Monday, October 25, 2010

New Library Technologies Dispense With Librarians .

The library of tomorrow leaves no option for those who don't own a computer.
If that's the case or your elderly and don't use a computer, your just shit out of luck.
This is so wrong on so many levels that it's obvious NO ONE thought this idea fully through.

HUGO, Minn.—In this suburb of St. Paul, the new library branch has no librarians, no card catalog and no comfortable chairs in which to curl up and read.
This is so wrong on so many levels that it's obvious NO ONE thought this idea fully through.

.Instead, the Library Express is a stack of metal lockers outside city hall. When patrons want a book or DVD, they order it online and pick it up from a digitally locked, glove-compartment- sized cubby a few days later. It's a library as conceived by the generation.

Faced with layoffs and budget cuts, or simply looking for ways to expand their reach, libraries around the country are replacing traditional, full-service institutions with devices
and approaches that may be redefining what it means to have a library