Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Clearinghouse Appeals Fed Record Order (FOIA)


Well, Karl has just broached the 64 thousand dollar question.
Do we still have a Constitutional Republic, or was it disolved in 1933, when the corporation of America went bankrupt?
And do the Federal Reserve, the World Bank, and the IMF hold the legal rights to direct and control this country?

QE2 will destroy what's left of the dollar and cause massive hardship for a majority of the United States citizens, and yet our government, elected by us, to represent us, stays mute and allows the FED total control.
It's time to demand to know the reason WHY?

It's also time to ask what does the FED have to hide!
Because what ever it is they don't want it to see the light of day.

The Federal Reserve must not be allowed to subvert The Constitution, and if we still have a Constitutional Republic, the US Supreme Court will so rule.