Tuesday, July 22, 2008


Oh look another great benefit of our quirky little economy
The death rates are down on traffic accidents, and it's saving us so much wear and tear on those roads.
I'm sure that it might be a tad distressing to the boys in black this summer, but just think of all the windfall profits they'll make this winter from all the homeless freezing to death.
One must always look on the bright side of these kinds of things now mustn't one lol.
Because pro-active is so much better than re-active.
This has all been such an enlightening experience and it's been so helpful to the American people
in learning how to deal with those little added stress levels.
Look how well they are learning the difference between a want and a need.
They are just having the times of their life trying to decide.
I just love a good learning experience don't you?
That's just what makes life worth living for by all means
Now we can all learn to really enjoy the fruits of our labors and share them with those that truly deserve to reap the benefits of our gratitude for allowing us the pleasure of this fine experience.