Monday, October 20, 2008

Say goodbye

Well it's goodbye to my house day
I said goodbye to my dog yesterday
She's to old to sleep in the cold
And where I'm going she's not allowed in the house
So starts the adventure of a life time
If I'm lucky they hooked up broadband
They said they would but you never know
They could have just told me that to make it easier to leave
It's funny how you can make other peoples dreams like that
This day is so exciting for them and yet I don't see it that way
Even if it is probably for the best
I still can't imagine how this is going to go
Two woman don't live in the same house well
And I know that for a fact
Hope for the best I suppose
That's all you can do
I have this feeling I'm going to freeze to death
No fireplace
I said goodbye to my friends yesterday
Now that was hard
Emotions suck
I'm only really going to miss Tam anyway
But there's always E-mail
Hey maybe I'll learn to quit worrying about the world
But then again maybe not
It would be nice to though I think
How bad can shallow really be
Never mind lol pretty bad
At least that's the way those dip shits on TV make it look
I often wonder if they know just how stupid they sound
And then I wonder if when this all does come down
Just how well those dip shits will live
I really hope that they go insane from it actually
Just a total wipe out of their fake little lives
I only feel sorry for real people
Fake TV people just deserve what they get
It's a hard life to adjust to when you think your shit don't stink
It keeps me going thinking about it
That their manicured little world will come to an end
I laugh when I think about their roots showing
Because one way or the other they will
With no retail therapy to get them through
OMG how will they live without their credit cards
Badly I hope
Just because they deserve it and then some
Like the wicked witch of the east
A tornado drops a roof on their head
Or maybe they'll just melt
Into nothing
Well if I'm lucky and your not
I'll be back by Friday lol
Keep your fingers crossed
One way or the other