Friday, November 12, 2010

Ohio Faces Budget Shortfall

Ohio why are you worried?
Band together and demand that the Investment Banks give back all those recording fees your rightfully owed.
People it's time to stop being stupid here.
The Banks don't have a legal leg to stand on, take back whats rightfully yours and you have no deficit!
Common sense "People"
This advise goes for every state in the Nation!
They owe you!
If you don't get it it's only because your Attorney General fucked you over.
So make sure it does not happen by giving them a little call.

The cuts are coming to Ohio when the state faces a budget shortfall next year.

Everything from Medicaid to education will feel the cuts and Ohio's two top lawmakers admit it won't be pretty, ONN's Jim Heath reported on Thursday.

"Buckle your seat belts because it won't be done quickly," said incoming House Speaker, Rep. William Batchelder (R-Medina). "It's not something you can do without pain."

"Yes, there will be people uncomfortable with some of the cuts, but that's part of the process of deciding," said Sen. Tim Niehaus.

Ohio's budget is around $50 billion and the state faces a shortfall of up to $8 billion.

The federal government likely won't send anymore stimulus money to Ohio and Republicans have vowed no tax increases.

"I think the education community is nervous about what's going to happen," said Damon Asbury from the Ohio School Board Association.