Sunday, October 21, 2007

Why didn't they tell me!

With all the things going on in the real world, it seems the most important topic of conversation,
because of the earth shattering consequences for all concerned, is whether a fictitious character by the name of Dumbledore, sexual orientation should have been outed.
With the price of crude reaching 90 dollars a barrel, from a war that is sucking the last dying breath from America herself, by bankrupting the country, it seems Dumbledore is just so much more important.
The President of the United States has stripped Americans of their basic rights, while the Wallstreet bankers have stripped them of their money, along I should add, with the rest of the worlds. Does this even raise a murmur among the masses? Hell no!
Does the fact that you have to be blind not to see that our own government was the cause and creation of 9/11 stir the average American into at least discussing that we have a serious problem on our hands. Hell no!
Does the fact that a large portion of the southern states, in a mere three months time, will be with out water, raise an out cry over the dumping of what little drinkable water they have left?
Hell NO! As if that could come any where close to being as important, as to whether Dumbledore
diddled a dude!
For God sake Adams, get your priorities straight! What's wrong with you? Can't you see the importance of this situation? Why this revelation alone could change the course of History,
with it's magnitude of 10 on the earth shattering scale. This revelation all by itself could change the shelf life of Potter books in every library in the land, not to mention, now Disney has the added dilemma of whether, people will pay to see the new Hogwarts extention that they had proposed to build.
This revelation now raises the most important issues of the 21st century. My God, can't you see that Harry himself along with Ron could have some how been damaged by this vile impersonator of all that was good and wholesome? Can't you see the ramifications this could have on the plight of the entire world! People have been lied to and mislead!
Oh the horror of it all! The magic wand, now has a different meaning. One can only ask.
How will the world survive?

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