Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Bobby Jindal: Make Congress part-time

The reality of the United States federal deficit makes this idea one for serious consideration. Rather than pay them to stay out of Washington, lets just cut their pay as well as their benefits to a part time position, and the time they do need to be in session, should only be used for the most serious of considerations.
Lobbyist should be against the law period. The dominance of their bought positions, has ruined everything this nation stands for.
It's time for a change to put this nation back on an even footing, and Governor Jindal's proposal does just that.

Louisiana Republican Gov. Bobby Jindal wants members of Congress to stay home more often.

“We used to pay farmers not to grow crops, let's pay congressmen to stay out of Washington, D.C.,” Jindal said in an interview with Human Events. “Mark Twain said that our liberty, our wallets were safest when the legislature's not in session.”

Jindal, himself a former congressman, said once elected, many lawmakers become entrenched in Washington and become the very people they once campaigned against