Friday, January 7, 2011


Is Homeland Security just like the Federal Reserve?
A private money making independant, whose position has some serious conflicts of interest going on as to what's best for this country.
Chertoff and the naked body scanners makes for an undeniable fact.
He was the head of DHS before Janet and he pitched the point of the scanners and was rewarded handsomely through the benifits of stock ownership in two of the companies that were awarded the contracts.
Who is giving the states the required money that they receive every year to spend on Homeland Security?
Something stinks

Hardly anyone has seriously scrutinized either the priorities or the spending patterns of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and its junior partner, the Transportation Security Administration (TSA), since their hurried creation in the aftermath of the 9/11 attacks. Sure, they get criticized plenty. But year in, year out, they continue to grow faster and cost more -- presumably because Americans think they are being protected from terrorism by all that spending. Yet there is no evidence whatsoever that the agencies are making Americans any safer.

DHS serves only one clear purpose: to provide unimaginable bonanzas for favored congressional districts around the United States, most of which face no statistically significant security threat at all. One thinks of the $436,504 that the Blackfeet Nation of Montana received in fiscal 2010 "to help strengthen the nation against risks associated with potential terrorist attacks"; the $1,000,000 that the village of Poynette, Wisconsin (pop. 2,266) received in fiscal 2009 for an "emergency operations center"; or the $67,000 worth of surveillance equipment purchased by Marin County, California, and discovered, still in its original packaging, four years later. And indeed, every U.S. state, no matter how landlocked or underpopulated, receives, by law, a fixed percentage of homeland security spending every year.

Is DHS A Private, Offshore Corporation Also?

But what about the Department of Homeland Security ­ is it too a rogue agency in our midst and out of our control?

There are over 70 DHS Fusion Centers in the U.S. that the spokesman in the Denver center says "are all managed separately."

Additionally, there a at least that many identifiable Private Military Companies (PMCs) operating in the U.S.

If the Fusion Centers are all managed separately, and the Federal Government is not managing or overseeing these operations, then who is?
And who is managing and overseeing the private military companies? And who is funding them? And to what end?

Can we look at the Fusion Centers that are militarizing law enforcement in the U.S., and the PMCs that are recruiting, training and weaponizing mercenaries, as part of an offshore private corporation similar to the Federal Reserve ­ as another Trojan horse in our midst?

The fact that Private Military Companies are under the protection of the Dept. of Homeland Security was made clear in the situation that took place in Sept, 2009 in Hardin, Montana that only received public attention through the efforts of the truth movement