Wednesday, November 17, 2010

It's Not Just About Flying! By Jim Kirwan

Yeah kids "WE" got a big problem.
You only think the "pat-down" at the airport is bad, what are you going to do when Viper has them placed in every government building there is?
Paying your property tax or a ticket are in the realm of the everyday.
How long will it be before schools require it as a prerequisite to government funding?
Think about it!

That is where we are today; but here's the kicker. Firstly TSA is expanding into VIPER which will take their road-show to the bus terminals and train stations of America and that will end freedom of movement throughout the nation. But there's the part that few have actually noticed. Up until now these procedures have only been publicly used at the airports and at a few bus terminals: But the plan is to use them at all government offices as well. That might sound tame but think about that for one silent minute! That means that every time you have to go to court, to the police station or the tax office you will be subjected to Chertoff's-Curse and in most of those cases there will be NO ALTERNATIVE to the scanner and the pat-down; because if you do not appear at the government office-then guess what-It's jail or worse