

As of Saturday, between 4,000 and 5,000 birds had been found dead, said Stephens.