Tuesday, October 26, 2010

"The Abuse of Entrusted Power for Private Gain"


Too cool,
Check the graphics lol

This morning American's will wake up to learn that Transparency International no longer thinks the United States deserves to be included in the top 20 least corrupt countries in the group's Corruption Perceptions Index.

Globally, we are now ranked number 22, just behind Chile which is ranked number 21. Among our peers in the Americas, we are ranked fourth behind Canada, Barbados and Chile, in that order. Just behind us are Uruguay, Puerto Rico, Costa Rica, Dominica, Brazil and Cuba, which is in tenth place (not too shabby).

This is the lowest score the US has ever scored in the index. It is apparently attributable in good part to the loss of public confidence in public institutions caused by the financial crisis as well as the flood of corporate campaign spending enabled by decisions of our beloved Supreme Court.

We may not be at the bottom next to Somalia and Myanmar, but we are clearly not at the top next to Denmark and New Zealand. Does 22nd place empower Tim Geithner to fly around Asia lecturing everyone else on the piety of the American system? I can tell you what they think out here