Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Systematically they are pricing us out of the right to live
This will be the death of my neighbors and my in-laws
The hardship that they endured last year on the 16% rise was phenomenal
This is all due to nothing but Wallstreet speculation
The world didn't just all of the sudden run out of everything this year
It's now time to just say no!
This country drove 11 billion miles less than the year before
And it did nothing but to raise the price of gas
We pump 283 million gallons of crude a month into salt pits
Crude is not the problem refining it is
We have a war lord for a president
Speculation on Wallstreet has brought this country to it's knees
And they don't fucking care
Their only objective is the jingle in their pocket
They don't care if you live or die
Or if your children and the rest of the world's starve to death
The questions to ask yourself now
Is it greed or was it planned
This fall due to weather manipulations there won't be much of a harvest anywhere
And what there is will not be afforded by you
Food will now take another jump in price due to Dows increase of 20% in plastics
Your food is encased in plastic so due to the rise in packaging costs you will now pay more
Which straw will be the straw that breaks the camels back