Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Visible Intermodal Protection and Response:VIPER

Oh I forgot about the "little bracelets"
People it's time to call a halt to Homeland Security. "WE" as a nation cannot afford it, nor should "WE" continue to tolerate it.
Just exactly why was the Patriot act extended again by Obama?
The answer would be so that the government could still legally keep tabs on you as well as your phone company.
And Israel is making out like a big dog with all of these extra security opportunities. They train your sheriffs and cops all under the guise of terrorism and in the effectual end, they themselves have become the terrorists.
Another thing you might want to ask yourself is how "WE" can have people in political positions that have sworn to put Israel above all else.
Now that's just getting fuckin freaky!
Google it, it's there! And there is no excuse for it
It's called TREASON.
"WE" are the United States of America,
Not Israel

"November 13, 2010 "Salon" - - Soon-to-be GOP House Majority Leader Eric Cantor met on Wednesday with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu -- the same day when the actual U.S. Secretary of State met with Netanyahu -- and vowed that he and his GOP colleagues would protect and defend Israeli interests against his own Government.
According to a statement proudly issued by Cantor's own office:
Regarding the midterms, Cantor may have given Netanyahu some reason to stand firm against the American administration.

"TSA officials who spoke on the condition of anonymity said the agency is expanding training for a limited group of screeners at other airports in preparation for the holiday travel season. Those airports serve Los Angeles , Miami , Dallas-Fort Worth, Cincinnati , New York , Houston , Detroit and Chicago . TSA spokeswoman Yolanda Clark said the techniques include taking notice of high levels of stress, anxiety or deception. 'This is a part of a larger effort to add more complex layers of security that cannot be manipulated by those seeking to do us harm,' Clark said."

Imagine showing up at the airport and being handed a little device ­ a bracelet that will serve as your boarding pass; it would track your lost luggage, and it would also shock you with the same power as a Taser if you 'get outta line.' A top official with the Department of Homeland Security (name not provided) has expressed interest in these so-called "safety bracelets" So is this really the future of Air Travel?