Sunday, November 28, 2010

Portland Mayor, Police Chief discuss return to Joint Terrorism Task Force

What's that smell?
Take a big wiff
It has all the makings of a fake fart to me
How convienent for Portland, that MO should decide to take up the cause of jihadary now,
Damned if it wasn't just in time to help in making that crucial decision for Portland to rejoin the Joint Terrorism Task Force.
I mean hell if they had been participating in the Terrorism Task force maybe the Mayor might have known there was a situation before the arrest was made.
Read the second link kids this story stinks to high heaven.
Made the TSA look neccasary again didn't it?

Motive for Portland false flag revealed: Portland Mayor Sam Adams, Police Chief Mike Reese discuss return to Joint Terrorism Task Force 27 Nov 2010 Portland Mayor Sam Adams and Police Chief Mike Reese have discussed for months whether Portland should rejoin the Joint Terrorism Task Force, a multi-agency group that investigated Friday's failed plot to set off a bomb downtown. Five years ago, Portland became the first city in the nation to withdraw from the FBI-led task force. In April 2005, the City Council voted 4-1 to withdraw its two police officers from the federal task force. Then-Mayor Tom Potter cited the potential for trespasses against civil liberties and an inability to oversee Portland officers who would be deputized as federal agents... Adams did not know about the plot to detonate a bomb at the tree lighting at Pioneer Courthouse Square until after Mohamed Osman Mohamud's arrest Friday night. [Right, they purposely kept him in the dark, to exert pressure on Portland to rejoin the JTTF.]

Portland suspect: typical teen, dedicated jihadist?

Friends called him "Mo," and one remembered him as the "class clown." He drank beer, followed the Portland Trail Blazers, and liked hip-hop music. He sometimes worshipped at a local Muslim center but wasn't devout.