Sunday, October 24, 2010

Here We Go Again..... Dollar Debasement

Now do you believe your government has absolutely no control over the banks and the Federal Reserve?
They will have made a conscious decision to just let you starve, by allowing the FED to cater to Goldman's needs.
And they are needs, the banks need to get those unstable assets that they didn't really commit to the MBS investors out of their hair.
The FED itself is demanding that the banks buy them back because they're not a legally sound material as well as go against the written rules of the being eligible to be considered a viable MBS.
Goldman wants the FED to buy away their Fraud and embezzlement charges, in an out of sight out of mind kind of way.
From the President on down, they continue on with the false story of "there's really no problem here" when the fraud and embezzlement is so blatant that the banks themselves are admitting to it in sworn statements to the court.
It's past time to take our country back from these criminals.

Goldman came out with a report basically demanding (you know how these guys are) $4 trillion in money printing - so says the FX chatter and Zerohedge.

The result? The dollar took an instant header, down more than a 1/2% this evening alone.

How about the price of some of the things sensitive to threats of monetary debasement? These are all price changes since the futures started trading this evening - that is, they're six hour changes in price. These are all things you need to buy, either directly or indirectly.

Oil, up 1%.

Wheat, up 1.49%.

Corn, up 2.05%. (Oh yeah, and ethanol on your gas will soon be mandated to be 15%, not 10%.)

Soy, up 1.5%.

Rough Rice, up 1.51%.

Oats, up a stunning 4.27% (!)

Cotton is lock-limit up 500 ticks. To be fair there's a crop disruption related to Cotton, which is adding to the problem. Dollar debasement, of course, isn't helping.

Remember, these are all soft commodities we produce right here at home. These aren't import prices, they're home-grown products (excepting oil, of course.)

And they're moving - at anywhere from double to eight times the devaluation in the dollar.

The stock futures, of course, are skyrocketing, with the Dow futures up nearly 100 points. After all, everyone loves the market impact of you going broke trying to buy food - especially if you're not rich, and most of America isn't.

This is all quite impressive. And what's even more impressive is that Bernanke and our government will, of course, claim that there is "no inflation", because they don't count the rise in the price of food or energy - even though every person in America has to buy those things.

Bernanke's "inflation target" of 2% a year was just met - literally - in less than six hours.

But don't expect him to stop.

He's will do this every day for the rest of the year, and into next year.

He won't stop unless someone removes him from office.

And there is no indication that anyone is going to do that.

Remember, both the Republicans and Democrats love Ben Bernanke. Obama renominated him and both Republicans and Democrats have lauded him for allegedly "saving us from a second Depression" - even though it is now clear that he knew what the banks were doing and he lied to both Congress and The American People about it.

That is, the truth is that he helped the banks CAUSE the Depression we are in right now. In a just world and a nation of laws he'd be serving a life sentence breaking rocks.

We don't live in that world, and if you're not wealthy, you're screwed - on purpose - by these very people.

All you can do, America, is bend over and a find a stick for your teeth.