Saturday, November 20, 2010

The arrogance of the TSA: submit or pay,0,5604032.story

America it's time to show these muther fuckers just who the hell pays their paycheck!
That's some big brass balls they swinging, and it's time to protest in mass at the airports!
We're not living in Germany's past, those bastards think they're the SS.
It wasn't just the Jews that were intimidated and persecuted in Germany.
Germany's own people were controlled by the government through fear and intimidation as well.
They were also forced to submit!
Lets show them, it AIN"T happening here.
We learned from Germany's experience.

$11,000 fine, arrest possible for some who refuse airport scans and pat downs

If you don't want to pass through an airport scanner that allows security agents to see an image of your naked body or to undergo the alternative, a thorough manual search, you may have to find another way to travel this holiday season.

The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) is warning that any would-be commercial airline passenger who enters an airport checkpoint and then refuses to undergo the method of inspection designated by TSA will not be allowed to fly and also will not be permitted to simply leave the airport.

That person will have to remain on the premises to be questioned by the TSA and possibly by local law enforcement. Anyone refusing faces fines up to $11,000 and possible arrest.