Friday, November 12, 2010

Doctors brace for Medicare pay cuts

Because this surgeon has to take a 25% pay cut, your health may be at risk.
Remember the hippocratic oath?
Money has become more important than easing the suffering.
How much sense does the new morality make anymore?
You know the part that says "Fuck you if you can't pay what I want than your problem is not my problem.
What do Doctors or Politicians or Financiers or Ball Players do that they should actually be paid anymore than a Teacher or a Cop or Construction Worker really?
What makes their lives so much more important than your own, that they must command outrageous amounts just to do their job?
Why is a nursery attendant paid any less than a Doctor, the job they do is right up there on the scale of importance if you stop to think about.
So is a Cops for that matter.
With out either one of them, if their serve is needed in your life and you can't count on them to do their job the health of your livelihood if not life can be placed in serious jeopardy.
No one is anymore important than anyone else in the job chain.
They only are if you allow them to believe they are.
Try doing without your garbageman, after a few weeks if that long of not servicing his route, you understand just how vital and important he is to the health and safety of the community.
It's time to get real people.
We can no longer afford those that think "WE" can can't do without them.
They also need to understand that they can't do with out "us".
The Doctors are now lobbying to do away with the pay cuts, they want the taxpayer to continue to foot the bill, and it's a bill that "WE" can no longer afford in the amounts that they wish to be paid for.
Something has to give and it cannot be the addition of more debt.
The prescription program that Bush pushed down our throat needs to go to. It wasn't something that "WE" could ever afford in the first place.
Caps should be put on medication prices, profiteering off of medical problems is just plain wrong, and should no longer be tolerated.

Breast cancer surgeon Kathryn Wagner has posted a warning in her waiting room about a different sort of risk to patients' health: She'll stop taking new Medicare cases if Congress allows looming cuts in doctors' pay to go through