Wednesday, October 27, 2010

TARP surprise

Lol Ok I understand the newspaper subscription.
Lets face it the OFS (Office of Financial Stability) probably had a lot of spare time on their hands. Let face it they knew where the TARP money was going before they ever got it, straight to the top, of the elite banks.
And you didn't think the buddy system worked lol.
The ATF expenditure seems to say all by itself, that the OFS was a tad worried about how America felt about being screwed by their own government and wanted to stay on top of developments that might be forth coming because of that reaction.

For instance, an “interagency agreement” provided two separate payments, one of $243,740, another of $63,248, for detailees from the Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms (though why the Office of Financial Stability required ATF services is unclear, but one can assume a certain expertise in financial flows).