Wednesday, May 21, 2008

It wasn't the Petty baby
It's the Heart breaker tour
Who needs a broken heart
Not me that's for sure

And merging with some one is not mating
It's just blending of energy
When I talk to you like I do and you answer
Is the blend I talk of done

Sex is just an animal instinct
It can be done by any one
It doesn't take the mind to think
That's why kids do it so young

When you teach finance you don't say charge it
And sex is shorting of the young
Now why would you want me to advance that
The whole idea is just illogically dumb

The rabbit thing is retarded
What is that a pregnancy test for fun
Screw all the little workers during the week
And on the weekend worry about the big one

Where does the Easter Bunny go when it's not Easter
What's the secret of his mystery
Is he a lie or just a reflex
Continued on from someone else's memory