Friday, July 25, 2008

Heart Aussie wasn't paper cuts
And jellyroll wasn't a doe-nut
It was the dark of something nasty
And you called the code red on that roll up

I can't tell if that was a supposed save me
Or the assassins knife that binds
All I know is it touched my soul
And left an impression on my mind

I do try to see both sides
From that long distance point of view
It's some money making Enterprise
According to Tiffany's video view

This is the ultimate mosh pit of goulash
I see everything but what's true
This is Mickey mouse and Minnie
From a cartoon point of view

And I can't tell if you want a cock-tale
Or someones getting smacked
And razor cuts aren't funny
They leave the skin quite cracked

I can take the head fuck
But not if your messing with some else's mind
You say you did a walk out
Then why are the coincidences there to find