Saturday, November 20, 2010

President Obama: Stop Lying (TSA)

What Karl forgot to mention here is that our government was also video taping this man while he lit up his underwear!
Yes that's right, now ask yourself WHY they would do something like that.
From start to finish this was a setup to scare the piss out of you again, so Michael Chertoff (and George Sorros by the way) could make an extra boat load of money off those crappy naked scanners.
Hot damned if it didn't work to.
Homeland Security has gotta go. Who actually needs another procurement officer for the United States, we have enough of those already.
The FBI needs to take back it's rightful place and get rid of the Nazi's that stole it.
America haven't you had enough of being afraid of the boogeyman.

Listen very carefully Mr. President: You're on the wrong side of this.

Obama said he's told the U.S. Transportation Security Administration: "You have to constantly refine and measure whether what we're doing is the only way to assure the American people's safety. And you also have to think through, are there ways of doing it that are less intrusive."

At this point, that agency and counterterrorism experts have told him that the current procedures are the only ones that they think can effectively guard against threats such as last year's attempted Christmas-day bombing. A Nigerian man is accused of trying to set off a bomb hidden in his underwear aboard a flight from Amsterdam with nearly 300 people aboard.

Mr. President. Let's get something clear here.

First: That Nigerian boarded a flight into the US without a passport. He did so because someone from our Government overrode the protocol requiring that he have one, like everyone else. But for that act, which someone in your government took, he couldn't have gotten on the plane.