Saturday, October 23, 2010

Janet passes on porn shot

450 of these scanners are going to be installed across the country by the end of the year (paid for by you of course)and they're not even mandatory.
Yes you have the right to opt out from showing off your personal body parts to, just like the the head of Homeland Security did for the sake of humility. Which is all one can assume, for Janet's refusal to be scanned.
Or else why wouldn't she do it?

Department of Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano yesterday hailed them as an important breakthrough for airport security and the fight against terrorism.

Yet when it came to testing the devices - which produce chalky, naked X-ray images of passengers - she turned the floor over to some brave volunteers

Going through one is optional for all travelers, but Napolitano hoped to ease any fears that airport staff would use them to leer at passengers.