Friday, May 23, 2008

Where will it all end
This alteration of our lives
How did we become to live
In this dream that's become a lie

Who taught us not to remember
That love was not for free
That caring came with a price
And more often than not a casualty

Why have we allowed ourselves to be labeled
To have our voices gagged and our hands tied
Who made us into the disabled
What made us buy the lie

Who changed the format of parent
When did it become a conduit of buy
Where everything our children are exposed to
Is sold to catch their eye

Why have we allowed our children to become sales targets
To be taught that love is a disposable lie
To pre-plan your divorce before your wedding
And that your a looser if you can't buy

Who decided human value was based on the dollar
Who was the perpetrator of this lie
Your life now the cost of an advertising executive estimator
To continue to sell the cost of your lives

It's a must have must do world
That's sold on the values of greed
Your taught that you must now want more
And not what you really need