Wednesday, October 10, 2007

SMALL TOWN STANDS UP TO BLACKWATER :: from :: news from occupied Iraq - it

SMALL TOWN STANDS UP TO BLACKWATER :: from :: news from occupied Iraq - it

Oh now don't rush off, because you think this is just another simple hak, at Blackwaters behavior in Iraq.
No this is about Blackwater taking up permanent residence in the back shadows of Potero CA.
It seems a fast one was pulled on the towns people of Potero, or other wise know as "A Slick Willie" by none other than their own Congressman, Duncan Hunter. A very high ranking official on the Armed Services Committee, and if that doesn't get your attention, you can add to the list of his future achievements, a grand desire to become your next sitting President.
It seems ole Duncan, with the help of the county supervisor Dianne Jacobs and a few others, decided after a paid vacation by Blackwater, who I'm sure wined and dined them with the respect of royalty, to allow an assassin training school to join in and become neighbors with the towns people of Potero.
Now I know I hear you asking " How can this be?" all towns have public meetings to discuss changes and then to democratically take a vote to allow the situation to either come to pass, or to be placed in file 13, commonly know as the garbage can. Well this should have been a no brainer for the people of Potero or so you would think, and probably would have been except for one exception, the town was never publicly notified of the meeting, unless you count the christian news letter it was placed in by one of the 7 members that cultivated the transaction in the first place.
Can you imagine what would have happened, had not a small group of weekly newspapers chosen to get involved, and expose this issue to the town of Potero, and other surrounding communities?
They would have awoken one morning to the sound of artillery and bombs exploding in their back yard.
Even though the people have protested the issue, and brought it back up before the planning board
for review, the chances of being Blackwater free don't rest n the hands of the people, the decision lies within the hands of the San Diego county board of Supervisors, whose attitude pretty much reflects that of Blackwaters.
Could this be why our founding fore Fathers, spoke of keeping government on a minimal basis?
I think so!
Wake Up America, this is not who we are or represent!
Blackwater is no better than Al Quedia, or that of the Taliban.