Monday, October 25, 2010

Dylan Ratigan: With Bill Black, Time To BOOM

Bill Black worked the S&L meltdown back in the 80's.
He had over 1 thousand arrests.
He knows what he's talking about.
Where are the arrests.
We have people confessing right and left about the wrong doing.
So why is the government still trying to push it under the rug.
Hey man, the government is actually running the same pattern it ran with Enron.
They investigated that to and then found no wrong doing.
Remember Ken Lay was convicted.
Remember how buddy buddy he was with Bush?
Remember Cheney and all his secret meeting with select CEO's?
Obama just did that remember?
Corporate America advises our government or lobbies them in to submission.
Ken Lay lobbied for 6 years to get the deregulation of utilities.
George Bush helped him make it a reality when he was Governor of TX.
Electricity should never be sold or traded as a "for profit".
It affects peoples lives. Electricity is a necessity, it's not something most people can decide to do without, like a new car or buying a house.