Monday, October 25, 2010

So Much For Bank Claims That Nothing is Wrong with Foreclosures: 4450 Foreclosures Halted In NYC Due to Inaccuracies

Lol please be sure to read the third comment down, it's priceless.

LJR says:
October 24, 2010 at 7:29 pm
Response from a Banker:

After the dramatic multi-state foreclosure halts by three major servicers, GMAC, Bank of America, and JP Morgan, over the use of improper, “robo signed” affidavits, the new party line from these banks and others who also used robo signers, like Wells Fargo, is that this was a mere “technical” problem, that they had reviewed ten of thousands of pending foreclosures and claimed the underlying information and processes were sound.

A review by the New York Daily News indicates otherwise. Note that New York is a judicial foreclosure state. Be sure to read down to the sentence I boldfaced