Tuesday, June 24, 2008


Who knew everything I had to say
And then used it in a psychological way
Is my brother really a sell out aye
Or did somebody just tap the route
And the government pays 60%
Of Hollywood's shoots
Is that like a psy-op coop
To recycle all that comes around
You got busted on the big take
By a mind you couldn't fake
Or the spirit to be put down
I knew it had to be a tap
The voice to it rang to true
There was to much detail to be a fake
Right down to the fucking Tattoo
And I hope my brother cover up the cunt
I think you've seen enough don't you
And you got the pictures from google earth
I bet you worked real hard to find someone that looked like me
Then you came back for more
So what's up with that score
Your just a mind fuck where ever you go?
Or you just couldn't find anything to top the show