Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Who makes up this fucking shit
They now feed to our children's minds
Cheese is now used as a metaphor
For what you want in life
A loving relationship money spiritual peace of mind
A possession or a good job this is how cheese is defined
The maze is where you look for what you want
And they move the cheese alot
What a bunch of rot
Check your cheese To make sure it has no smell
Fuck you mother fuckers
Take your maze and go to HELL!
Blue cheese is aged
And GOD knows Limburger has a bad smell
But the taste is just pure heaven
That your theory just shot to HELL!
Because if it stinks you throw it out as well
Fuck you and your psycho babble bullshit
Your a traitor of your kind
Get your Bush box out of our public schools
And our kids minds
Along with your fucking drugs
To ease the breking of their mind
Your cheese is why no one asks hard questions
And why life now has no plot
Those fucking partitions in your maze
Sure get moved alot
You want nuclear you got it
With no water to cool the core
Radiation is gonna burn your ass
And no one deserves it more
You mother fuckers are going down
Our kids deserve a better score!