Saturday, November 20, 2010

Timmy Lies Again

Timmy actually thinks he or big Ben has credibility?...For real?
Coz from what I can see no one else does anymore, of course their change of tune might be just a simple case of CYA, which I'm pretty sure it is, due to the fact that a great many of them lined their own pockets off of the crap that Timmy, Hank, and Ben were and have been doing to lead the way back to safety for their bestest buddies at the investment banks.

How does the FED think it's going to create jobs? The only things I can see they're doing by monetizing the debt is
1)Trying to keep their own job,(If nobody buys Gov debt, there's not much left for them to do) as well as holding their bestest buddies heads above water so they don't drown in their own insolvency.
2)By monetizing the Gov debt it keeps all of those defense contractors working,( hey without them how would we be able to participate in the wars)
God knows our Military can't take care of itself anymore, and they even admit it. Which by the way is down right embarrassing, as well as a huge waste of money. It seems to me like it a double dip at this point, one or the other has to go. "WE" can only afford to keep one.
On a personal note I wonder, (because Timmy just shot his mouth off in talking down to the Republicans) how long he will get to keep his title?
You can't call it a job, because he takes no salary from the Treasury position. Which kind of has to make you wonder why the hell the government would allow him to make any decisions at all doesn't it?
It ain't like he works for us and can be held responsible.

Timmy Lies Again

You knew he couldn't keep his mouth shut, right?

U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy F. Geithner said the Obama administration would oppose any effort to strip the Federal Reserve of its mandate to pursue full employment and warned Republicans against politicizing the central bank.

“It is very important to keep politics out of monetary policy,” Geithner said in an interview airing on Bloomberg Television’s “Political Capital with Al Hunt” this weekend. “You want to be very careful not to take steps that hurt our credibility.”

You have to have something in order to lose it.